Spider Mites at Harvest......


Well-Known Member
Make sure the room or tent is sealed off as much as possible... impossible to be completely sealed but whatever you can do best... ram up the co2 ppms up too 5000ppm. DO NOT STAY IN THE ROOM PLEASE!!! leave for about 30 minutes and all those fuckers will explode


Well-Known Member
Was wondering how you knew the "mites were trapped" in washed bud. I think the doc bud gang are under the impression that their washing routing will remove mites. Ill reread their claims when i get a sec.
I'm sure bud washing will help clean the webbing ect, but i would let the mites attemp to leave first before drowning them between sticky trichomes, that would be common sense right?


Well-Known Member
yea it does.... just makes your crop kinda shitty, i was just trying to put you on a method that works without compromising the quality of your crop and you could finish all the way through without chopping ahead of schedule if you still have more time left.


Well-Known Member
No but original question was if a hot water soak would help.
Honestly I'm not really sure. But it might be worth checking out what the bud washing people believe. If you google "doc bud's bud washing" you'll find a bunch of folks who swear by it. Maybe add "mites" to the query to narrow it a bit.


Well-Known Member
Make sure the room or tent is sealed off as much as possible... impossible to be completely sealed but whatever you can do best... ram up the co2 ppms up too 5000ppm. DO NOT STAY IN THE ROOM PLEASE!!! leave for about 30 minutes and all those fuckers will explode
No CO2 setup yet. The plants were outdoor and deficiencies were ignored due to poor lighting until recently. They got the infestation while sitting beside infected radishes I killed earlier this year. I don't know what kept them from exploding but either way. My negligence is to blame 100%. Chopped them down and have them hanging now.



Well-Known Member
i have done a side by side with the bud washing thing as well, which involves a hot water/cold water dumping. Its alright ....to each his own.

Difference is night and day imo.


Well-Known Member
yea it does.... just makes your crop kinda shitty, i was just trying to put you on a method that works without compromising the quality of your crop and you could finish all the way through without chopping ahead of schedule if you still have more time left.
Honestly I'd rather cut my losses and learn a valuable lesson lol. Next round will be 4.0 and every grow I learn something new. Again the fact is my neglect caused this cause I noticed the dots earlier and just thought it was due to poor environmental conditions.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I'd rather cut my losses and learn a valuable lesson lol. Next round will be 4.0 and every grow I learn something new. Again the fact is my neglect caused this cause I noticed the dots earlier and just thought it was due to poor environmental conditions.
make sure u get rid of them completely or those fucks will come back in force


Well-Known Member
make sure u get rid of them completely or those fucks will come back in force
Going to do a bleach clean. Harsh chemicals all the way with a hot soap rinse to finish. THing I'm worried about is my carbon filter. I can't imagine they could congregate on the cotton let alone surpass the tremendous suction. Hopefully I can rid these vermin and grow healthy next round.


Well-Known Member
If you clean everything well and make sure all plants that were in any contact are removed u should be good.


Active Member
Found this on another forum, maybe it will help...

Here's a few tips:
-Don't bring any "stray" plants into the growroom without giving them a 2 or 3 week quarentine 1st.
-ALWAYS wash your hands before going into the growroom.
-Mites--indeed most insects--build up a resistance to certain types of insecticides rapidly. You need 3 types of insecticides and rotate their use. Pyrethium and neem-oil based are 2 types. Insecticidal soap is another one. Make sure they are non-toxic to humans. Use a light mist of them every week, followed the next day with plain water. But don't use them during flowering.
-Mite eggs can hide in the smallest crevices, therefore the floor should be either linolium or put a tarp down.
-Mites thrive in warm environments. Keeping temps at 65--70F will reduce their reproduction rate.
-Have a pair of overalls that you only wear in the growroom.
-Inspect the plants weekly, especially the undersides of leaves.
-Avoid having the plants touch or almost touch each other. And use sticky tape (available at large plant nurseries) on the planters. This will keep the mites from spreading from plant to plant in case some gets in.

Of these tips, the 1st is the most important. The most common way for mites to get inside in by hitchhiking on an infested plant.


Active Member
You also might be able to make a concentrate, im not sure if the mites would wind up in it or not. I think a BHO would be ok, but if you go this route be careful!


Well-Known Member
You've never smoked anything other then your own homegrown? You grew before you toked? Never smoked outdoor bud?

@Dankeh_fever but you'll kill them and they will get stuck between trichs, you'll probably end up smoking more mites this way
Why do you want my smoking history so badly? Like I'm going to tell some random person over the internet my smoking history so they can pick it apart and ridicule me lol. I've only smoked my own homegrown because of different circumstances that happened in my life which is none of your business. And I've never ever had/or smoked spider mites. I know you guys are jealous but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Why do you want my smoking history so badly? Like I'm going to tell some random person over the internet my smoking history so they can pick it apart and ridicule me lol. I've only smoked my own homegrown because of different circumstances that happened in my life which is none of your business. And I've never ever had/or smoked spider mites. I know you guys are jealous but it is what it is.
Must be nice to be a grower before a toker

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
The c02 trick DOES NOT WORK. the best thing you can do is chop them, hang upside down and as stated they will crawl to top, which is now bottom of plant, that is when you torch the little fuckers, keep doing it until there is no more.


Well-Known Member
Well as you know I chopped them yesterday and still don't see anything. I'm hoping they were concentrated on the fan leaves. The first one I did see was on a bud leaf though but wither way 24hrs and still nada at bottom "top" of stem. They're still soaked though as they were watered two days ago. Anyway I'll keep you guys updated as to how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Why do you want my smoking history so badly? Like I'm going to tell some random person over the internet my smoking history so they can pick it apart and ridicule me lol. I've only smoked my own homegrown because of different circumstances that happened in my life which is none of your business. And I've never ever had/or smoked spider mites. I know you guys are jealous but it is what it is.
I appreciate your help and everything but I call bullshit on you never had smoked mites before. Before the last few days I probably would have said the same thing but thanks to this incident and all the reading I've done I can say without a doubt that I and everyone else has too. If your saying you never had a bud that had a clear thread through it or silky strand than you're just not remembering.