Well-Known Member
jews don't believe in hell.View attachment 3747038 Hundreds of thousands of Israelis turned out for this scumbags funeral when he died and went to hell.
jews don't believe in hell.View attachment 3747038 Hundreds of thousands of Israelis turned out for this scumbags funeral when he died and went to hell.
jews don't believe in hell.
They don't believe in right and wrong either, it is called moral relativism. Some real fucked up shit.
no, we believe in right and wrong.
if you have any more misconceptions about jews or life in general, i am here to correct you. use me as your resource.
So, is it right that ''goyim'' should serve the jews?
lol i actually laughed.. +repmake me a sandwich and i'll think about it.
lolmake me a sandwich and i'll think about it.
Gassed, shot, experimented on, beaten to death...What does it matter?
Because that is what was claimed. That they were gassed to death and then incinerated. The Germans are on trial for mass murder, let us examine the evidence or lack thereof in our search for the truth.
View attachment 3747124
The ones that where gassed got off easy in my mind.
Tell us how you admire Hitler...or should we just quote it from your other thread and more it over?
the Jewish people declared war on Germany in 1933.
What do you want to bet that Trump is a Holocaust denier also,seeing as he loves the Nazi's.
Wow, you're a moron! They saw Hitler "swept into power", and saw the future.
You are so fucking stupid it boggles my mind. Your ignorance is literally sickening. I think we may have finally figured out who Oswizzle's sockmaster is. What's funny is that you would never, not in a million years, say shit like this if I was standing in front of you. You would keep your cowardly mouth shut because you don't have the conviction to stand behind your beliefs in the real world, that's why you hide behind a screen and keyboard to spread your disgusting propaganda.Yes war is hell and it is to bad the Jewish people declared war on Germany in 1933. They would not have been in detention camps like the USA did with the JApanese Americans in ww2. If the USA had of lost the war and had their supply lines bombed to smithereens our japanese prisoners would have looked just like those people in the photo you provided. Now is anybody going to provide an actual photo of these alleged gas chambers please?
Do you have some kind of evidence that Trump loves the Nazi's?