homemade fert

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
my grandmother used to use all old food . coffee grounds eggs old fruit anything that rots makes great fertilizer . but how would a plant taste from this soil made from this ? these eggs shells and other items need to be decomposed and it turns into dirt then its fertilized soil . you don't just throw egg shells into the water or soil wont do any thing . and for ash having any nutrients at all is news to me .


Well-Known Member
have you ever done the homemade bloom fert?
I myself have not but I know several growers that use it with great success. I may try it out next grow though if needed, I usually do not need a bloom fert with my topdress.

My favorite recipe on there is Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms. The indigenous part may be difficult depending on where you live so you can also follow this recipe https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cxlUTCpm6NCKGWiMVpmA5YlO6J2kCu5g6QaNXfgjauo/mobilebasic?pli=1

Great stuff much better than buying the bottled "EM1" stuff and it works better.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Eggshells work as a good usable Ca source.
Don't wash them out, just dry and powder them with a coffee grinder.
Use at the same rate as dolo - I mix it with oyster shell powder.

Baked (high temp - long time) and powdered do other things along with the Ca.

Soaking crushed for a few days makes a nice "right now" need liquid supplement.

Use them!


Well-Known Member
I used to like digging a hole and chucking fish frames after fishing / feral cats, whatever really into it, it would breakdown and then ya chuck a plant on top and watch it grow.