cook book spot cake balls


hello I am new to the site but have found that it can be quite informational. My name is Samantha and I'm a strong believer in healing through marijuana. I am taking a stand trying to get more involved, with that said I would like to share this I made them the other night and it came out wonderful!

I hope you all enjoy

what you will need

1 box cake mix
1 container of frosting
chocolate hardening shells


preheat the oven to the packaged directions. In a large bowl empty the cake mix into the bowl.

when making the cake substitute the water for milk, substitute oil for melted butter but double the amount (ex. if it calls for 1/3 c oil you'll use 2/3 melted butter), lastly add an extra egg then what it says on the box.

mix well. grease your pan I usually do this with canna butter as well. pour the cake mix into the pan.

when the cake is done and it is still warm you are going to crumble it into a large bowl once broken up add the frosting and mix well.

take a spoon or a melon baller and make balls from the cake mixture. place the balls onto a cookie sheet. once your cookie sheets are full melt the hardening chocolate then drizzle generously over the cake balls place in the freezer for a few minutes to help the chocolate harden. after, you can pull them out and store them in containers or zip-loc baggies.

very easy very yummy

hope you all enjoy!