Here's a couple top colas from under the SE 250. Lots more underneath both of these

I tried to weigh the 22"er (Sat: G13 dom) but hard to say since it hung so far over the scale on both sides. still >200gms

The shorter one is 13" Blueberry Cheesecake


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Here's a couple top colas from under the SE 250. Lots more underneath both of these

I tried to weigh the 22"er (Sat: G13 dom) but hard to say since it hung so far over the scale on both sides. still >200gms

The shorter one is 13" Blueberry Cheesecake

You know, if you grow your whole plant, that 250 will give you several of those on each one. I know you grow for personal use though & thatvaint your style.
But, something to consider all the same. Every bud from your plant is just as good as the next. No matter how big it is.
Those are nice though!
Wouldn't you like 1/2 plate + off that SE-250 though? You can do it!
You got the red G-13 too?! Cool!
You have a bunch of different lights no? Still rocking that Transend-Lighting remote phosphar? Those are cool, I was looking at them when you got yours back then.
You like those T-5 replacements though hu?!
Dude your temps are spot on what mine were. White Berry is a very uniquely smelling and looking plant would you mind posting some pics of your close to chop or dried nugs so we can compare? ViP Seeds right?
I'll post when I go home. Honestly I got it as a freebie from the tude like 8 yrs ago lol I think paradise seeds?

That's classic. Either he didn't rip the paper off or there is a light called the hybridway. Hahahaha that's some funny shit either way! Just take it easy till things settle. Right? Yeah you want it but you also have plenty of others to use. Shit you have lights everywhere and I thought I was nuts.

What's the details in the pro3 and pro4 I haven't a clue and I have 2 pro-4's in the mail. Didn't you say they were driven hard? 100w per cob so probably 700ma driver. They look amazing! That pro9 looks amazing!! What's the msrp on it? How does it compare to the maximizer? I can't get over how expensive the maximizer is for what you actually get. Retail on the cobs and drivers is 700 bucks and to sell it for 1699 or 1799 is just terrible in my eyes. Then getting the parts much cheaper being a dealer. Markup is real and needs to happen but not that much. Or if your paying it atleast offer something that's not easy to be man made like the Amare which is nearly impossible for the hobbyist to create.
Hey All, Just finished up a SE-450 vs a 600 watt HPS system. I was pleasantly surprised at the results.

The SE-450 produced View attachment 3744775 View attachment 3744786 using View attachment 3744783 which is 313.3 grams Here is the medicine: View attachment 3744787

The 600 w HPS produced View attachment 3744778 View attachment 3744779 using View attachment 3744777 which is 277.5 grams Here is the medicine: View attachment 3744788

:clap: AMARE SE-450 for the win!

Heck yeah Mang!
Busy now, I'll be back later for discussion! Nice work!
So my electric bill went up $200 after running the lights for a full month. it went up from 100kw to 145kw this month. I'm running the pro9, Johnson cx9, 6 bulb t5, couple fans, dehumidifier, plus pumps, and my ac for summer. Does this sound right? Should I be worried?
Hey All, Just finished up a SE-450 vs a 600 watt HPS system. I was pleasantly surprised at the results.

The SE-450 produced View attachment 3744775 View attachment 3744786 using View attachment 3744783 which is 313.3 grams Here is the medicine: View attachment 3744787

The 600 w HPS produced View attachment 3744778 View attachment 3744779 using View attachment 3744777 which is 277.5 grams Here is the medicine: View attachment 3744788

:clap: AMARE SE-450 for the win!
Less wattage and more bud! That's great man, very nice for you to share the results too. Also if you have used hps in the past and not the Amare I'm sure the next run will be much higher.
So my electric bill went up $200 after running the lights for a full month. it went up from 100kw to 145kw this month. I'm running the pro9, Johnson cx9, 6 bulb t5, couple fans, dehumidifier, plus pumps, and my ac for summer. Does this sound right? Should I be worried?
200 is pretty damn good man. I wouldn't worry one bit
So my electric bill went up $200 after running the lights for a full month. it went up from 100kw to 145kw this month. I'm running the pro9, Johnson cx9, 6 bulb t5, couple fans, dehumidifier, plus pumps, and my ac for summer. Does this sound right? Should I be worried?

I always figured mine at 1000/month = $100
Sounds right to me.
You know, if you grow your whole plant, that 250 will give you several of those on each one. I know you grow for personal use though & thatvaint your style.
But, something to consider all the same. Every bud from your plant is just as good as the next. No matter how big it is.
Those are nice though!
Wouldn't you like 1/2 plate + off that SE-250 though? You can do it!
You got the red G-13 too?! Cool!
You have a bunch of different lights no? Still rocking that Transend-Lighting remote phosphar? Those are cool, I was looking at them when you got yours back then.
You like those T-5 replacements though hu?!

I only have one large tent (5 X 5). I am considering replacing the smaller 2 tents with another ~ 6 x 6 tent. Space is an issue

I am aware that the whole plant is equally rich in goodness, but people want to see what Amare can do, as well as gpw, even though that is strain dependent

Don't understand the 1/2 plate question: Wouldn't you like 1/2 plate + off that SE-250 though?

