Well-Known Member
If you've voted for a Republican then you voted for a party that works to deprive people of that choice. Restating your stance:
"I'm pro choice but don't care enough about the issue affect my vote."
Your logic is false.
I have voted for plenty of people where I do not agree with every single position of their platform. In my opinion, I am with the party of choice.
Hillary and the Democratic party want a $15.00 minimum wage right? That isnt freedom. That is the government saying to two people that they cannot agree to a deal paying less than $15.00 per hour. That is a limitation of rights and an extension of government control. And it is one of the biggest planks in the Democratic party platform right now.
So, if you have ever voted for e Democrat then you voted for a party that works to deprive people of that choice. -
It sounds really stupid when turned 180 right?
I am an independent. I have a set of morals and values and freedom, less government, less taxes and more personal responsibility are my tenets. That does not mean I cannot vote for someone who does not believe exactly what I do. It means I get the false choice of 2 or 3 people and I have to pick the best of my limited choices.
But you know all this, you are just trolling.