Does this look ready. Blue dream

Luke.. it's a myth that if you don't flush your smoke will be harsh and taste bad?? I know a good cure is important but what about flush?
Excerpt from grow weed easy 7 cannabis growing myths:
Myth #4 “Flushing plants with plain water removes chemicals.”

Flushing your plants in the last two weeks of a grow is one the most common pieces of knowledge when it comes to pre-harvest time.

So is flushing your plants before harvest a good idea? Yes. But not for the reason that most people think…

Any time you feed your plants, they intake nutrients which - in too-high amounts - are not able to be used by the plants and therefore can add a 'chemically' taste to your buds. Flushing in the last two weeks gives your plant a chance to “drink water” without extra minerals to further alter the taste. It also clears out any build up of excess minerals or nutrient salts in your medium (such as coco coir, or water for DWC).

However, flushing does not "leach out" nutrients/minerals that are already in the buds. While your plant can use up extra stored nutrients in the leaves of the plant, this does not remove a "chemical" taste from your buds if you've provided too many nutrients throughout the flowering stage.

Many people believe that flushing with plain water takes nutrients (and thus bad taste) out of the buds, in a sense, returning them to their ‘natural flavor’. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case.

When it comes to ensuring good taste and smell of your cannabis plants, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Instead of relying on the flush to prevent extra nutrients from being stored in your buds, it's better to avoid ever giving the plant more nutrients than it can use in the first place. That means keeping nutrient levels as low as you can throughout the grow while preventing nutrient deficiencies.
Yeah. Flushing is stupid dude.

Just trying to get you to think about it
Flushing DOES remove all chemical that the plant will not use before harvest - flushing does all so help/aid in the plant to up-take what nutrients are in soil from your grow - figure all the "chemical" you have feed it - might take a while for the soil to rid its self of the nutrients use thru grow (4 months!) with the plant using all in last two weeks before harvest. Man you are cleaning the plant !!!
Flushing DOES remove all chemical that the plant will not use before harvest - flushing does all so help/aid in the plant to up-take what nutrients are in soil from your grow - figure all the "chemical" you have feed it - might take a while for the soil to rid its self of the nutrients use thru grow (4 months!) with the plant using all in last two weeks before harvest. Man you are cleaning the plant !!!
Got any studies? Can you explain botanically how the plant "cleans " itself?
Flushing DOES remove all chemical that the plant will not use before harvest - flushing does all so help/aid in the plant to up-take what nutrients are in soil from your grow - figure all the "chemical" you have feed it - might take a while for the soil to rid its self of the nutrients use thru grow (4 months!) with the plant using all in last two weeks before harvest. Man you are cleaning the plant !!!
Your not "cleaning the plant", whatever that is. Water from the root zone dosn't magically "flush out the flowers".
Your starving it when it needs the nutrients the most.
See last post by me (scroll down to 5th post) Hope this helps fro better understanding of
I read the article. But like all the flushing advice out there, there is no explanation of how it works. There is no science. There is no study. No other industry flushes. Marlboro doesn't flush. They cure.

Basically I could write the same article. It's the same old shit. Nutes build up in the plant tissues. You Have To Flush

Now this article says it's make or break. And since we're operating on supposition here let me posit this...
If its make or break and so critical, how are all these long time growers not flushing but still producing great quality?
Go to "Maximun Yield magazine" July issue - there is a scientific/bilogical reason/discussion on flushing one of the best information about Flushing
He states in that article "he rarely flushes in the flowering stage". Then he goes onto say he does... I didnt bother reading any further than that. Its the same old type of article that comes out in these types of Mags every few months to cram in between advertisers.

Basically he (and the majority of us) believe its important to flush to get rid of salt build up, changeover from Veg nutes to flowering nutes and to help fix nute problems. Which is Not what we are talking about in this thread.

Is this "journalist" a horticulturist, or have any qualifications to repeat this info that was first written decades ago? You think the next issue will be about "boiling water over the roots at harvest increases THC?"
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He states in that article "he rarely flushes in the flowering stage". Then he goes onto say he does... I didnt bother reading any further than that. Its the same old type of article that comes out in these types of Mags every few months to cram in between advertisers.

Basically he (and the majority of us) believe its important to flush to get rid of salt build up, changeover from Veg nutes to flowering nutes and to help fix nute problems. Which is Not what we are talking about in this thread.

Is this "journalist" a horticulturist, or have any qualifications to repeat this info that was first written decades ago? You think the next issue will be about "boiling water over the roots at harvest increases THC?"
This will always be a de-bate-able subject