are your memes danker than abandonconflict's memes?

Yeah, Robert Crumb has always been my favorite. Thanks for the eloquent description, that brought back good memories.


You should see 'American Splendor', if you haven't already. Good stuff, him and Pekar.

Odd connection: If not for Crumb/Pekar the TMNT might not exist, heh. Either Eastman or Laird was reading either Smut or Snatch on a public bus and the other noticed and they struck up a convo about comics and smoking weed, among other things.
my pavlovian responce. lol.

i learned what a meme was here too , lol. although ive been looking at them for years without knowing what they were called. Kinda like the mullet i used to sport . since the 70s caLLING it A B- LEVEL then fats forward to a foose turney present day , well 17 years ago and a girl goes , check out that mullet cause long hair., but anyway , the first time i herd it called a mullet i got rid of that shit fast . lol.
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my pavlovian responce. lol.

i learned what a meme was here too , lol. although ive been looking at them for years without knowing what they were called. Kinda like the mullet i used to sport . since the 70s caLLING it A B- LEVEL then fats forward to a foose turney present day , well 17 years ago and a girl goes , check out that mullet cause long hair., but anyway , the first time i herd it called a mullet i got rid of that shit fast . lol.
Damn, sounds like you took some serious drastic action.
funny as hell that would make an awesome tattoo. Now I wouldn't get it but maybe a Trump or Hillary Freak. I was just thinking..that Donald Trump is Mr. Natural and HIllary Trump is Devil Girl.:lol:
my pavlovian responce. lol.

i learned what a meme was here too , lol. although ive been looking at them for years without knowing what they were called. Kinda like the mullet i used to sport . since the 70s caLLING it A B- LEVEL then fats forward to a foose turney present day , well 17 years ago and a girl goes , check out that mullet cause long hair., but anyway , the first time i herd it called a mullet i got rid of that shit fast . lol.
Thank you for the nightmares.