Child sex offender gets moved to medical facility because prison is "too dangerous


Well-Known Member

"Federal Judge Jack Weinstein has ordered repeat convicted child molester Darnell Washington to serve the remained of his 15 year sentence at a medical facility. The decision comes after defence lawyers argued that the regular federal prison is too dangerous for a convicted child sex offender.

Darnell and his lawyers pleaded the judge to move him from general prison, because he is mentally ill and too vulnerable to attacks from other inmates. His only other option was to head to solitary confinement, which he described as too harsh."

such bs, he didnt seem to care about endangering the lives of children. the judge needs to get sacked
This is one of those weird, torture isn't a humane form of punishment which is what prison is suppose to be like instead of getting your hands cut off for stealing n what not, so putting someone somewhere where they'll get the shit beat out if them daily is kinda torture, so the humane thing to do would be either move him somewhere safer or just put him down.. Either way the sicko if off the streets and can't hurt kids anymore so that's what really matters
lawyers always aid criminals.
Even mass shooters have lawyers defending them, its their job just like its the prosecutors job to go against them

If you think being a child molester falls under the same category as ''all other criminals'' means you either are one or aspiring to be one.

Shame on you man!

If you think being a child molester falls under the same category as ''all other criminals'' means you either are one or aspiring to be one.

Shame on you man!

hell no i aint no child molester.
what i was trying to say is that lawyers protect even the worse criminals, which is why i listed mass shooters as an example. i personally think child molesters deserve life in prison