Azamax for Powdery mildew?


Active Member
I have an grow on the back deck and 2 in flowering have it pretty bad. I've been spraying Greencure on the first branch that showed it, and it's improving but not disappearing. However today I found it on another plant, big time. I'm going to give it the greencure treatment when lights go down tonight, but I've read a few thing suggesting that azamax might work to help prevent it from spreading. Would giving a drench feeding of azamax help prevent it from spreading to my other plants? I wouldn't do it that way with the ones that are close to harvest, maybe just a foliar spray of azamax on the fan leaves. Would this be worth doing?
Also, I Am going to put an oscillating fan out there to help air flow


Well-Known Member
Azamax works, but use in a rotation with other cures such as milk n water, lemon water green cure etc


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine Azamax doing anything to stop PM. You mean Actinovate? I rotate Green Cure, dilutedH2O2, and Actinovate for outbreaks and have a clean harvest. But you will be spraying the rest of the season.


Well-Known Member
Eagle 20 is the last hope. Sulphur burning is good, milk as suggested can work. Probiotics are best imo, after a treatment of sorts. There is copper based systemic as well that works.


Well-Known Member
Azamax will not kill pm though. Changing the ph of the surface of the leaf does though, which is why sulphur works. Burning it is best. Since adding water to a fungus is counter productive


Well-Known Member
Azamax is a by product of neem. It has antifungal properties. It helps.
But its not a good first option. systemic antifungal though works pretty fuggin good imo


Active Member
Azamax is a by product of neem. It has antifungal properties. It helps.
But its not a good first option. systemic antifungal though works pretty fuggin good imo

I had read about Neem oil working for Pm so that's why I was thinking my azamax might be a good idea to use as a spot foliar spray where I see the mildew. Obviously as a secondary treatment to the greencure I applied. I also put a couple fans out on the deck with them which I think is going to be the biggest help in my problem. I picked up some Fat Free Darigold milk also for a milk and water mix

Figured out what fuckin causing it too! Neighbor's got a high powered fuckin sprinkler thats been running in the evening and the wind's blowing a pretty good bit of mist over here on my fuckin buds!!!! Fans are taking care of it though