The RP TL is gathering dust. It weighs 38 pounds and is very unwieldy

TLs led hot5s are doing a fine job veging, especially at 3:1 w/r
I only have one large tent (5 X 5). I am considering replacing the smaller 2 tents with another ~ 6 x 6 tent. Space is an issue

I am aware that the whole plant is equally rich in goodness, but people want to see what Amare can do, as well as gpw, even though that is strain dependent

Don't understand the 1/2 plate question: Wouldn't you like 1/2 plate + off that SE-250 though?

The RP TL is gathering dust. It weighs 38 pounds and is very unwieldy

TLs led hot5s are doing a fine job veging, especially at 3:1 w/r

SE-250 = over a half pound of bud, in good hands easily.

Yeah, that things a rink for what it is. Who needs a light to last 10 yrs. anyways? But I like the adjustable wing style it prides. Perfect intra-canopy lighting (if you could hang it from a floor joist or rafter ha!)
You like your T-5 grows hu?
You scrog them right even canopy, you'll get weight.
Easy 1/2 off a 250! Shit I got over 1.5 off the 450 with autos and burnt them with the lenses while having temps in the mid 90's at times. Next run is planted, mephisto is gonna be pretty epic I bet. Aiming for 2lbs per Amare with 3 plants per light. 70 days seed to chop.
Wait till you guys see what I have in store for this grow! Kinda funky, but all led.
Some of youz know what I'm working with so it won't be a surprise for everyone. Those that don't know, will be pleasantly shocked. You know, Kindve like when your girl slips her finger in your ass cuz she thinks you like it! Lol!
Might be adding some non-led light sources, like t-5's but haven't gotten that far yet. Hopefully Tom. I can show what's going on.
Haven't planned this or I wouldn't have topped 4 of these plants. But, it should be enough light for 3-4 plates. We'll see!
Easy 1/2 off a 250! Shit I got over 1.5 off the 450 with autos and burnt them with the lenses while having temps in the mid 90's at times. Next run is planted, mephisto is gonna be pretty epic I bet. Aiming for 2lbs per Amare with 3 plants per light. 70 days seed to chop.

2 plates each SE-450! Damn, you got some high goals. However, I do think you can achieve that if you do your musical plant routine or a scroggiesh!
You killed it last run for your first Amare ride, that's for sure!
Wonder why there's no PLC grows on this forum? I'm gonna have to check. Maybe cuz they all bought the pre-fab DIY Instead!? Dunno! Never seen one. Saw some Tasty runs that looked decent. I doubt any of those guys are pulling the Kindve #'s we are though.
My first Amare run was 18 1/2 zips & another 3 in popcorn for the oil man!
I wanna see some of these 1.5+ GPW grows the straight Cob guys keep talking about. Where are they, aside from You-Tube, & those aren't any RIU growers. Mmmmmmnnnnnhhhhhh, I wonder!!!!! What's really going on around here????

2 plates each SE-450! Damn, you got some high goals. However, I do think you can achieve that if you do your musical plant routine or a scroggiesh!
You killed it last run for your first Amare ride, that's for sure!
Wonder why there's no PLC grows on this forum? I'm gonna have to check. Maybe cuz they all bought the pre-fab DIY Instead!? Dunno! Never seen one. Saw some Tasty runs that looked decent. I doubt any of those guys are pulling the Kindve #'s we are though.
My first Amare run was 18 1/2 zips & another 3 in popcorn for the oil man!
I wanna see some of these 1.5+ GPW grows the straight Cob guys keep talking about. Where are they, aside from You-Tube, & those aren't any RIU growers. Mmmmmmnnnnnhhhhhh, I wonder!!!!! What's really going on around here????
I was thinking the same exact thing. Nothing, a ghost town. To busy changing calculator batteries and not feeding maybe.

Bubba I stretched the Amares to the max. Coverage is what's stated but I hit it with one girl and still had 3 under it total. image.jpeg

Fucken autos get big. The smoke is great too. The next strain I'm running is from a company that reminds me of the Amare of breeders. Stretching shit and doing what others won't. Once they get done crossing it and back crossing it for years they take 600 seeds and plant them all. Abuse them hard. Extreme temps, topping, under fed, over fed and take the top 2-3 to seed again and sell.
Less wattage and more bud! That's great man, very nice for you to share the results too. Also if you have used hps in the past and not the Amare I'm sure the next run will be much higher.

Yeah I tried a new technique this round and was "learning as I grow" HPS is going back in its box and into storage. This was my first grow with the SE-450 and I am totally loving this light. It ran so much cooler. I have a SS-260, SE-220 and a SS-150. One of my grows I netted 18 zips with a personal strain called Numb Feet primarily grown under the SS-260.
Wait till you guys see what I have in store for this grow! Kinda funky, but all led.
Some of youz know what I'm working with so it won't be a surprise for everyone. Those that don't know, will be pleasantly shocked. You know, Kindve like when your girl slips her finger in your ass cuz she thinks you like it! Lol!
Might be adding some non-led light sources, like t-5's but haven't gotten that far yet. Hopefully Tom. I can show what's going on.
Haven't planned this or I wouldn't have topped 4 of these plants. But, it should be enough light for 3-4 plates. We'll see!

Awesome can't wait !