1 day seedling dying, need help!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I have germinated 6 seeds.
3 magnum autoflowering dinafem
2 Auto Cheese XXL dinafem
1 Auto White Widow XXL dinafem

The first 2 which have got out of soil were 2 magnum, I always ,after the cotyledons appear, put them on the sun light for them to start growing a little bit on the day then put them in the indoor while waiting others to come out of the soil.
I have always done this and never had a problem, but today for the first time the 2 first magnum seems to be dying, because they have been like 5 hours at the sun light and didn't appear to open in order to take some light as they always had done before this. One is almost white and the other one is yellow. I'm really careful in not overwatering them in order to not drown them, just a little bit water around the little seedling.

I'm not really sure what could be the problem, the temperature outside is 18° and inside is 20°, the soil is bio bizz ALL MIX.

I always follow the same steps without problem, but now.

Anyone could tell me if I'm doing something wrong in order to save the other 4 seeds?

I appreciate any useful advice.

Sorry for my bad English, I'm Chilean.

First Magnum.
20160729_153654.jpg 20160729_153705.jpg 20160729_153736.jpg
Second Magnum.
20160729_153714.jpg 20160729_153725.jpg 20160729_153732.jpg
Soil does look very wet for such little seeds......also sometimes the outer skin from inside the seed doesn't allow them to open and you have to gently help remove it .....but I can't tell by your pics if this is the case
Soil around the plant looks too wet...
just added a little bit of water (5ml) around the plant, because they were getting dry, then took the picture.
Soil does look very wet for such little seeds......also sometimes the outer skin from inside the seed doesn't allow them to open and you have to gently help remove it .....but I can't tell by your pics if this is the case
The outer skin from inside the seed isn't making any problem, already checked them.
I'd be watering maybe an inch away from the plant; to try to encourage her to put some thirsty roots out...
It's all I can think of really... (I don't like this stage of any grow; Stupid sensitive seedlings! :finger:)
If 18C is your max outdoor temp they are probably going slow because of the soil temp,
I assume it's winter where you are, so the sun wont be too strong at this stage.
Where do you intend to grow them, indoors under lights?
If so put them under some T5 flouro's and keep them warm.
19C and you assume it's winter...pmsl! It's midsummer here with highs of 18C...and people still grow weed outside :shock:
Indoors grows for me though, as outdoor weed is like cabbage here
I'm moving south (:
Well it's the middle of winter where I live, and it was 27C a few days ago, but mostly it's 20C to 25C and 8C to 10C in the nights. But hey, I live in paradise.
He said he was from Chile, which last I checked was Winter there.
27C mid winter you lucky so and so! :cuss:lol

I am seriously thinking of moving to warmer climes....
yea, she does look very wet.

So easy to over water them in such a big pot. Maybe next time use something allot smaller.
Well it's the middle of winter where I live, and it was 27C a few days ago, but mostly it's 20C to 25C and 8C to 10C in the nights. But hey, I live in paradise.
He said he was from Chile, which last I checked was Winter there.
I recon i got the clue to where you live.
I believe Paradise has a word in front starting with an "S"?