Trump Nailed it!!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i wasnt being sarcastic, i was trying to be kind and helpful.. may i make a suggestion to you, please try not being so negative, try to let go of inappropriate anger and make room for some kindness.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i wasnt being sarcastic, i was trying to be kind and helpful.. may i make a suggestion to you, please try not being so negative, try to let go of inappropriate anger and make room for some kindness.:peace:

Pay this asshole no mind @b4ds33d. Rather let us pray that his imperial majesty will extract B4's head from his sphincter.



Well-Known Member
Lol. As if there is nothing to ignore about Hillary. I am not voting for Trump in any case as much as I am voting for the Supreme Court. Only a dumb fuck woud support Clinton and the documented lies that have come out of her mouth. She really has been a complete failure and fraud since entering public life. At least there are some unknowns with Trump. You and the rest of the mouth-breathers here are voting for a known,rotted, commodity.

Platitudes dude, platitudes.



Well-Known Member
So you ignore that Trump said he would date his daughter...if she was not his daughter. Do you also ignore that he thinks his daughter has a nice body. Only a sick fuck would support Trump and the stupid shit that comes out his mouth.
You dont think his daughter has a nice body?


Well-Known Member
Will you look at your own daughter and want to fuck her, if she was not your daughter? Is this some wacko tribal thing? What sick man looks at his own child? Why do you defend such behavior
It is only sick if he wants to have sex with her which clearly he doesnt. You avoided the question which was - You dont think she has a nice body?

Your answer is gonna be yes so Trump just stated the truth. I do understand your aversion to the truth but you cant fault him for stating it.


Well-Known Member
It is only sick if he wants to have sex with her which clearly he doesnt. You avoided the question which was - You dont think she has a nice body?

Your answer is gonna be yes so Trump just stated the truth. I do understand your aversion to the truth but you cant fault him for stating it.
Again you defend a man who wants to date his own daughter, if she was not his daughter. He said so himself. Incest runs deep with the likes.


Well-Known Member
Again you defend a man who wants to date his own daughter, if she was not his daughter. He said so himself. Incest runs deep with the likes.

He was quite clear. If she wasnt his daughter he might date her. It was a compliment.

I think you get a stiffy thinking about your own daughter and your guilt runneth over. Dont worry, if you do not act on it you will just go to hell, not prison... FYI!!


Well-Known Member
He was quite clear. If she wasnt his daughter he might date her. It was a compliment.

I think you get a stiffy thinking about your own daughter and your guilt runneth over. Dont worry, if you do not act on it you will just go to hell, not prison... FYI!!
Guy any man who looks at his daughter, compliments her body and then says "I would date her, if she was not mine", pretty much lets me know what is going on in his mind. He wants to fuck his own child. If his daughter asked him what should she wear, he would tell her " something tight ". I bet he gave her baths up until her 18th birthday


Well-Known Member
100% is my estimation. that she slimed her way out of an indictment by hooking up that disgusting bitch loretta on the backend was pretty low. Americans are damn sick of being preached to by would-be dictators who are as dirty as a pig sty. they chose the wrong crowd to fuck over and shit on, and the Veterans who fought/bled/died/lost brothers over seas to foreign interests and to line politician's pockets...when given a chance to fight for something REAL and something that threatens our way of life and existence, whomever is on the business end of what happens better know that that is the end of them. the Founders knew what they were doing when they wrote "all enemies foreign and domestic."

and my issue isn't a left wing/right wing one. it's both sides that are equally culpable. gw bush/cheney should have AT THE LEAST received life in prison. only lunatics and low-information people think one side or the other has done no wrong. the system of the federal govt needs to be gutted from top to bottom and reforms need to be made to laws. esp when a congressman can spend one term in office and get a lifetime 6 figure pension and a high school kid can spend 5 years in the military and put his life on the line (which is done on a whim by the president and congress) and get out and receive not shit.
Derp de derp de derp

Fantasy world you are in. The right wing made up shit continues to drain out your mouth unabated. After 25 years and millions spent on investigations by right wing political leaders in the attempt to take down Clinton, they have nothing but some harsh words regarding her admittedly foolish handling of e-mails. And so, you get more and more vitriolic in your posts. Keep it up, I'm hoping to hear about your heart attack or how you finally ate that gun that you so dearly love. Nobody will miss you.

By your standard of justice, where an accusation is all that is needed to prove guilt, Trump is a child rapist. He raped a child four times. In front of people. Yuck.


Well-Known Member
trump sexualized his 1 year old infant daughter too. he was thinking about fucking his own daughter before she could even walk otr talk.