Assange doesn't have shit.

Libertarian is a Liberal Republican.

Sort of, but not really. Liberal only in the sense that they don't believe the Government should be interfering with personal matters that don't infringe on the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of another. That is what originally interested me about the ideology. But they are not liberal in the sense of spending plans. Not liberal in the sense of equality protections. Not liberal in the sense of protecting the environment. Not liberal in the sense of just about everything else Liberals stand for.
Sort of, but not really. Liberal only in the sense that they don't believe the Government should be interfering with personal matters that don't infringe on the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of another. That is what originally interested me about the ideology. But they are not liberal in the sense of spending plans. Not liberal in the sense of equality protections. Not liberal in the sense of protecting the environment. Not liberal in the sense of just about everything else Liberals stand for.

Not typically church goers either.
TPP sets up net censoring? Any keywords to search under?
Johnson is a vaping fuccboi extreme right corporatist shitstain lolbertarian who will support tpp which will destroy net neutrality and basically fuck the 99% of what little individual freedoms they have time to enjoy.

He's not as bad as Hillary though.
Libertarian is a Liberal Republican.
All three of those words have meant many things and there is overlap in all 3. With what I think you mean, I agree. What a liberal is in the original sense of the word, a classical liberal, is what I think so called libertarians attempt to emulate while a libertarian originally meant a left-wing, anticapitalist anarchist. Republican is a term in use possibly earlier than the Roman empire in some form. In Rome, a republican was someone who opposed an imperial form of gov't but simply became someone who supported certain senators.

Words as we see, can be appropriated.
All three of those words have meant many things and there is overlap in all 3. With what I think you mean, I agree. What a liberal is in the original sense of the word, a classical liberal, is what I think so called libertarians attempt to emulate while a libertarian originally meant a left-wing, anticapitalist anarchist. Republican is a term in use possibly earlier than the Roman empire in some form. In Rome, a republican was someone who opposed an imperial form of gov't but simply became someone who supported certain senators.

Words as we see, can be appropriated.

Much like nations, they can be appropriated while we aren't paying careful enough attention.
Much like nations, they can be appropriated while we aren't paying careful enough attention.
Can we get an ETA on when you can be expected to stop crying that your dude lost?

Even without Superdelegates, Hillary won the popular vote and the delegates.
Can we get an ETA on when you can be expected to stop crying that your dude lost?

Even without Superdelegates, Hillary won the popular vote and the delegates.

Holy Fuck dude, will you quit sucking billionaire cock long enough to listen?

Did I say word one about Mr Sanders?! Noooooo!

The one percenters are the ones who've stolen our country, stupid. The ongoing scandal that is the DNC is proof enough, but there's been plenty of evidence that the donor class have it had all their way in Washington for decades now.

And here you come sniveling veiled insults about the messenger, do you even think for yourself?