Rooftop SE Asia

I was looking up carrot cake recipes last night lol. Found one that asks for 1-1/2 of butter in mix and 1/2 cup in frosting, so I'm thinking green colored icing carrot cake sounds good haha.
@ruby fruit cheers for the salts, powder, & certainly the @treemansbuds seed collection! All safe and sound. They might have opened the ghost powder as there was some powder leakage but only minimal.
to easy bro..i just thought id add ghost powder in a bag as I put a bag of salt in there as well but in hindsight the powder would be something they would want to check as it woulda looked suss if randomly xrayed...but I did seal the envelope in clear sticky tape so if that was all sealed the leakage woulda just been my fault or damaged in transit...glad you got them safe n sound :)
True on mass transit. People seem to like their independence too much though. That's why the bike system is great. You still have your independence.....Just takes a wee bit longer to get to places lol.

In my city, the mass transit system has gone to great lengths to allow and encourage bicyclists to take their bikes with them on the bus. Many do. This is definitely a top ten best city for bicycling enthusiasts, there's easily a dozen bike shops here.
In my city, the mass transit system has gone to great lengths to allow and encourage bicyclists to take their bikes with them on the bus. Many do. This is definitely a top ten best city for bicycling enthusiasts, there's easily a dozen bike shops here.
In Amsterdam and I assume all Dutch cities you can take your bike on anything (except buses). The metros have special bike attachments in the carriages. A lot of Dutch people will leave a bike parked up at a station, get the train from outside the city and then cycle from the train station to work on the locked up bike. So when you see those pics of Amsterdam and the bikes lined up by the 1000, they are all actually owned by someone. The city also clears bikes up that look abandonded or damaged. They put a sticker on them and collect them a few weeks later (gives the owners a chance to remove them). If by chance your bike is taken you can go to the depot and get it back (if you can prove ownership). All very civilised.....except that we pay between 42 and 52% income tax lol....and don't get me started on water taxes (for both drinking and canal management). It can be pricey living under the sea.
In Amsterdam and I assume all Dutch cities you can take your bike on anything (except buses). The metros have special bike attachments in the carriages. A lot of Dutch people will leave a bike parked up at a station, get the train from outside the city and then cycle from the train station to work on the locked up bike. So when you see those pics of Amsterdam and the bikes lined up by the 1000, they are all actually owned by someone. The city also clears bikes up that look abandonded or damaged. They put a sticker on them and collect them a few weeks later (gives the owners a chance to remove them). If by chance your bike is taken you can go to the depot and get it back (if you can prove ownership). All very civilised.....except that we pay between 42 and 52% income tax lol....and don't get me started on water taxes (for both drinking and canal management). It can be pricey living under the sea.

Okay. In my AMERICAN city, lol
So the wind and rain culled 15 seedlings for me hence got 15 coming up when the next planting day is favorable in 3-4 days, 6x Sinmint/Platinum D crosses (mix of 4 different crosses), 4x Karma Wheres My Bike, 1x Grand Master, 1x Mad Purps, 1x SR71, 1x Orange OG, 1x Alpha Diesel @treemansbuds