What the hellp is going on?


This is my second grow. Problem Started a week or two ago. It is Auto Jock Horror nirvana seeds. Under 20/4 135(actual wattage) LED light in a small 1-2 plant grow area I am using Foxfarm happy frog soil with fox farm nuetrients, ya know the big bloom trio. I have been giving half veg nuetrients at every other watering, I put molasses in my last two non nutrient waters because I thought it was a cal problem since I have been using distilled water. On this plant I have been tinkering with the PH level by lowering my starting PH to 5-5.5 so the soil would correct it to 6-6.5 I don't know if that would be a problem causing it? I don't smoke around it and wash hands before touching. The temps at day are 74ish and I think the night gets a little low like 65ish. I LSTed its week. Halp, also does it look small to you??


Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
My opinion only o.k. But Happy frog contains 0% Cal mag. The trio? 0% as well distilled water yep 0% also. 0+0+0 always equal 0 so this is just something to think about ,burnt tips of new growth, clawing ect most likely too much N which Idont believe is the issue the other markings to me are indicative of a Cal mag deficiency. It's becoming a very overlooked issue lately. I blame incomplete nutrients and poor "soil" composition being manufactured. Among other things. Good luck.


My opinion only o.k. But Happy frog contains 0% Cal mag. The trio? 0% as well distilled water yep 0% also. 0+0+0 always equal 0 so this is just something to think about ,burnt tips of new growth, clawing ect most likely too much N which Idont believe is the issue the other markings to me are indicative of a Cal mag deficiency. It's becoming a very overlooked issue lately. I blame incomplete nutrients and poor "soil" composition being manufactured. Among other things. Good luck.
Thank you for bringing this to light and I was thinking it was a cal issue too I just didn't know why the Molasses i was giving it wasn't helping i'm going to purchase some CalMag immediately, i knew i should have bought some when i was getting everything else hopefully I can save this. Does it look small for the pre flowers to be showing up?


Well-Known Member
This is my second grow. Problem Started a week or two ago. It is Auto Jock Horror nirvana seeds. Under 20/4 135(actual wattage) LED light in a small 1-2 plant grow area I am using Foxfarm happy frog soil with fox farm nuetrients, ya know the big bloom trio. I have been giving half veg nuetrients at every other watering, I put molasses in my last two non nutrient waters because I thought it was a cal problem since I have been using distilled water. On this plant I have been tinkering with the PH level by lowering my starting PH to 5-5.5 so the soil would correct it to 6-6.5 I don't know if that would be a problem causing it? I don't smoke around it and wash hands before touching. The temps at day are 74ish and I think the night gets a little low like 65ish. I LSTed its week. Halp, also does it look small to you??
well u say u been adding half strength veg nutes every other watering, it looks to me like n toxicity locking out cal, mag, and other micros. that plant is tooooo green


Well-Known Member
if i was u i will flush that soil immediately, purple stems ,week stems clawing dark green foliage, rust spots yellowing in the bottom, flushhhhhh. But if u think im wrong wait for more opinions. GL


Well-Known Member
i will flush with plain water three times the amount of soil and in the last gallon a complete npk fertilizer at half strength, also i will put a spoon of epson salt in the last gallon, i can be wrong but im almost 99% sure, so anyway wait like i say for other opinions and make a decision quick, she will die quick if u dont do anything and just keep doing what u doing. U can add calmag if u want but the lookout u have because of the n tox won't let the plant uptake nothing almost. G L


Well-Known Member
Shit can the distilled water .... Its stripped of minerals.
I use regular Tap and 1 tsp of CalMag / epsom .
Flush that plant to cut your overuse of Nitrogen ( dark leaves ) ... The excessive N will and can affect bud development ( small / underdevelop ).

It seems she is trying to flower , you should be on a LOWER N feed ( bloom ) right now.
It is unknown if this AUTO will come around as its life cycle is hardwired and does not have time to recover from stress like regular photo strains. It maybe stunted.


Shit can the distilled water .... Its stripped of minerals.
I use regular Tap and 1 tsp of CalMag / epsom .
Flush that plant to cut your overuse of Nitrogen ( dark leaves ) ... The excessive N will and can affect bud development ( small / underdevelop ).

It seems she is trying to flower , you should be on a LOWER N feed ( bloom ) right now.
It is unknown if this AUTO will come around as its life cycle is hardwired and does not have time to recover from stress like regular photo strains. It maybe stunted.
30604, member: 937614"]Thank you for this info as well I will cut down on the nutes a little more[/QUOTE]
Shit can the distilled water .... Its stripped of minerals.
I use regular Tap and 1 tsp of CalMag / epsom .
Flush that plant to cut your overuse of Nitrogen ( dark leaves ) ... The excessive N will and can affect bud development ( small / underdevelop ).

It seems she is trying to flower , you should be on a LOWER N feed ( bloom ) right now.
It is unknown if this AUTO will come around as its life cycle is hardwired and does not have time to recover from stress like regular photo strains. It maybe stunted.
I started another the other day in case i need to throw this one out unfortunately. i figured it wont produce much at this point. I also am not going to get autos anymore...thought it would be easier but i was dead wrong it seems like you should start with photo period plants first.

And about my light. I was afraid of not having enough wattage. for one plant but can only spend so much. so I have to deal with this for a few. thanks for all the advice tropic.


Well-Known Member
Well, now this is only my opinion...I have used the FFHF like...forever. I love the stuff. I will certainly agree that it is inherently lacking in Ca and Mg. But I really do not believe Ca is the biggest issue here (although there is a deficiency of Ca as well) I agree with @tropicalcannabispatient and @Budzbuddha. If this were my grow...I also would flush with 2-3 times water as medium...do you have any other FF liquids? I ask because flushing with sledgehammer to de-salinate the soil is a good thing. Then you may want to introduce microbes back into the medium, and microbrew works well. Anyway, IMHO this plant is way overloaded with N and being an auto it requires less N than a photo-period. As for the Ca...CalMag works well. Oh and by the way...I would also dump the distilled water and check the ph of the tap water. If it is good and it likely will be... I would let some sit out for 24 hours to de-chlorinate and then use. Again, just what I would do...others may say different....Do some reading, weigh your options...make a choice, at the end of the day it is your grow.

I am of the opinion that as long as there is green...a plant can survive. A good plant is a horrible thing to waste.:peace:
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Well-Known Member
am i missing something here,why are you PH ing your feeds at 5.0-5.5 in a soil grow, you will lock out Calcium and Magnesium,


Well-Known Member
My opinion only o.k. But Happy frog contains 0% Cal mag. The trio? 0% as well distilled water yep 0% also. 0+0+0 always equal 0 so this is just something to think about ,burnt tips of new growth, clawing ect most likely too much N which Idont believe is the issue the other markings to me are indicative of a Cal mag deficiency. It's becoming a very overlooked issue lately. I blame incomplete nutrients and poor "soil" composition being manufactured. Among other things. Good luck.
Seems that ff IMO is lacking in quality control the last few years ....I heard they got a new plant a while back and are using new things in there mixes depending in what area your in .....I don't know how true that is .....but what I do know is I don't use ffof without am mending it first because me and several growers I know started getting mag def like crazy with it ......so I'd start there especially since you have practically none in your mix and nutes above ...your plants look plenty green so it's not N def IMO .....good luck