Ttystikk's vertical goodness

Thank you Mongo

trolls from another thread decided to follow me here and I already admitted they shook me up.

I never related anything I have not learned from already successful growers. I copied them. If someone wants to make claims they should have proof. And not an entirely sick garden. It is a difficult process and some should be getting help rather than giving it.

My arguments and interest were valid. The gang of buddies argument has yet to be proved and documented. Or even show success. But all want my proof first.

I probably shouldn't have been mean. But I am honest and those were my feelings after being here for only 2 days.

On the other hand I have met professional medical growers that are here in Michigan and that was really why I joined. And they don't seem to want to argue with my comments.

So oh well. Not a good "forum" for learning. I will go back to reading books and consulting professionals.

No loss for either of us I guess here. I won't post in this thread again. But thanks for trying man.
You're kind of pompus sounding sometimes.

You demand proof from others but will not provide proof of your claims.

Sorry but people will call you in it.

Now you can take that the wrong way, or correct it. Its up to you.

Either way I have no problem with you.

Just an observation.
g'day tty,
Are u running the drivers @ 1400ma?
Are COBS all 4k?
Amazing setup & its looks better then i could have imagined.

Thank you for the kind words! I've worked at it for years now and I feel like I'm finally starting to get somewhere interesting.

They're Cree CXB3590 CB bin 3500K 72V chips, driven at 700mA. This is effectively the same as running 36V chips at 1400mA. My Meanwell B type driver will give 8% over is maximum output if the dimming leads are capped off, so my chips run at about 54W each.
He says 2 pounds. The pics of plants posted will never do that. If you are all so interested in proof. I posted pics where they were appropriate. In the removing fan leaves thread and the show off thread.

I came to this thread interested and respectful. It is you guys that think it's a contest.

And I am pretty sure my little garden is a few pages back and was complimented by TTy.

So much for Internet discussions all over I guess.

I erased many of my posts for the op but he didn't even thank me or even apologize for his and his buddies childish behavior. I didn't start anything. You guys actually get emotional over a random post.

And the kids that were pestering me all night (and I admit they got to me ) are already cursing out members on other threads.

Shame people will be like this always. This is a Marijuana forum. Chill out.
I've personally seen his 32oz plants they are real and he's underachieving the tupur is coming thru soon shit bout to get real just wait
You're kind of pompus sounding sometimes.

You demand proof from others but will not provide proof of your claims.

Sorry but people will call you in it.

Now you can take that the wrong way, or correct it. Its up to you.

Either way I have no problem with you.

Just an observation.
That is fair and probably true about me. I actually only had a problem with three people. But they trolled me all night and I am new at forums but not growing and did not just ignore them like I should have. I actually have no problem with anybody. I came here for the same thing as all of you. I found some great growers in the last few days. Even some here in Michigan doing what I do. And the op could have been a gentlemen about it. Instead of a control freak feeding his ego. I tried honestly to make things right in his thread and he never said anything back to me to make things right too. So I fought back a little.

I said I would leave this thread but you guys know I had to look to see if there were more responses.

As for proof. I had posted it on 2 other threads before the trolls started in on me. I didn't mean to make any claims here I got upset. I was asking questions here when I came in.

And I posted my garden a few pages back here too. But just a pic for credibility. Everyone is asking me to re post. And my avatar is the picture in question. In case anyone really cares what I do look on CH9 Seeds on Facebook and Instagram. My pics are there with my user name. He posts them. I just emailed questions and chatting over the last couple of years. Again. I am not affiliated with his company. He is in Spain.

I really did not mean to over react. But I won't be posting in the op's threads anymore.
Lol all I can say is just wait the consistency that's about to happen is gonna be astonishing adding the buffer of tupur was best thing you could've done to stabilize everything. Your already seeing same growth rate if not faster lol just wait

True story on the growth; there was a bit of a pause at first, then everything exploded!

I blame the combination of Tupur, nutes, great phenos and COB LED lighting. It's like everything just clicked.
Just curious what you have the cobs bolted down to?
Obviously, you are the only person on this site running cobs that truly has proper control of operating temps at the chips :hump:
That's what the ignore button is for. Lol

Your lighting system is water cooled isn't it?

I see the bucket below, condensation catch? I know u have that bad ass water chiller doing all sorts of stuff.

And we have the WINNERS!

It's 2"x4"x 3/16" thick aluminum bar stock. End caps and mounting tabs welded on and tapped for 1/2" NPT.

The chips, holders, lenses, wiring and driver are all mounted directly to the outside, thermally joined yet completely separate from the water (1/3 gallon!) inside. It was meant to be water resistant but this is a first whack at it and so these aren't perfect.

The chiller delivers 55 degree water, so the blocks and chips are also 55 degrees.

For extra credit, why would I go to all this trouble?