Donald Trump

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What I can't believe is that the base of Trump's support comes from the very same demographic that he fucked repeatedly with his bankruptcies. He is a true 1%er, the one making decisions to ship every job he could overseas, who thinks stiffing small companies and individuals is "just smart business", and shows absolutely no remorse in any of it.

Never mind how many times he has suggested breaking the Constitution, forget he wants to ignore our treaties - including the Geneva Convention - that are in place to build alliances, protect our soldiers and our freedom, never mind the erratic behavior that lashes out at anyone who disagrees with him, never mind that he is so woefully ignorant of the world that he doesn't even know that Russia invaded Ukraine, never mind that most of his "facts" are simply made up shit and that his OWN BIOGRAPHER stated that Trump is a pathalogical liar (yet Hillary is the liar?). The list outright lies from fact checkers show him to be winning overwhelmingly in the pants-on-fire race. He has already said several times that as far as he is concerned nukes are on the table as an option. I was a Republican most of my life, but this hatred-spewing, fear-mongering demagogue is so far from the party of Lincoln I think the statue at his memorial is weeping.

While I don't love Hillary, and actually find her personality quite off-putting, I do respect her. Every purported "lie" that I am aware of were cases where she was mistaken, repeating information that was told to her. Politicians have spent 10s of millions of dollars trying to discredit her, and yet over and over nothing was found. The email scandal was bad judgement, she did what her predecessors did without thinking it through. She's far from perfect, but far better than her most vocal critics give her credit for, has the tools to the effectively run the government (an incredibly complex task she has been preparing for most of her life) and most importantly will not start WWIII.

Just MHO.
It is amazing how the very same group of people that Trump exploited time and again are so enamored with the guy.

Same goes with Hillary. she's done her bit through her husband to fuck over the black community. That crime bill, passed in '94, has been the base upon which our prisons have been filled with black and Hispanic men. Neither Bill or later on, Senator Hillary have done anything to staunch bias present in the justice system. And yet, Hillary received almost 80% of the black vote this year. It completely mystifies me why Bernie didn't get a higher share of the non-white vote other than he showed up to the party too late. But I recognize that Sanders didn't reach out or wasn't comfortable with the non-white voter.

It's my guess that we see some things that we really, really don't like on the other side of the political divide and it helps us forget the our own rat's transgressions. Illegal Immigrant! and Islamic Extremist! among others seem to be rallying cries for Republicans, while Racist! and Fascist! among others seem to be rallying cries for Democrats. Both sides hate the financial system but have extremely different solutions from tax cuts and cutting regulations to tax hikes and more regulation. Both sides are hawkish.

Looking on the face of the election there seems to be a glaring difference between candidates. I think Trump represents the most change and Democrats really don't like what they see. Trump supporters, on the other hand do like what they see.

This is one strange election. One for the historians to mull over for some time.
Because assholes like you don't give them a path to citizenship and even vote to keep immigrants who fought in our Armed Services from getting a path to citizenship.

They need to go to the courthouse and apply. I'm not stopping them.

Your panties are in a bunch, again.
Yeah, for brief moments it puts us in the same mindset as you.

No, every damned post from a right winger or subject and you guys go crazy.
Often times not even answering the question but derailing the thread completely.
You guys throw in the white flag when I read "tiny penis".
They need to go to the courthouse and apply. I'm not stopping them.

Your panties are in a bunch, again.
By definition an illegal immigrant got here by breaking laws. And yet I can't blame the Hispanic migration on some sort of manic criminal mindset. Practically all are coming to this country for the same reasons as all of the earlier recent waves of migration.

Most of the Hispanic people living illegally here have been here for many years. Working hard jobs, paying taxes and doing what everybody else has been doing only for less pay and more difficult jobs. Eleven million people from what I've read are here doing this and the net to our economy is benefit. I don't know why we shouldn't find a way to bring them into this country as legal citizens.
No, every damned post from a right winger or subject and you guys go crazy.
Often times not even answering the question but derailing the thread completely.
You guys throw in the white flag when I read "tiny penis".
I've used the term sparingly. You've been kind of a jerk yourself at times.

Do you know the current immigration laws?

Is your google broken? How about you educate yourself and find that answer and come back and post it and then say you're sorry you have a tiny penis.
By definition an illegal immigrant got here by breaking laws. And yet I can't blame the Hispanic migration on some sort of manic criminal mindset. Practically all are coming to this country for the same reasons as all of the earlier recent waves of migration.

Most of the Hispanic people living illegally here have been here for many years. Working hard jobs, paying taxes and doing what everybody else has been doing only for less pay and more difficult jobs. Eleven million people from what I've read are here doing this and the net to our economy is benefit. I don't know why we shouldn't find a way to bring them into this country as legal citizens.

How are they paying taxes without a SS number, sales tax maybe.

I've used the term sparingly. You've been kind of a jerk yourself at times.

I've never cursed anyone in this forum.


Do you know the current immigration laws?

Is your google broken? How about you educate yourself and find that answer and come back and post it and then say you're sorry you have a tiny penis.

My city holds a celebration every year for those who passed the test.
They are good citizens and I'm proud of them for respecting the laws.

In order to qualify for U.S. citizenship through naturalization, an individual must have had LPR status (a green card) for at least 5 years (or 3 years if he or she obtained the green card through a U.S.-citizen spouse or through the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA). There are other exceptions for members of the U.S. military who serve in a time of war or declared hostilities. Applicants for U.S. citizenship must be at least 18 years old, demonstrate continuous residency, demonstrate “good moral character,” pass English and U.S. history and civics exams, and pay an application fee, among other requirements.
How are they paying taxes without a SS number, sales tax maybe.

I've never cursed anyone in this forum.

My city holds a celebration every year for those who passed the test.
They are good citizens and I'm proud of them for respecting the laws.

In order to qualify for U.S. citizenship through naturalization, an individual must have had LPR status (a green card) for at least 5 years (or 3 years if he or she obtained the green card through a U.S.-citizen spouse or through the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA). There are other exceptions for members of the U.S. military who serve in a time of war or declared hostilities. Applicants for U.S. citizenship must be at least 18 years old, demonstrate continuous residency, demonstrate “good moral character,” pass English and U.S. history and civics exams, and pay an application fee, among other requirements.
People here illegally cannot qualify in the manner you say. I'd like to see a path to extend citizenship to hard working men and women who haven't comitted major crimes while here illegally because they are good people who are already contributing to the well being of this country.
People here illegally cannot qualify in the manner you say. I'd like to see a path to extend citizenship to hard working men and women who haven't comitted major crimes while here illegally because they are good people who are already contributing to the well being of this country.

They shouldn't have come here illegally in the first place but I see your point.
The govt needs a lot of money to pay for all the free shit they give away.
WIth working white people slowly disappearing they will have to hold the country together.
Slap yourself. They can't get hired by a semi legit business otherwise. Those businesses have to do yeah a lot of those guys you see in kitchens, fields, and factories are paying taxes.

Again are you here for a debate or an education? Because teaching you is tedious.

Yes, they are model illegals.
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