Do you...

Long thread... do you only read:

  • the OP (original post)

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  • the OP and the last page

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Which brings up another questions... do you take something like that as joke, or a challenge?

btw I took it as a joke...

Some people just have an odd sense of humour... maybe slightly abusive... but all in good fun.

Some are assholes.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially online where tone and other cues are missing.

How about you?
iam never abusive,if people interpret my posts as abusive then thats their problem, they should lighten up, i just avoid the assholes
iam never abusive,if people interpret my posts as abusive then thats their problem, they should lighten up, i just avoid the assholes

I dig what you're saying, but at the same time... depending on exactly what we're talking about we have to take responsibility for what we say... I mean... just as an example, If cat of curiosity hadn't liked my post before he made his shart comment, I might have been offended... maybe he's been stalking me, doesn't like me, and is about to start a flame war... dude's a friggin maniac, no joke ;-) If I had let him know that, I'd hope he'd have explained it was in jest, and that he was "sorry" for the miscommunication... unless of course my response had been inflammatory... I mean, assuming someone's ill will and starting up cursing and with racial or other slurs is not cool, so yeah... put THAT in your pipe and smoke it. Or weed... actually, you should use weed. :bigjoint:

I jump back from totally serious to way out looney all the time so, eh.
I dig what you're saying, but at the same time... depending on exactly what we're talking about we have to take responsibility for what we say... I mean... just as an example, If cat of curiosity hadn't liked my post before he made his shart comment, I might have been offended... maybe he's been stalking me, doesn't like me, and is about to start a flame war... dude's a friggin maniac, no joke ;-) If I had let him know that, I'd hope he'd have explained it was in jest, and that he was "sorry" for the miscommunication... unless of course my response had been inflammatory... I mean, assuming someone's ill will and starting up cursing and with racial or other slurs is not cool, so yeah... put THAT in your pipe and smoke it. Or weed... actually, you should use weed. :bigjoint:

I jump back from totally serious to way out looney all the time so, eh.

i have a dry sense of humour which can get lost in translation as iam from the uk, if i offend i apologize
its nice to be nice ;)
If its an entertaining thread ill read when i see an argument and keep reading til that argument dies down, and ill keep scanning the pages to see if there are any other argument's, why are thou getting so sensitive ? lol
When a title is totally non-specific and says nothing about the thread, I usually ignore it completely.

Me too... but I have noticed that's not the case for most. Threads with non-specific, generic, or mysterious titles often have the highest number of views and responses (I've noticed). With the only higher ones are being those that seem intentionally argumentative or just hot topics (Flushing, Prune vs not Prune... Which strain is best for...?), opinion based (What are you growing, what do you prefer etc etc) or I think highest of all are batshit crazy... like the Flatlander thread... (I still feel intellectually raped by what I read there...)

Curiosity gets the best of a lot of people... and here you are... so my evil plan has worked mwahahaha!
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Ever/often only read the original post and then reply, without reading any other replies already there?

I seem to see what appears to be that rather frequently... even in one page threads. People repeating what others have said, or saying things that ignore what other have said (that is relevant to that point).

I usually read the OP, first and last pages... and back track or hop around if it's big. If it's really huge I make it clear I am diving in blind.

Just curious.
I only read the first sentence and last one of your op bc it had no pith...u can usually tell...then I skipped all the way down here to reply bc the has no substance either, hahaha...with all dew respect to the old heads here who I know and love. now for some more coffee...
I only read the first sentence and last one of your op bc it had no pith...u can usually tell...then I skipped all the way down here to reply bc the has no substance either, hahaha...with all dew respect to the old heads here who I know and love. now for some more coffee...

I wasn't trying for "pith" (see below), or at all... was sincerely curious because of the "parroting effect" I see a lot of... people saying things that have already (sometimes even just) said. Even in short posts.

I'll be sure to work up some pith for you next time though. I mean, if you got extra you could send be that'd be really awesome. Not much sun where I am, pith is hard to come by.

But also, you may have meant something else.

  1. 1.
    soft or spongy tissue in plants or animals, in particular.
    • spongy white tissue lining the rind of an orange, lemon, and other citrus fruits.
      noun: pith
    • Botany
      the spongy cellular tissue in the stems and branches of many higher plants.
    • archaic
      spinal marrow.
  2. 2.
    the essence of something.
    "a book that he considered contained the pith of all his work"
    synonyms: essence, main point, fundamentals, heart, substance, nub, core, quintessence, crux, gist, meat, kernel, marrow, burden;
    "the pith of the argument"

adjective: pithy; comparative adjective: pithier; superlative adjective: pithiest
  1. 1.
    (of language or style) concise and forcefully expressive.
    synonyms: succinct, terse, concise, compact, short (and sweet), brief, condensed, to the point, epigrammatic, crisp, thumbnail;More
    significant, meaningful, expressive, telling;
    "pithy comments"
    antonyms: verbose
  2. 2.
    (of a fruit or plant) containing much pith.
If the original post is really long all on its own ill read the first short reply to it. If the original post is short but has a ton of replys ill just read a couple on the first page and some of the last page. In this case I only read the original post cuz Fuck what anyone else has to say.
If the original post is really long all on its own ill read the first short reply to it. If the original post is short but has a ton of replys ill just read a couple on the first page and some of the last page. In this case I only read the original post cuz Fuck what anyone else has to say.

I mean by the time I clean up people have read or participated in most of it

Yeah, but a) I'm new, and b) I miss everything.

I mean, the Flatlander thread... has to be one of the most cleaned up threads of all time... just from the little bit I read before my mind rebelled against the intellectual rape and sent me into a coma...

I am pretty sure I learned new curse words and insults....

Probably all I leaned....
Yeah, but a) I'm new, and b) I miss everything.

I mean, the Flatlander thread... has to be one of the most cleaned up threads of all time... just from the little bit I read before my mind rebelled against the intellectual rape and sent me into a coma...

I am pretty sure I learned new curse words and insults....

Probably all I leaned

Then our job here is well done :)