2000watt Led indoor 4 strain grow


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU community been a member for almost 5 years now bouncing back and forth not always active. Ive got 12 clones vegging under 2000 watts of led. There is x6 710 Cheese, x3 Blue Dream x2 GrandDaddy Purp X3 Acapulco Gold. in a 12x4x7 Tent A/Ced to about 76 Degress all day. There all in 1 gallon buckets with pro mix soil using go box organic nutrients. There on week two of veg. Just wondering what everyones opinion on all of this is. :mrgreen:
I have a 2000000 watt grow but fuck you guys, I'm not showing you all :).
want me to post some tomato plants ? I can make up for the stupidity lmao . super powerful tomatoes. the kind you smoke in a pipe . (ITS JUST CANDY . THE KIND YOU SMOKE IN A PiPE ) hitting me very hard right now geeezzzz
If you get the chance we'd love to see your plant's progress when you get the time/are comfortable with showing us pictures of your grow.

What kind of LED do you have? Is it one 2000W or several LED's adding up to that wattage?