Greenhouse Alaska, Round 1


Active Member
What up everybody, first time posting here but RiU has been useful to me many times over the years, so now I'm gonna give a little bit back to you guys. Long story short I've been growing for years, did a couple years in southern Humboldt county as a farm hand under some very experienced growers, and decided to head out on my own.

Long story short round 2, I'm back in Alaska. I've got a 33'x13' greenhouse, which i built a 30'x8'x20" bed in, and put 12 yards of dirt and a shit load of amendments in there.

I'll post pictures with commentary as soon as i figure out how.
The first round of tester plants went in may 11th. This was mostly to see how the strains we had would perform in the cold so that we knew what to plant later. 6 different strains went in. June.. 20th-ish we planted some 2 fast 2 vast autos, then a bunch more a few days later. Basically we fucked up real bad by starting them directly in the bed instead of pucks, and by not buying way more than we needed.

By the time we decided that only about half of them were going to grow, it was the 5th. So the partners got together to decide how fucked we were, and we decided that since the seedlings were all small enough except for one, we could just take big shovel fulls of dirt around the seedling and move the whole mess, hopefully without disturbing the roots any.

Basically we compromised by moving all the autos to the front of the bed (along with two other strains we wan inted to try out), and filling the difference with the best performers from the initial test grow.

The plants in the back are now big enough that we're basically not sure what to do about it, lol. By harvest we'll have to either rip half of those out, or extend the back of the greenhouse, if not put the whole fucking thing up on a 4' pony wall and a second layer of scrog.

As a matter of fact, we're not sure what to do at all. The whole greenhouse was supposed to be full of autos which we timed to harvest around mid August. Now we've got a greenhouse half full of plants that will basically need to be tarped starting around the last week of July, which will do somewhat of a disservice to the autos, but nothing compared to losing half the crop to the cold, unless we can figure out how to heat the hooper affordably.

Anyway, that's where we're at as of today. I'm watering with a compost tea whose recipe had to change a bit from what i learned in Humboldt due to some of those ingredients being unavailable or extravagantly expensive up here. I'm still dialing it in, but at the moment it consists of:

16 cups compost
4 cups nitro bat guano
½ cup bone meal
2 cups worm castings
1.5 tbs organic potassium sulfate 0-0-50
3 tbs 35% humic acid powder
1 tsb mykos
1tsp great white
1.5 cups 5-1-1 fish emulsion


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Tough crowd around here, eh?

I forgot to mention strains: the back test area has two MTF x Northern Lights (from a guy that's been cloning and breeding them for 30 years, yes it's the real thing- we only got the strain because he died and his friends raided his grow room, lol), one BC mango, one Grape God, one White Russian, and two strains i personally bred from my favorites that we worked with in Humboldt: two different moms, one dad. I haven't named them yet, but if anybody wants to nerd out I'll type all that shit up.

Oh, the middle plants are all white Russian and grape God, with an Agent Orange thrown in, and in the front row there's a Black Domina and a Nordic Kalashnikov.
Good luck with your grow. No experience in cold climates growing though do have some friends from palmer area. Why the reason you think you fucked up by starting autos in final home? and why so many auto's in the "regular" season there rather than some photos, since you are in greenhouse?
I mean we fucked up by not starting them in some kind of pucks because autos can get really, really unhappy if you transplant them for whatever reason. They have a tendency to look normal after transplant, and then grow normally until they start budding, and then they make some weird shit that's almost like normal bud except it doesn't stack up right or get trichs on it. Not a guarantee that it will happen, but it can. Not sure what's up with that, but the guy that told us about this strain warned us and I've seen it happen to people online.

Not sure what you mean by this "and why so many auto's in the "regular" season there rather than some photos, since you are in greenhouse?" But here's a close up of the auto area of the bed


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Yeah, there's ~22 autos in the front and the rest are regular full term plants. The reason is to hedge our bets in both directions, basically in case mother nature says, "Hey you- yes you three. Fuck you" and dumps snow on us in September. The autos will finish around August 15th.
Got some more net up yesterday, waiting for the autos to get a bit bigger so they can all get tied down once and then we'll finish it.


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The 2 Fast 2 Vast has this crazy growth spurt that it does, and I'm starting to get better at judging the point where it happens. The trick seems to be to tie them down right before it happens, then the side growth goes totally nuts during the growth spurt. The guy that told us about this strain actually said there are two growth spurts, the one that randomly got huge has already gone thru the second spurt. Here's some pics, of autos in various stages, the big one will be obvious, which is the one I'm keeping a close eye on to know what to do with the rest (the guy who told us about this strain also said that the magic number of tops for this strain is 9- basically he lives, sleeps, eats, and breathes autos and this is his favorite so far), and you can see from the pic looking up under the scrog in the back that pretty soon here it will be time to clean out the extra crap under the canopy that isn't getting light anyway- we're almost ready to start taking clones for this winter, so it will both keep us going with moms as well as keep the plants focusing in the right direction. In the mean time, we actually don't mind them wasting some energy because we're afraid of what will happen if we let them focus too early, lol.


