Hillary can't be trusted

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Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Lets see transcripts of Hillary's million dollar "speeches" to Goldman Sachs. Liberal deflection once again. Trump is under audit, you don't release statements under audit. That's legally idiotic. Hillary was cheer-leading at Goldman Sachs during their felony conviction for shorting their own clients. I think you need your priorities straightened out.

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Clees, know when to fold em'. You're not articulating an argument with all your purple prose. A mellifluous ad hom is still an ad hom. Don't let me hurt your feelings, bruh.


Well-Known Member
Lets see transcripts of Hillary's million dollar "speeches" to Goldman Sachs. Liberal deflection once again. Trump is under audit, you don't release statements under audit. That's legally idiotic. Hillary was cheer-leading at Goldman Sachs during their felony conviction for shorting their own clients. I think you need your priorities straightened out.
smoke screen.....Trump is so shady he is ALWAYS under audit.....he cannot be trusted.
Giving speeches is not the same as what you report on your taxes.....not even close


Well-Known Member
Clees, know when to fold em'. You're not articulating an argument with all your purple prose. A mellifluous ad hom is still an ad hom. Don't let me hurt your feelings, bruh.
Lets get back to my starting point. Trump is an underdog. It is undisputed.

You said Anyone financially literate is voting for Trump, that is a critical thinking failure, and plain old false, bullshit, a joke etc.

You are an assclown gone off the rails.

Dude "hurt feelings" no. Youre creepy as fuck. You are like the 1000th half wit stating the same tiresome trump drivel. Its rote to dismiss this meritless nonsense. Your other rants and gasbagging are disposable as well. Youre alone in imagining that you make sense or that i think of you as anything more that a riu jackass.
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Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Okay, how's your knowledge of tax code for a company with over 10k employees multi-nationally? Ever file taxes for a small business? You get audited, that isn't a bad thing, it just means you have revenue streams that are hard to adequately declare and might need oversight to ensure accuracy. Trump isn't hiding income while running for president, no one would be that stupid (oops Clinton Foundation).

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Lets get back to my starting point. Trump is an underdog. It is undisputed.

You said Anyone financially literate is voting for Trump, that is a critical thinking failure, and plain old false, bullshit, a joke etc.

You are an assclown gone off the rails.
All I'm seeing is a bunch of ad hom. Put down the dictionary and pick up a debate manual. You cannot service an argument with name calling, come on school boy.


Well-Known Member
where was the support for Trump from the major players in the Republican party at the RNC convention?...the Bushes? any of the senators or congressmen up for re-election? None of them want to be seen with Trump, they bailed on him....he's political poison

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Um, from the point of view of voters, it would appear that Bush was political poison along with party establishment. Trump called their unconstitutional boondoggle in the middle-east (and their meal ticket) for what it is. These people are so far disconnected from their base, they think we appreciate a crumbling economy to finance Lockheed's $50,000 toilet seats. Trump is toppling their apple cart. Establishment republicans are pissed because they are facing the consequences of their venality.

Again, Trump received more votes than any republican candidate in history.


Well-Known Member
Um, from the point of view of voters, it would appear that Bush was political poison along with party establishment. Trump called their unconstitutional boondoggle in the middle-east (and their meal ticket) for what it is. These people are so far disconnected from their base, they think we appreciate a crumbling economy to finance Lockheed's $50,000 toilet seats. Trump is toppling their apple cart. Establishment republicans are pissed because they are facing the consequences of their venality.

Again, Trump received more votes than any republican candidate in history.
He got more no votes than any nominee....ever

Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
You see adhom because youve been cornered unable to defend your preposterous claims.

Clown, you are shown as an ass.
Oh I see, I'm wrong because I'm an assclown? I'm right because I'm a purple elephant that lives on the moon. I gave you sourced arguments, you gave back name calling because I called your gambling habit a money burner. Sorry kiddo, last response from this elephant.


Well-Known Member
I think this new guy is a trump shill. He is trying to rile up people so he can post some more of his bullshit.

That's how shills operate. :lol:


Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Oh get real, as if Trump need shills. You're thinking of Correct the Record, now there's your shills. People have different opinions than you, IMPOSSIBLE.


Well-Known Member
Your responses are very scatter-brained. Either you're confusing the suggested answers in the company template, or you've forgotten your how-to training. I'm sure that you're new to the job, so keep trying.


Milliardo Peacecraft

Well-Known Member
Get over yourself dude, how is anything I'm saying scatterbrained? I'm an LED grower, I've got plenty of grow knowledge if you want to check out my CLU048 thread. I think I'm the only guy actually implementing those chips at the moment, calling me a shill because I hurt your feelings is pretty weak man. I know how to formulate and argument, I know that's alien to RIU, but you'll see the occasional unicorn in your hug-box.
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