I have Spider mites in atleast 1 tent

They bite the leaves it's a systematic poisoning, so yes

So will the plant recover if I get it under control?? Will the yield be the same with mites, how about flower time longer?? I have 4 tents and the mites are just in 1 out of 4 tents and they were mostly on the 1 plant.
Azamax is good if you drenched them with it last night I'd wait a day or two to do it again if I were you ....it doesn't kill on contact in my experience ...supposedly messes up there feeding and kills them that way .....I usually do a neem azamax combo with a drop of dawn dish soap if I see them ......I alternate between neem and AZA for prevention works well ....I'm all about prevention measures ....good luck

Is neem for flowering or just veg??
Is neem for flowering or just veg??
I will normally use neem during the veg stage to prevent pests il alternate between the two aza and neem .....but if it comes down to it and I'm not late late into flower il use neem if mites are present I just adjust how much neem I add with my aza that's all ......but you should be ok with aza by itself for now ....just remember if they persist some types of mites/bugs can become immune ......but straight aza may take care of your issue ....I'd treat all the plants in that room though not just the one ....I'm sure you know that though .....but I have used neem during flower before if need be
I will normally use neem during the veg stage to prevent pests il alternate between the two aza and neem .....but if it comes down to it and I'm not late late into flower il use neem if mites are present I just adjust how much neem I add with my aza that's all ......but you should be ok with aza by itself for now ....just remember if they persist some types of mites/bugs can become immune ......but straight aza may take care of your issue ....I'd treat all the plants in that room though not just the one ....I'm sure you know that though .....but I have used neem during flower before if need be

Yeah I always spray azamax every 10 days, but stop around day 40 of flower. My tents only open on 1 side so I kind of spray half-ass and also only been using low dosage, but now will use high dosage.
I will normally use neem during the veg stage to prevent pests il alternate between the two aza and neem .....but if it comes down to it and I'm not late late into flower il use neem if mites are present I just adjust how much neem I add with my aza that's all ......but you should be ok with aza by itself for now ....just remember if they persist some types of mites/bugs can become immune ......but straight aza may take care of your issue ....I'd treat all the plants in that room though not just the one ....I'm sure you know that though .....but I have used neem during flower before if need be

One plant is about 10 days away from harvest and looks great the other about 15 days away and looks great... I usually don't spray azamax this late in flowering.. U think I should with no mites and only 10 and 15 days away??
One plant is about 10 days away from harvest and looks great the other about 15 days away and looks great... I usually don't spray azamax this late in flowering.. U think I should with no mites and only 10 and 15 days away??
If there's no mites than no I wouldn't
I've had to before which your supposed to be able to spray up to the day of harvest .......I've had to spray before really late into flower I just try to very very lightly mist the buds and get the leaves good ......however if your seeing no activity and was applying it before for prevention then play it by ear just keep an eye on em .......if there's none on some you may have applied enough before to keep em off .....
Next year in the spring gonna drenched my yard and around my house with some outdoor shit that kills bugs.
bad idea, for every 1 pest in a garden there are 1700 other species of insects that are either beneficial or cause no harm. wake up people, the best fertilizer comes from bugs shit.
I have had spider mites in my garden for just over a year now, maybe 2, I have not given up on more than a plant or 2, at this point I have no webbing whatsoever. I buy beneficial insects every other week.

I find it funny how people freak the fuck out when they see pest in the garden. be proactive, don't spray anything else than water, have fun, it's gardening. you should be worried only if you see no pests, means your benes are either starving or not there either.

The very first thing to do when you see pest in the garden is to spray water to knock them off...
You will need to address this on your next grow a cleaning and maybe a bug bomb, that get in carpet and on clothes

Anyone here use SNS 209?

Essentially it is Rosemary oil. After about 5 waterings it is in the plant and supposedly if Mites or aphids bit the plants they get rosemeric acid which they do not like. I am not trying to pimp the product just trying to see if others have used it. I bought some for about $20 bucks and it makes 60 gallons. My thought is spraying and hopefully this will ensure they stay off the plants.

Bayer has a product like this that works for white flies on Palm trees.
I will normally use neem during the veg stage to prevent pests il alternate between the two aza and neem .....but if it comes down to it and I'm not late late into flower il use neem if mites are present I just adjust how much neem I add with my aza that's all ......but you should be ok with aza by itself for now ....just remember if they persist some types of mites/bugs can become immune ......but straight aza may take care of your issue ....I'd treat all the plants in that room though not just the one ....I'm sure you know that though .....but I have used neem during flower before if need be

Ok update: Sprayed azamax 2 days ago medium application, 1 day ago removed most lower fans that had mites that were mostly dead then sprayed heavy dosage and heavy amount of azamax. Last night went to the local hydro store and the owner recommednd Mighty wash by NKP industries. Tommorrow I'm gonna use the mighty wash. When is the best time to spray the mighty wash?? the beginning, middle, or end of lights off????
BAD NEwS,,, the state of oregon ( we have legal weed here),, has put might wash on the BANNED LIST!!! it contains ingrediants not on the bottle list,, primary it contains pyrethrins

never use pyrethrins, they will effect your nervous systems,,,

Have you tried Green Cleaner?

The guys at the local store say it is very good. I think the major ingredient is soybean oil.
Yes anytime I'm guna spray my girls rather it's indoor or out it's always at the beginning of there dark time ....I'm not familiar with that wash though ...sounds like Tim fox is though ......how the mites looking after the aza treatment ...
Yes anytime I'm guna spray my girls rather it's indoor or out it's always at the beginning of there dark time ....I'm not familiar with that wash though ...sounds like Tim fox is though ......how the mites looking after the aza treatment ...
azamax is truthful on thier labeling, and is approved for use in legal rec states,
I for one use some of the not allowed mitacides, but only in very early veg, so its all gone by late flower,,
just think that mighty wash users should know they are putting a banned substance onto thier plants in late flower and there for are smoking pyrithins,, un knowingly