A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Hey Alpha i see the plants are looking ridiculous as usual, I was curious have you seen a noticable difference in quality or yield since using the veg+bloom over the maxi series? you dont see any deficiencies with veg+bloom no need for calmag or anything? I also remember you saying you dont change the res for many weeks at a time, i was curious how do you stay away from the table slime? does hydro guard take care of that? i use h2o2 but no matter how much i add i cant keep the slime away and im assuming i cant use h2o2 and hydroguard at the same time
Thanks brother. I need some more time to decide the yield / quality factor with veg +bloom, the first few crops a year ago when I first started using it were killer though. I haven't finished a recent crop yet (will be harvesting in a couple weeks with the most recent v+b crops, but those won't even be considered as a test because the plants went through hell and it wasn't a dialed in run). But this next batch I just put into flower, that will tell what's up and they have about 6 weeks left. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's definitely better though, and it's WAY better in veg. Also, the frost factor seems to be WAY better even on the plants that had a rough time.

I never changed the res in veg and vegged for 3 or 4 weeks, so not that long to go before changing the res. Then new res in flower day 1, and usually a res change at day 21 or 28 when switching to straight bloom nutes. I do have a run now under my double ended lights using v+b that I never changed the res at all and won't until harvest. I use the hydroguard and pond zyme, the res itself is not slimey on the sides, but the water color is wierd lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey @AlphaPhase just curious if you have thought about mixing your own nutrient salts to maximize costs? I know @ttystikk and a few (many but I know a few) others are. Looked into it?
I've thought about it and would like to sometime, it definitely is the cheapest. I mean, if I knew the ratios of v+b I could make it for like 1$ a lb instead of paying 20$. Those guys are making BANK lol. Maybe when I move I'll give it a shot. I've always been eyeing Jack's classic hydroponic nutes. It's like 2$ a lb, cheap as hell!

I know green genes is using it with the Cal nitrate, forgot his user name and wish I could tag him to see what ratio he was using it at. I think 4g of the jacks hydro and 1 gram Cal nitrate per gallon


Well-Known Member
I've thought about it and would like to sometime, it definitely is the cheapest. I mean, if I knew the ratios of v+b I could make it for like 1$ a lb instead of paying 20$. Those guys are making BANK lol. Maybe when I move I'll give it a shot. I've always been eyeing Jack's classic hydroponic nutes. It's like 2$ a lb, cheap as hell!

I know green genes is using it with the Cal nitrate, forgot his user name and wish I could tag him to see what ratio he was using it at. I think 4g of the jacks hydro and 1 gram Cal nitrate per gallon
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I imagine @ttystikk will chime in when he gets a chance. From what I gather all about the ratios and yes it is cheapest. Those fukn nutrient companies rake in a TON of cash


Well-Known Member
howdy bro:) how goes it?
Hey brother!! Not bad at all :) how is everything out your way? Hot as hell out here that's for sure. We're about days away from knowing if we're moving, finally found a place and just waiting for the loan officer to tell us yes or no, we might find out tomorrow though because our realtor set up a time to meet, so I hope it's good news :) hope all is well with you bro!


Well-Known Member
Hey brother!! Not bad at all :) how is everything out your way? Hot as hell out here that's for sure. We're about days away from knowing if we're moving, finally found a place and just waiting for the loan officer to tell us yes or no, we might find out tomorrow though because our realtor set up a time to meet, so I hope it's good news :) hope all is well with you bro!
hell yes brother! I wish you the best of luck
it is good here bro. will be changing over most of the ghouse tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother. I need some more time to decide the yield / quality factor with veg +bloom, the first few crops a year ago when I first started using it were killer though. I haven't finished a recent crop yet (will be harvesting in a couple weeks with the most recent v+b crops, but those won't even be considered as a test because the plants went through hell and it wasn't a dialed in run). But this next batch I just put into flower, that will tell what's up and they have about 6 weeks left. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's definitely better though, and it's WAY better in veg. Also, the frost factor seems to be WAY better even on the plants that had a rough time.

I never changed the res in veg and vegged for 3 or 4 weeks, so not that long to go before changing the res. Then new res in flower day 1, and usually a res change at day 21 or 28 when switching to straight bloom nutes. I do have a run now under my double ended lights using v+b that I never changed the res at all and won't until harvest. I use the hydroguard and pond zyme, the res itself is not slimey on the sides, but the water color is wierd lol.
Nice I cant wait to see how it turns out it seems like a shit ton of people have been using veg+bloom but i haven't been able to see a maxi vs veg+bloom comparison but im just going to buy it, i mean 20 bucks isnt that bad to test it out, i definitely would like something better for veg too, must be way easier not having play with calmag and epsom and shit... so you just keep topping off the res with just water and veg+bloom as needed? that sounds almost too east lol but I wonder if you could up your yields if you dumped the res and add fresh nutes like every week or 2

but dude if i didnt change my res for 4 weeks itd be all hell, i once waited 3 weeks and i had to rinse my roots sticking out of the pot holes because they were straight covered with that clear slime shit... id love to have something to stop that lol. I assume I cant use h2o2 with veg+bloom because the "amino, silica, fulvic acids and bio active growth stimulants" in it anyway... so what strengths do you use the hydroguard/pondzyme? you only need to add to add the hydroguard/pondzyme to fresh res changes? im honestly about to go buy hydroguard and pondzyme tomorrow lol
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Well-Known Member
I imagine @ttystikk will chime in when he gets a chance. From what I gather all about the ratios and yes it is cheapest. Those fukn nutrient companies rake in a TON of cash
I am in a coco hybrid substrate and yes it makes a difference, but here's the formula I've been using for years;

3g/gal calcium nitrate
2g/gal 5-11-26 mix with micros
1 /gal epsom salt

In bloom, add .5 g/gal MKP, aka monopotassium phosphate.

