Omega: I have read this entire thread among many others regarding you, and these grow cylinders. First I have to say, it seems as though you understand the design engineering and construction of these units, second it seems you know a little bit about using them to grow, and thirdly it seems that you exaggerate, lie, and abuse people verbally to prove your "points". You get very hot headed whenever someone posts any negativity about these units (a couple certain models in particular) which leads me to believe you have some connection to these models, or points out when you contradict yourself (which you don't even bother to edit out) which you have done many times and in many places (a few of them already pointed out above). Another contradiction that I noticed besides growing 12'' is there was a post saying you Couldn't post pics because it was the summer time and you don't use it during the summer (which doesn't make a whole lote of sense), and then on a different post you are describing how you have had the same unit going constantly for 2 years strait.
You are becoming very unpopular around the forums (just some info you may be interested in) not that I feel either way for you, because personally I think these units are a waste of time and money, indeed I KNOW they are, and don't know you so your opinion doesn't matter.
Bill: You seem to have a very well rounded attitude, and a good attention to detail, I commend you.
Yeah, I know Omega: "I am a POS too, and my attitude sucks too, and I don't know what I am talking about, and I can shove it, and you are the supreme OmegaGardener, and I shouldn't be stepping on your toes." So there is your post.... your welcome for me making it for you... honestly, I don't care what you write about me on here... as your opinion is worth less to everyone on here everyday so they don't care either... and anything more than this post is probably a waste of my time.... oh yeah I know exactly what the problem with expanding into a diminishing diameter is, as my dad has been a botanist for 30 years, and has used a unit like these before many times (lol, all the way back into the 70's).....