Anyone know if acupuncture works for nerve pain?


Well-Known Member
Just curious if anyone has had success with acupuncture or any other alternatives besides back surgery.

I have some slipped discs and sciatica with my lower spine straightening from the injury. Tried all the different PT treatments from water therapy to regular PT treatments..

Want to get back to work soon so looking for something that REALLY helps.

I've tried tens unit and all of that already, too. So any ideas other than those listed would be cool.

And go!
Just curious if anyone has had success with acupuncture or any other alternatives besides back surgery.

I have some slipped discs and sciatica with my lower spine straightening from the injury. Tried all the different PT treatments from water therapy to regular PT treatments..

Want to get back to work soon so looking for something that REALLY helps.

I've tried tens unit and all of that already, too. So any ideas other than those listed would be cool.

And go!
Do you even vape? ;)
I like cats ^_*
Get a yoga mat or use stinky cat blanket until you have one. How else are you gonna stay young forever?

I've seen you suggest this before. Wife has a couple friends that do it and love it.
I think everyone enjoys them once they try. It doesn't have to be acrobatic, it's more of a sling to assist you. If you do a search on ebay you can find them for less than half what yoga body sells them for, try to find one that ships from the u.s.. There's a bunch of good YouTube vids on them.
Just curious if anyone has had success with acupuncture or any other alternatives besides back surgery.

I have some slipped discs and sciatica with my lower spine straightening from the injury. Tried all the different PT treatments from water therapy to regular PT treatments..

Want to get back to work soon so looking for something that REALLY helps.

I've tried tens unit and all of that already, too. So any ideas other than those listed would be cool.

And go!
When was the last time you did the PT?

Since you and I have the very same doctor, i'm willing to bet you'd get hooked up with the very same therapist as I did. She looks exactly like Kirsten Dunst i'm telling you.
Once she realized I was hitting on her, all she talked about was her husband:-( That kina sucked
When was the last time you did the PT?

Since you and I have the very same doctor, i'm willing to bet you'd get hooked up with the very same therapist as I did. She looks exactly like Kirsten Dunst i'm telling you.
Once she realized I was hitting on her, all she talked about was her husband:-( That kina sucked
Nice. You are a good friend to have, lookin out for buds and all.
Hey Alpha, nerve pain sufferer here also, L4 L5 to transition , I had surgery that helped, but still have pain.
In my search for relief I found d that acupuncture worked well, depending on acupuncturist. I had a great pain management/acupuncturist, then she stopped exceptin my insurance and the next two practitioner's yielded no help. Good luck in your search, back pain sucks.
Just curious if anyone has had success with acupuncture or any other alternatives besides back surgery.

I have some slipped discs and sciatica with my lower spine straightening from the injury. Tried all the different PT treatments from water therapy to regular PT treatments..

Want to get back to work soon so looking for something that REALLY helps.

I've tried tens unit and all of that already, too. So any ideas other than those listed would be cool.

And go!

I hurt my back pretty badly last year, laid up for almost 2 months. Here's something that I use for the pain, it is an amazing help with any back pain and migraines -

The passive motion (something moving you body for you while muscles stay relaxed) seems to get deep in there and fixes me up almost every time. You've probably seen Saul use it on Breaking Bad. I did a lot of research and this unit seems to be the best. I don't believe in chi, but it definately moves the lymph fluid around and aligns my spine. It's one of the best things I've ever purchased...

ive got siatica and scoliosis , 4 herniated disk as big as 7 mills years ago in ym lower back . I wont let drs touch me now ,lol. Started p.t. when i was 17 ,lol. I feel the best ive ever felt at 55 . I made mine better with diet and supplements . I killed the inflammation which killed the nagging pain. But then after being sedantary since 02 till 2015 i cant pick up super heavy shit. i danced with a semi one day and added few herniations to my neck causing savere head pain from 97 to 2013. Constant pain is gone now. Totally different world than i was used too. Key stuff that helped me was , Angstrom magnesium , colloidal silver , mms , and supplements. When i was on workmans comp i did 15 months of therapy for my neck and back which made it worse. Always wiht the same result. Pain ! The best my back was besides now was when i cercuit trained and got my muscles strong to support me. But still could stop me in my tracks at set of siatic nerve spikes. I also havnt takin pain meds or big pharma muscle relaxers which made me worse off.. Thier useless for me. Been off them since 02. Theres a few sativa strains that relax the back much better than narcotic muscle relaxers ever could ! But that also mask the problem . you want to be loose without taking opiats or cannabis.
Hope you find a solution soon . Good luck .........
When was the last time you did the PT?

Since you and I have the very same doctor, i'm willing to bet you'd get hooked up with the very same therapist as I did. She looks exactly like Kirsten Dunst i'm telling you.
Once she realized I was hitting on her, all she talked about was her husband:-( That kina sucked
You should have showed her a picture of my cock.
When was the last time you did the PT?

Since you and I have the very same doctor, i'm willing to bet you'd get hooked up with the very same therapist as I did. She looks exactly like Kirsten Dunst i'm telling you.
Once she realized I was hitting on her, all she talked about was her husband:-( That kina sucked
Probably a year ago or so, I've done about 1 year total of PT of all kinds and also still do the PT exercises at home that don't require alot of equipment. Just doesn't work because I have degenerative disc disease where my discs went bad so there's really nothing that can make it go away and PT just makes it hurt more lol. I love our doctor he's so nice and actually smart. Best doc I've had and I've had like 12