I'm sure to get grief about this too, but it works.


Well-Known Member
Nice I cant wait to see how it turns out it seems like a shit ton of people have been using veg+bloom but i haven't been able to see a maxi vs veg+bloom comparison but im just going to buy it, i mean 20 bucks isnt that bad to test it out, i definitely would like something better for veg too, must be way easier not having play with calmag and epsom and shit... so you just keep topping off the res with just water and veg+bloom as needed? that sounds almost too east lol but I wonder if you could up your yields if you dumped the res and add fresh nutes like every week or 2

but dude if i didnt change my res for 4 weeks itd be all hell, i once waited 3 weeks and i had to rinse my roots sticking out of the pot holes because they were straight covered with that clear slime shit... id love to have something to stop that lol. I assume I cant use h2o2 with veg+bloom because the "amino, silica, fulvic acids and bio active growth stimulants" in it anyway... so what strengths do you use the hydrozyme/pondzyme? you only need to add to add the hydro/pondzyme to fresh res changes? im honestly about to go buy hydrozyme and pondzyme tomorrow lol
Just use bleach instead of hydro/pondzyme with the fresh res change. It's cheaper


Well-Known Member
hell yes brother! I wish you the best of luck
it is good here bro. will be changing over most of the ghouse tomorrow.
Thanks bro much appreciate that :) dude, you lucky mofo with the green house life!! I'm so jealous of greenhouses lol. Good vibes on the planting my friend. I'll be back on ig in a few weeks to follow along, damn Instagram has been censoring my posts so I had it disabled for a little while so they can get off my jock. Ugh I hate censorship especially for a plant!


Well-Known Member
Nice I cant wait to see how it turns out it seems like a shit ton of people have been using veg+bloom but i haven't been able to see a maxi vs veg+bloom comparison but im just going to buy it, i mean 20 bucks isnt that bad to test it out, i definitely would like something better for veg too, must be way easier not having play with calmag and epsom and shit... so you just keep topping off the res with just water and veg+bloom as needed? that sounds almost too east lol but I wonder if you could up your yields if you dumped the res and add fresh nutes like every week or 2

but dude if i didnt change my res for 4 weeks itd be all hell, i once waited 3 weeks and i had to rinse my roots sticking out of the pot holes because they were straight covered with that clear slime shit... id love to have something to stop that lol. I assume I cant use h2o2 with veg+bloom because the "amino, silica, fulvic acids and bio active growth stimulants" in it anyway... so what strengths do you use the hydroguard/pondzyme? you only need to add to add the hydroguard/pondzyme to fresh res changes? im honestly about to go buy hydroguard and pondzyme tomorrow lol
Totally bro, I mean, res changes can't hurt and I actually recommend them every 2 weeks or so just to be safe. I'm just a big environment Nerd and try the best I can to conserve water, I'd do more res changes otherwise because sometimes when I'm not reading my plants looking for issues, something could happen fast :p you can use h2o2 with v+b, there's nothing living in it, just amino acids I think so any dead res will be fine. I add 2ml per gallon of hydroguard on a new res change and then 1ml/gal 1x a week, but if you're doing res changes (which I recommend) you shouldn't have to add it back every week. I use 1tsp per 50 gallons of water of pond zyme for a new res, then 1/2tsp per 50 gallons 2x a week.


Well-Known Member
I am in a coco hybrid substrate and yes it makes a difference, but here's the formula I've been using for years;

3g/gal calcium nitrate
2g/gal 5-11-26 mix with micros
1 /gal epsom salt

In bloom, add .5 g/gal MKP, aka monopotassium phosphate.

I'm sure to get grief about this too, but it works.
Nice recipe! And don't tell anyone, but koolbloom does work when used properly ;) it just needs to be added at the right time which most people don't, so they think it doesn't work :)


Well-Known Member
Totally bro, I mean, res changes can't hurt and I actually recommend them every 2 weeks or so just to be safe. I'm just a big environment Nerd and try the best I can to conserve water, I'd do more res changes otherwise because sometimes when I'm not reading my plants looking for issues, something could happen fast :p you can use h2o2 with v+b, there's nothing living in it, just amino acids I think so any dead res will be fine. I add 2ml per gallon of hydroguard on a new res change and then 1ml/gal 1x a week, but if you're doing res changes (which I recommend) you shouldn't have to add it back every week. I use 1tsp per 50 gallons of water of pond zyme for a new res, then 1/2tsp per 50 gallons 2x a week.
Ohh alright make sense, nothing wrong with some water especially if youre living in cali lol but I feel like ive never heard of someone using hydroguard and pondzyme at the same time but eitherway im going to start using your ingredients when i change the res on monday, thanks for the info i appreciate it dude!!
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