Hillary can't be trusted

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If you've voted for a Republican then you voted for a party that works to deprive people of that choice. Restating your stance:

"I'm pro choice but don't care enough about the issue affect my vote."

Your logic is false.

I have voted for plenty of people where I do not agree with every single position of their platform. In my opinion, I am with the party of choice.

Hillary and the Democratic party want a $15.00 minimum wage right? That isnt freedom. That is the government saying to two people that they cannot agree to a deal paying less than $15.00 per hour. That is a limitation of rights and an extension of government control. And it is one of the biggest planks in the Democratic party platform right now.

So, if you have ever voted for e Democrat then you voted for a party that works to deprive people of that choice. -

It sounds really stupid when turned 180 right?

I am an independent. I have a set of morals and values and freedom, less government, less taxes and more personal responsibility are my tenets. That does not mean I cannot vote for someone who does not believe exactly what I do. It means I get the false choice of 2 or 3 people and I have to pick the best of my limited choices.

But you know all this, you are just trolling.
Hillary is a liar and is extremely corrupt. Trump is islamphobic and seems very naive. I hate both of them and I really wish we could get a true libertarian in office. Its too bad the elections are rigged.
Dude you're the first simple pussy to "step up" for a cowardly, lying, nitwit public servant murderer.
That compassion...put it in the same tax payer bank account that pays out multi mill settlements becuase bitch ass popo rambo out on folks that have no beef period. NLX wise the fuck up dude. You seem young enough to shut the fuck and learn to not be a fucking loser dude. Dont act like you know bro. You don't

All you do is toss out insults and you still havent managed to find your pants.

You promote the very cage that the government keeps you in.

If I stop responding to you it is because I have reached the point where I really dont think your opinion matters.
Just like Hillary creating 10 million jobs.
You live in a fact free truth wing nut haze so I don't expect you to accept this.

First, in her speech a couple days ago, she did not take credit for the success of the past administration.

Nonetheless, here is one of many sources that says in fact the Obama administration can claim ten million jobs overall accounting for the jobs lost by Bush and nearly 15 million jobs were created by a simple count.

CLINTON'S CLAIM: "Our economy is so much stronger than when they [the Obama administration] took office. Nearly 15 million new private-sector jobs."

THE FACTS: Since Oct. 2010, the U.S. economy has added nearly 14 million jobs (both private-sector and public-sector) for 69-straight months. And since early 2010, the Labor Department says that 14.8 million private-sector jobs have been created. But that doesn't account for the jobs LOST during the Great Recession during Obama's presidency. The net job growth is 10 million overall jobs
Hillary is a liar and is extremely corrupt. Trump is islamphobic and seems very naive. I hate both of them and I really wish we could get a true libertarian in office. Its too bad the elections are rigged.
"islamphobia" , trump has more troubling issues that that.

If you were to vote who would you cast your vote for .
"islamphobia" , trump has more troubling issues that that.

If you were to vote who would you cast your vote for .
I have no clue dude. I really don't. I'v thought about this a lot and I constantly switch from one to the other. And trump has pages and pages of issues but the fact that he wanted to ban an entire religion is what really made him an idiot in my eyes so its the only one i listed. Honestly if I had to vote i'd probably write in a third party option.
You live in a fact free truth wing nut haze so I don't expect you to accept this.

First, in her speech a couple days ago, she did not take credit for the success of the past administration.

Nonetheless, here is one of many sources that says in fact the Obama administration can claim ten million jobs overall accounting for the jobs lost by Bush and nearly 15 million jobs were created by a simple count.

CLINTON'S CLAIM: "Our economy is so much stronger than when they [the Obama administration] took office. Nearly 15 million new private-sector jobs."

THE FACTS: Since Oct. 2010, the U.S. economy has added nearly 14 million jobs (both private-sector and public-sector) for 69-straight months. And since early 2010, the Labor Department says that 14.8 million private-sector jobs have been created. But that doesn't account for the jobs LOST during the Great Recession during Obama's presidency. The net job growth is 10 million overall jobs

I heard Obama tell us how well we are off in his speech thursday night. He reminded me of Buck.

I miss all the stores that closed down around here. Places like Sears that has been here all my life.
Small businesses pop up and close in a few months.

The only new jobs are construction for building low income housing projects.

If Hillary creates jobs they will be government jobs that we all will pay for.
Nevermind private sector jobs.
I heard Obama tell us how well we are off in his speech thursday night. He reminded me of Buck.

I miss all the stores that closed down around here. Places like Sears that has been here all my life.
Small businesses pop up and close in a few months.

The only new jobs are construction for building low income housing projects.

If Hillary creates jobs they will be government jobs that we all will pay for.
Nevermind private sector jobs.

