Who's sober and still growing?

sober but still growing

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my moms is crazy,.gets monet for it too.
my sta dad was as well lol..always tying to kill in weird ways or beat her. lol anyway, my ex wife stayed with me too.. cause i was a boss.. my moms woukd act uncomfortably sexual with her..
anyway a series of hundreds of events lmao led to me and mybex wife dipping.

left home beginning of sophomore year. she be talkin shit. uet i still graduated a year early and went to college so f u momma.
just grew weed and sold drugs. my ex wife was older. had half days. id sneak off property fuck durin lunch take a few bong hits
good tumes man good times.
i didnt speak to my mom till i hlgot divirced 2 years back..still crazy, we stll dont like each other.. but it kinda works now
Dude, my mom would repeat that scene from The Sixth Sense where the ghost woman who was abused by her husband slit her wrists in the kitchen? She'd tell me "YOU CAN'T HURT ME ANYMORE!" and shit like, she never wants to know the children I father, etc. etc. Like, she shat on me for my drug use, but at least I offered my aunt money for her pills when I was doing harder shit. She just walked in there and demanded them. That's how she found out I was using, because she went in to demand my aunt's pills and my aunt had less than where she usually would during the month. At least I compensated her, even though it's still bad. My fiendin' ass mom just said "Give me some of your Vicodin." She was always sticking her nose in my money, too. Always asking how much money I had, like it was any of her fucking business. I earned my pension check.

But truth be told, I don't want my children knowing her, either.
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My brother called me a baby killer. I waited 30 seconds for her to say something. When she said nothing, I got in her face, because she was getting on me for wanting to beat my brother's ass. The cops showed up and asked what was going on. As soon as I told them my brother had called me a baby killer, and that's why I was in my mother's face and in his face, he walked over, asked my brother "Did you call him a baby killer?" My brother said yes. They chastised him, offered me a ride, which I refused, and they left.
Holy shit! We have a new winner folks!
My other dui's were almost identical to yours too, in the exact same order. I did 9months for my third.
wow , didnt mean to win really. lol.

I was super lucky . 1st one was 175..00 fine. second was 250.00 ,third i cant remember , lol. On the 4th one i moved to a new town "merced ca " . anyway , me and my brother roll into the public defenders office and they guy says to me , being your first youll get ta least 1 day and 700.00 fine. I kept my mouth shut and when we got outside me and my brother look at each other and said "fuck yeah baby " .lol. so at court my 4th was a first . whew.
So i do the a.a. meetings and classes. i was working 90 soemthing hours a week in a factory gravyard .12 hours a day for 2-3 weeks at a time for a year and a half. Talk about burnt. Led to speed use but that another story. So anyway i finish the class . And have just one appointment left to pick up degree or whatever its called. so i get home afterwork in the morning and lay down just for a couple hours telling wife to wake me to pick up the paper. Well , i was so tired she thought she would let me sleep. Judge made a example out of me and i had to do 45 days for missing the appointment. Talk about a drag. Man , when i would do work camp a bunch of us would show up on weekends and they would pull me from the crowd and strip search me. I never even did anything to make that happen. fuckers. Later i got married in front of the same judge and when he entered the room he saw me and asked my wife "sure you want to marry this man " .lol.
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My brother called me a baby killer. I waited 30 seconds for her to say something. When she said nothing, I got in her face, because she was getting on me for wanting to beat my brother's ass. The cops showed up and asked what was going on. As soon as I told them my brother had called me a baby killer, and that's why I was in my mother's face and in his face, he walked over, asked my brother "Did you call him a baby killer?" My brother said yes. They chastised him, offered me a ride, which I refused, and they left.

