Abstained 5 months for drug test......never tested


Well-Known Member
So I started looking for a new job back in February and quit weed because my industry does pre employment tests. I finally land something and low and behold i get the paper work and there is nothing about piss test. Started Monday and if I don't hear anything by Friday it's going down. I'm thinking a fat j of Amnesia with some heavy indica hash from a run last year mixed in. Will update with results.
The company is based in Mass. My wife suggested they may be more realistic with legalization being around the corner there. Possible?
not possible. sounds like you slipped through the cracks. wanna test the theory? file a workman's comp claim.
Yeah, I'm sure that's still the case. Workers comp involves insurance companies, and the only thing they care about is not spending money. Plus I think testing for workers comp is actually a law.
Had a nephew go through the same, once they realized he didn't get screened they made him take one a couple of months after he started.
Yeah man you burn Friday after work and they test you Monday morning... ask around see how many coworkers were tested and make the decision of your going to burn again
Kinda defeats the purpose of pre employment test, haha. Anyway I read the paperwork and it says nothing about drug testing so they'd have to make me sign a new ccontract. I'd probably refuse.

An employer can test you at any time the don't need you to sign a contract to take a drug test
after i got popped last year, i look at it like this- on a long enough timeline everyone gets caught. you can take the best precautions, but if they want you they will get you. and nothing hits you harder than that. well, except maybe a cheating wife that takes your kids. depending on your job, when you get busted, it's a pretty life-altering event. i unfortunately had one of those careers where your degree and your certifications are tied together to where if your certifications and licensure is fucked your degree is worthless.

my best advice for those that use cannabis and have jobs that drug test- don't wait, get the fuck out of that profession and do something that doesn't test. because when you get busted, moving your shit out of the house you've owned for years and almost have paid off sucks.
after i got popped last year, i look at it like this- on a long enough timeline everyone gets caught. you can take the best precautions, but if they want you they will get you. and nothing hits you harder than that. well, except maybe a cheating wife that takes your kids. depending on your job, when you get busted, it's a pretty life-altering event. i unfortunately had one of those careers where your degree and your certifications are tied together to where if your certifications and licensure is fucked your degree is worthless.

my best advice for those that use cannabis and have jobs that drug test- don't wait, get the fuck out of that profession and do something that doesn't test. because when you get busted, moving your shit out of the house you've owned for years and almost have paid off sucks.
Well I've gotten away with it for 16 years so far.
I'm pretty sure that's not true. Every job I've had had a contract that said you are subject to testing at the employers discretion. This one didn't.
it's true, some states may afford you some protection, but if they want to test you, in most cases they will. they will make up some bullshit and you'll be peeing in a cup.
No they don't need a contract they are just giving you a heads up to let you know that you may be subject to testing
Thanks for that artivle, good stuff. I think this means I'm good so long as no one decide they just want to fire me for no reason
"Generally, drug testing is allowed for occasions of post accidents or for probable cause. Random drug testing is limited only to safety-sensitive positions according to a State Supreme Court decision."
I'm a white collar worker so no safety reason.
Thanks for that artivle, good stuff. I think this means I'm good so long as no one decide they just want to fire me for no reason
"Generally, drug testing is allowed for occasions of post accidents or for probable cause. Random drug testing is limited only to safety-sensitive positions according to a State Supreme Court decision."
I'm a white collar worker so no safety reason.

Yeah no problem man I just want people to be informed with quality information