Do you really think government jobs are causing the hollowing out of this country?
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it is so simple i do not under stand what the hell is going on

the rosenburgs were the last ppl to go up for treason in this country
the last major case that made the history books ......the amount of proof they had to on them is crap compared to the proof they have with cliton

she is a strait up power hungry twat that thinks the rules does not apply to her as she is one of the Elite class in USA
proof of that u sawl the FBI .......gross incompetent was the verdict and they are still allowing her to run for the highest office in the land

she has been in the game for years .....she knew the rules ....she did not think they applied to her and then she covers it up by deleting the hard drives and breaking them ......she picked what was releases and more then 100 violations in those she picked to release (what about the other 30k she did not give out)

this country was founded on the idea everyone has a vote everyone is the same .........the last 200 years the group of elites (ones with cash) has twisted the system so they control it ( super delegates electoral college ) they both bypass the ppls votes and allow a group of ppl to make the choice for everyone

the system was set for POP vote who ever gets the must votes wins.......not any more the electoral college points ......u can win pop vote and lose the election like in 2004 bush and gore
bush got the electoral college
gore got the pop vote ( he has the most votes he should of won)
with tech today the electoral college has no point ..........it was set up to keep from counting all the votes for 2 months but with a computers and they are what polls shut 2 hours later u have 99% everything tabbed up

fuck this country .........it is england in the 1700 again one set of ppl makes all the choices for everyone ............i can not wait until ppl figure this out for themselves about this and get angry fight back
i am not going to pay one dime in taxes ever again to the state or feds

they can put me up in club fed for a few years save me money i hang tv stars
He's serious about this. He not only said it after the San Bernardino tragedy but later after the Orlando tragedy. I don't have the transcript from the earlier speech but the writer wasn't paraphrasing when he put those quotes around that text. He would have been called out if he made up shit like right wingers are so accustomed to doing.


From Trump's own site, the link above contains a transcript of his speech on June 13, about 2/3 down in the transcript, he says he wants us to become a nation of snitches:

We need to make sure every single last person involved in this plan – including anyone who knew something but didn't tell us – is brought to justice.

If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time .


Which one is you?

Now, you've been owned twice. You owe me two sandwiches. Make one pastrami. Make the other one of your husband's favorites.
I have no clue dude. I really don't. I'v thought about this a lot and I constantly switch from one to the other. And trump has pages and pages of issues but the fact that he wanted to ban an entire religion is what really made him an idiot in my eyes so its the only one i listed. Honestly if I had to vote i'd probably write in a third party option.
He doesnt want to ban a religion. He wants to a ban on immigrants from countries with high levels of terrorism and when he first said it he was referring to the syrian refugees. The syrian refugees cannot be vetted. The fbi and cia have confirmed this.
it is so simple i do not under stand what the hell is going on

the rosenburgs were the last ppl to go up for treason in this country
the last major case that made the history books ......the amount of proof they had to on them is crap compared to the proof they have with cliton

she is a strait up power hungry twat that thinks the rules does not apply to her as she is one of the Elite class in USA
proof of that u sawl the FBI .......gross incompetent was the verdict and they are still allowing her to run for the highest office in the land

she has been in the game for years .....she knew the rules ....she did not think they applied to her and then she covers it up by deleting the hard drives and breaking them ......she picked what was releases and more then 100 violations in those she picked to release (what about the other 30k she did not give out)

this country was founded on the idea everyone has a vote everyone is the same .........the last 200 years the group of elites (ones with cash) has twisted the system so they control it ( super delegates electoral college ) they both bypass the ppls votes and allow a group of ppl to make the choice for everyone

the system was set for POP vote who ever gets the must votes wins.......not any more the electoral college points ......u can win pop vote and lose the election like in 2004 bush and gore
bush got the electoral college
gore got the pop vote ( he has the most votes he should of won)
with tech today the electoral college has no point ..........it was set up to keep from counting all the votes for 2 months but with a computers and they are what polls shut 2 hours later u have 99% everything tabbed up

fuck this country .........it is england in the 1700 again one set of ppl makes all the choices for everyone ............i can not wait until ppl figure this out for themselves about this and get angry fight back
i am not going to pay one dime in taxes ever again to the state or feds

they can put me up in club fed for a few years save me money i hang tv stars

So what are you saying Squamish Fucker? That Hillary is guilty of treason?

I heard Obama tell us how well we are off in his speech thursday night. He reminded me of Buck.

I miss all the stores that closed down around here. Places like Sears that has been here all my life.
Small businesses pop up and close in a few months.

The only new jobs are construction for building low income housing projects.

If Hillary creates jobs they will be government jobs that we all will pay for.
Nevermind private sector jobs.
And the typewriter factory that closed. And the buggy whip mill. The VCR repair place. The list is endless.
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