man o man . I feel for ya.
My brother always called me drug addict then ask my help on everything. lol. Mom would call me a drunk . Then years later id have to loan her money she lost gambling. she was like the grandma on the george lopez sitcom show. lol. My brother is opposite of me and went to collage to be a cop finished all classes then hurt back so couldnt do the academy. He would drop the table on the towns swap commander. lol. Got home invaded one time accused of stealing 15 ar15s from a truck. i was being set up. They said would come back later that day and kill whoever to find these guns. , i got rid of family and waited. Had brother and two friends packing as i wait for them to return to look for guns. I found out his partner wiht him was the one that took them. I didnt even know these peole and they bust into my house with gun and search my shit while being held hostage on couch with daufher and wife.. Boy did the guy start oppologizing to me when i pulled him into my kitchen to tell him his partner is setting me up. i had to be to work in an hour too. lol. They wlaked into a loaded room . fucking idiots ! While im talking to the biker dude in kitchen we here bolt action and my brother told the guy to stay right there . Then the dude was saverly freaking . i had city councilmans son there too paCKIN. I delt crank at that time. Next we here a gun go off. The guy rolled out the front door and my brother put a couple rounds into the ground by him as he ran. oh ya , whole family getting in there 50 bussiness coup lowrider right actross the street in apts and nobody calls the cops. it was like thta there. Anyway , next home intruder will be met wiht a gun. "never again " !!!!!!! ok , that enough a.d.d. inspired writings. lol.
So one day im with my daughter at home and i went to the bathroom. My daughter was 4 and on my porch. i had a good watch dog to warn if someone comes over. Im only in there for a couple minutes then come out and my daughters gone. Im runnign up and down the block asking all the people i know on the block if they seen her. Everyone looking for her. Cop shop was at the end of my block so i take off running full speed to them. I tell them about it then run back home to meet him there. I ran so hard i puked as soon as i got home. i was a bucktooth weezer , not a runner ,lol. So the cops taking a report from me and here rolls up my brother with my daughter both with ice cream cones. the cop went off on him bigtime. so much for cop training im thinkin...............man , i could barely proofread my post my heads shaking so much from telling of this. Fuck. Thanks phenol poisening for fuckign up my nervouse system. lol. whole body is shaking now. why , i dont know.
sorry for going off topic. one reason i dont say much around here . ,lol.
wow , didnt mean to win really. lol.
I was super lucky . 1st one was 175..00 fine. second was 250.00 ,third i cant remember , lol. On the 4th one i moved to a new town "merced ca " . anyway , me and my brother roll into the public defenders office and they guy says to me , being your first youll get ta least 1 day and 700.00 fine. I kept my mouth shut and when we got outside me and my brother look at each other and said "fuck yeah baby " .lol. so at court my 4th was a first . whew.
So i do the a.a. meetings and classes. i was working 90 soemthing hours a week in a factory gravyard .12 hours a day for 2-3 weeks at a time for a year and a half. Talk about burnt. Led to speed use but that another story. So anyway i finish the class . And have just one appointment left to pick up degree or whatever its called. so i get home afterwork in the morning and lay down just for a couple hours telling wife to wake me to pick up the paper. Well , i was so tired she thought she would let me sleep. Judge made a example out of me and i had to do 45 days for missing the appointment. Talk about a drag. Man , when i would do work camp a bunch of us would show up on weekends and they would pull me from the crowd and strip search me. I never even did anything to make that happen. fuckers. Later i got married in front of the same judge and when he entered the room he saw me and asked my wife "sure you want to marry this man " .lol.
I got my third in monterey. Did 6 months in salinas jail.
The first two were in santa clara co. Slap on the hand. Fourth which was in gilroy was my 1st again, and my fucking last for ever
Dude, my mom would repeat that scene from The Sixth Sense where the ghost woman who was abused by her husband slit her wrists in the kitchen? She'd tell me "YOU CAN'T HURT ME ANYMORE!" and shit like, she never wants to know the children I father, etc. etc. Like, she shat on me for my drug use, but at least I offered my aunt money for her pills when I was doing harder shit. She just walked in there and demanded them. That's how she found out I was using, because she went in to demand my aunt's pills and my aunt had less than where she usually would during the month. At least I compensated her, even though it's still bad. My fiendin' ass mom just said "Give me some of your Vicodin." She was always sticking her nose in my money, too. Always asking how much money I had, like it was any of her fucking business. I earned my pension check.

But truth be told, I don't want my children knowing her, either.
Shit sorry man, so sad when addiction takes over to such a strong degree, like there's nothing left of the person but their need for gear, fucking heartbreaking watching someone reach that point too.
Sorry about being a bitch. My mother just tried to have my brother tell me that she's dying again. So I'm a little bit unnerved and angry. She has the nerve to fucking ask for my sympathy and attention, like I should feel bad, and I don't.
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Whatever you personally have to do to keep yourself stable, that's what has to come first. Look after you, then think about what else you can handle, but do you first cos no fucker else will, and if you don't take care of you you're no good to anyone :peace:
8 1/2 year sober. Smoke like a chimney.
By the way it doesn't suck. I get more done. Spend my $$$$ on more sensible shit .
ehhh i lived that life were i had good job with hella good pay got w/e i want ton's o fun and got stuff done this is all true...but something was missing in my life now re introduce im loving it but like stated before stuff dose not get done as fast but still happened money can be short at times but i was still happy i guess either way...i think i still prefer my smoke it never really got in my way or effect my work or anything else and i smoke like a broke ass muffler on a 70s car going 120mph..and i dunno why but the first time i quit it didn't suck but this time it dose...
Sober til cure is about done. Been a month thus far. Not a problem. Except for the 3am brain buzz. Weed an booze are the only things that shut it up. Sleeping pills either give me headaches. Or I wake up wanting to smash the crap out of everything!
Sober til cure is about done. Been a month thus far. Not a problem. Except for the 3am brain buzz. Weed an booze are the only things that shut it up. Sleeping pills either give me headaches. Or I wake up wanting to smash the crap out of everything!
Try melatonin I've been sober of everything for about a month.. It helps in the beginning with the insomnia but I don't need it anymore