Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
you consistently amaze me at your involvement in this thread my man
Gotta hand it to ya.
you got patience
I just think it's particularly telling that he would use this double pole arguement when it is so cleanly and clearly explained with a 30 second Google

Obviously THEY don't fact- check the stream of BS they share amongst one another. So they review nothing and accept it even though the rest of the planet would argue them

This is statistically just stupid. Even PT Barnum didn't see this kinda dumb coming
You do deserve some kind of award for defending the dignity of intelligence...


Well-Known Member
I can't see Mt Washington from the top of the mountain proof of curvature...

Also where are all these UFO sightings coming from? I have more faith in aliens than Jesus because well we have video proof of UFO's.

But nobody can show me any proof whatsoever that Jesus was ever born and 2016 years later not a single sighting.


Well-Known Member
I have had quite a few people hand me their "Fire" cannabis and I've not been able to choke it down, due to how horrible the quality is. You handing me 'facts' is pretty much the same experience. LOL

You make me believe you're doing this for sport, but I realize you're probably just 12 and on a phone under the covers. (would explain why you believe that's an unsuited face. lol)

You know what they say, ''the truth hurts''
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