***DAT's Art Cave***

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I like to draw, paint make ceramic clay monsters.
I am trying to draw and make sculptures like my hero Basil Wolvertoon.
I have drawn a number of versions of Lena the Hyena.:p
Looks good Amber but concentrate on the shadow and highlight aspect with the "brains"
it will bring better depth and definition.
I really like your early work with the macro trichs on leaves that you did about 2 or 3 years

Thank you for the suggestions! Yes those earlier pieces are quite intricate and detailed. I have them all hanging up in my apartment on the walls and im bored of them. That is why Im taking a different direction, I want to make art that is funny and demented not so abstract. But who knows, im a temperamental artist and could change my mind on a dime.:p
Thanks for stopping by, I appreaciate the support:peace:
and everyone else i see stopped by from the 600Club:hug: Thanks! I love you all!!:weed:

Very cool .....I like to just sit down and do a full page themed every now and then ......but I've been playing piano for over 20 years so I've been messing with that a lot again lately
Thank you Indacouch, i would love to see your art work, it sounds fascinating. I would also love to hear some of your piano music! :razz:
I like so many styles! I just got tickets to Megadeth/suicidal tendencies/metal church. Really like metal and some rap, NOT country, Raggae, Tool, Rage against the machine, Hendrix, Dio, Cypress Hill, some jazz, Zappa, Nirvana Punk rock like Iggy and the Sex pistols. Lots of stuff. Heavy and groovy and funky.:D Santana too!
cool! glad your subbed. I got this wicked idea of using the Wet Dreams Leafs Payne Farms logo and stick it the the alligators mouth.

This is a drawing I started summer 2014 but just finished it last week. Major Artists block on this one. Very difficult piece for me. It is Jorge Cervantes in a jungle of ganja in Columbia. DO you see how I camouflaged in the cockroach with the 420 top hat and the snake(shiny area in your left hand bottom corner? and wild animals and gorilla faces in between the leafs? Its very challenging for me to get depth in my work because I tend to want to fill in all space with detail.
cool! glad your subbed. I got this wicked idea of using the Wet Dreams Leafs Payne Farms logo and stick it the the alligators mouth.

This is a drawing I started summer 2014 but just finished it last week. Major Artists block on this one. Very difficult piece for me. It is Jorge Cervantes in a jungle of ganja in Columbia. DO you see how I camouflaged in the cockroach with the 420 top hat and the snake(shiny area in your left hand bottom corner? and wild animals and gorilla faces in between the leafs? Its very challenging for me to get depth in my work because I tend to want to fill in all space with detail.
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I like it, God that's a ton of detail! How big is the piece for scale? The more I look through more I see!
your drawing style looks like a form of folk art in a way ... nice job !

check out theodore gall for some idea's, he's a cool dude also ....

" Theodore T. Gall began his career in the arts in the mid-sixties as an animator for teaching films and continued to broaden his skills as a graphic designer. Gall has worked in metal since his early days as an artist. Although his work has not been limited to the human form, it has been his primary focus throughout his career. His compelling figures are most often placed in thought-provoking situations. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and the American Academy of Art and has shared his expertise with students at the Clay People in Chicago, The Northshore Art League in Winnetka, Illinois, and the Ojai Art Center in Ojai, California. "

