I dig what you're saying, but at the same time... depending on exactly what we're talking about we have to take responsibility for what we say... I mean... just as an example, If cat of curiosity hadn't liked my post before he made his shart comment, I might have been offended... maybe he's been stalking me, doesn't like me, and is about to start a flame war... dude's a friggin maniac, no joke

If I had let him know that, I'd hope he'd have explained it was in jest, and that he was "sorry" for the miscommunication... unless of course my response had been inflammatory... I mean, assuming someone's ill will and starting up cursing and with racial or other slurs is not cool, so yeah... put THAT in your pipe and smoke it. Or weed... actually, you should use weed.
I jump back from totally serious to way out looney all the time so, eh.