
Well-Known Member
I think the picture is good enough. North America. These fuckers don't really seem to be doing much damage. Couple tiny holes here and there but there are other insects around,too, none have done enough damage to cause any long-term problems that I'm aware of.
I was able to get this pic with my phone and a 30x jeweler's loupe I bought for like $2. This thing is almost microscopic.

Thanks for lookin


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Looks like some kind of beetle, don't be worried. Spray with onyx organics spider mite and pm protectant, you'll be fine. Doesnt seem as if its eating too much of the plant so I think you should be ok. All natural leaf shines are good like the one mentioned above. If you use bi weekly you will keep your plants clean and green for your harvest. Plants do enjoy to be cleaned and washed from time to time with a plant safe soap, adding neem is a good way to keep bugs away.
Hi. I can't see Pict well. Mighty Wash works.
Ladybugs are the best!! Fuck Everything else honestly. Keep them around even if you outside. Totally solved my spider mite prob.
Had 3 webbed out infested plants. So I guess I should know something! Much luck & grow lovely
Oh & the white dots are the eggs. Black dot is the adult. Just don't ignore cause it will effect your plants growth hun. Ladybugs like a tiny vacuum they go allll over the MJ plants they luv it!
I think the picture is good enough. North America. These fuckers don't really seem to be doing much damage. Couple tiny holes here and there but there are other insects around,too, none have done enough damage to cause any long-term problems that I'm aware of.
I was able to get this pic with my phone and a 30x jeweler's loupe I bought for like $2. This thing is almost microscopic.

Thanks for lookin
I'm in nor cal and I see these same things on one of my gardens for years now ....I havnt seen any damage from them at all but weirdly I have several farms and the only garden that I see these on is the one near my bird/chicken coupes ....but I do lots of prevention spraying with neem and azamax .....I've tried to figure out what they were a few years back but never did
Hi inda. I use AxaMax now too for prevention. I got hit with the mites amonth ago. Let me say that your heart Drops wwhen you see your lovely plants covered in web! Mine did. Ladybugs all day Long
Hi inda. I use AxaMax now too for prevention. I got hit with the mites amonth ago. Let me say that your heart Drops wwhen you see your lovely plants covered in web! Mine did. Ladybugs all day Long
Yep that's my worst fear besides a thief ......I tried lots of different things but ended up liking the azamax the best .....I use it for prevention because I to had my fair share of bug battles over the years ....so now I try to prevent those types of things .........but azamax neem and a drop of dawn dish soap is my go to poison at the first sign of those little basterds .........otherwise I will alternate between neem and aza for prevention .........
I prolly only Alaskan that can't wait for winter (only next month anyway). Our 2 and a half month summer quick & dirty. I grow a lot of different stuff foods flowers MJ. I was Sloppy in my handling outside to inside. I know how I got em.
Check it: I was given a tiny Blue Spruce. I put it in with my MJ! Then I thought oh no I prolly shouldn't mix em up. What a dumbshit I am! Daaa should of known better. Was too late only took ONE DAY to infest my wee grow room.
I cut all 3 down 2 weeks early. The one webbed out plant I made it some Mighty tasty hash. I saw em under microscope can see evil teeth the legs & they haul ass always moving around. Its sickening. Little bastards for sure. Lesson Learned!
That is most assuredly a lady bug larva/juvenile


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I agree with organicpoop, lady bug larvae, don't mess with it as it eats mites like crazy, take your jewelers loop and look on the underside of bottom leaves, you might find out why they there, wish I had them battling 2 spotted mites, got rid of them by hitting plants with compressed air to blow mites & eggs off (in the garage of course, not in grow room) & captain jacks dead bug its organic sprayed every 3 days to kill the hatched mites before the sexually mature, 2 spotted mites lay 20 eggs a day and hatch in 3 days and sexually mature in 5, female mites only have to copulate once in their life time so its easy to see how fast they get out of hand, took over a month to get rid of them FYI lady bugs deposit their eggs in areas that provide food for the larvae to live once the food is gone, the lady bugs leave to find more food. hope this helps others who find themselves with a 2 spotted mite invasion.
When growing outdoors. Id catch as many preying mantis as i could and put em on my plants... like the lady beetle they wander all over the plant eating all the bugs but tend not to fly away in a hurry and when there is no bugs they eat eachother.. and no harm to the plants