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The one auto that randomly went nuts immediately and got twice as big as it's brethren finally started crowning. If they all get about this big before they start, they're going to do really, really well.

Happy 4th of July!


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Got a few more autos budding or crowning now, a couple of them are still pretty small, i definitely agree with many of the 2fast2vast reviews I've read- the plants that do well do very well, but the ones that don't, don't do well. The strain just needs more work.

But even the ones that just didn't really grow look happy, same as everything else. Here's a fresh pic of the farthest along auto.


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Looking good bro. I'm rocking the exact same greenhouse in oregon. I love the single bed. This year on my indoor I'll be running a 3k bed with 12 plants in it. I'd love to nerd out on your hybrids and even your amendments. I've got a thread going somewhere in the outdoor section with my adventures. Stop by and take a look.image.jpeg
Looking good bro. I'm rocking the exact same greenhouse in oregon. I love the single bed. This year on my indoor I'll be running a 3k bed with 12 plants in it. I'd love to nerd out on your hybrids and even your amendments. I've got a thread going somewhere in the outdoor section with my adventures. Stop by and take a look.View attachment 3737523
There's not going to be any room in there when you start to flower.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Rollitup mobile app
There's not going to be any room in there when you start to flower.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Rollitup mobile app
I am starting light dep on it tonight coincidentally. I think there are a couple places I'll be on my hands and knees in a couple weeks but i think I'll make it.
Looking good bro. I'm rocking the exact same greenhouse in oregon. I love the single bed. This year on my indoor I'll be running a 3k bed with 12 plants in it. I'd love to nerd out on your hybrids and even your amendments. I've got a thread going somewhere in the outdoor section with my adventures. Stop by and take a look.

Nice! Yeah it looks like you'll have some space issues in there in a few weeks, but at least all your plants look like they're somewhat mobile. Looks like a couple are sativa heavy hybrids in there? I'm jealous of your latitude, we would have to start pulling a tarp in early July here to have enough time to finish the heavy sativas that i like best.

We got our pony wall built and installed over the last couple of days, today we batten one end of the tarp down and build some kind of scaffold so we can actually pull it over the greenhouse. Here's a quick shot of the inside


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Amshif87 i couldn't tell from that pic you posted here that most of those plants are actually planned in the ground, so never mind the comment about them being mobile :p

It's been raining a lot here for weeks now, humidity is generally higher in the greenhouse than I'd like, but no sign of PM yet. I need to start running a dehydrator in there at night when the tarp is pulled, which means i need to buy 250 feet of electrical wire... Kind of a pain but i guess it needs to be done.
OK, update time: basically, the terrible weather continued for most of the 6 weeks after my last post. Lots of pics happened, some of which are potentially lost forever due to a hard drive crash, more exist but I'll have to spend some time digging them out of my computer. Maybe tomorrow i will have time.

We started pulling the tarp August 3rd. By this point all the autos were well on their way, and everything else was crowning nicely by a week later. We did get ahold of the wiring needed to run a dehumidifier while the tarp was on- it obviously did fuck all to run it during the day since a huge greenhouse outside is nothing remotely like a closed system.

To deal with falling temps, we built a small building (6'x8'x6.5' tall) next to one end of the greenhouse, put in a barrel stove, and pumped in hot air via an insulated pipe at soil level, using a large fan to distribute the heat under the canopy.

Sadly, we lost several ounces off the autos due to grey mold. A couple of them got cut down right before we started pulling the tarp to make room for plants in 3 gallon pots with the bottoms cut off, just to test other strains. Some of the autos did fantastic, some were basically just shit. All told we got around 2.5# off the remaining autos. We harvested them around September 20th.

The other half of the plants got cut down... October 9th iirc? Many of these did perfectly well for themselves, some started out trash and ended trash- somebody else had done the cloning and then basically took shit care of them, and we weren't around to make sure they weren't getting all fucked up. So there were probably 10 or so that basically contributed a couple decent colas each. Final weight off the non autos was close to 3#.

All told, we got a bit under 6# total, and made 4oz oil and wax from the trimmings.

Weight was low in the end despite how good everything looked on most of the plants. Why? Density, density, density. So much of what we trimmed in the end just got mulched up and made into wax or smoked, it was kind of sickening.

What did we learn? Mother nature is a fickle bitch up around the 61st parallel, and while last year would have been an absolutely stellar year, this year was crap. If i do it again next year, I'll build a structure that runs East/West, the North wall will be insulated, the South will be angled and made of glass, there will be electricity inside to run fans and a dehumidifier, and there will be a wood stove. It will be sealed from the elements, and I'll have supplemental lighting for longer periods of clouds, I'll plant everything from good clones the second or third week of May, and I'll start pulling the tarp July first.

Part of the problem was also that the plants got a lot bigger than i expected- the intensity of the Alaska sun in June is no joke- and so the distance between the soil and the net was too long; there was lots and lots of bare stem on the plants, up to 30% more than i anticipated, despite the net only being 4" higher than I'm used to working with.

But fuck it, it was mostly fun, and it was still satisfying to try something so ridiculous and still get a harvest to show for it. Here's a few nugs of my favorite flavors.


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