Hillary can't be trusted

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The FBI said her private server as Secretary of State was less secure than a Gmail account. What if she decides to do that again?

what did the FBI say about the private server of Bush/Cheney where 22 million emails were deleted by Karl Rove?

sounds like she had precedent from a higher authority to use a private server.
You never rebutted my points in the above post btw.

Do you believe them to be true? If not, which do you disagree with?
what did the FBI say about the private server of Bush/Cheney where 22 million emails were deleted by Karl Rove?

sounds like she had precedent from a higher authority to use a private server.
I have no love for bush or cheney. I think they were liars and crooks.
The reason she wasn't prosecuted was because Comey did not feel that any prosecuter would be comfortable with using "negligence" as a reason for prosecution.

I believe he said that law was not used to prosecute for 100 years. Early 1900s.
If you look to my first couple posts in this thread you can watch all the questions and answers with Comey.

Notice how the left chose to spend their time only focusing on whether or not they found proof of "intent". They spent 90% of their talking time asking about cop brutality instead of hillary.
The reason she wasn't prosecuted was because Comey did not feel that any prosecuter would be comfortable with using "negligence" as a reason for prosecution.
exactly. in other words, they didn't have a case against her. so why does the right keep pushing the issue?

nobody knows if any confidential emails were on the Bush private server. none were recovered
Why don't you trust her?
Some of the same reasons you don't trust her. I am on the record about it many times over. But the Republicans rendered her shortcomings irrelevant. They did this by putting their own power and wealth before the country's best interests. Then they sandbagged Obama while feeding people like you racism, lies and innuendo. Then, finally, they nominated this dictator wannabe and, for the most part, jumped on his bandwagon of fear and hate.

Oh yeah, I forgot BENGHAZI. They lost my confidence by parading a constant stream of nuts forward to talk shit about everything to the point where it became clear that they have lost any moral compass they ever had. The Republican party must now die. It is not my fault. The only reasonable vote is for Hillary. I do not like her personally but she will do a reasonable job of running the country compared to the alternative.

exactly. in other words, they didn't have a case against her. so why does the right keep pushing the issue?

nobody knows if any confidential emails were on the Bush private server. none were recovered
Why do you keep bringing up bush?

The issue is she made an effort to avoid transparency in government.

The only thing they cleared her of was "intent" to break the law. Which means, she broke the law but didn't know she was breaking it.

Watch the video. I know it is long. Comey also reveals to congress that Hillary lied under oath during the benghazi trial.
Some of the same reasons you don't trust her. I am on the record about it many times over. But the Republicans rendered her shortcomings irrelevant. They did this by putting their own power and wealth before the country's best interests. Then they sandbagged Obama while feeding people like you racism, lies and innuendo. Then, finally, they nominated this dictator wannabe and, for the most part, jumped on his bandwagon of fear and hate.

Oh yeah, I forgot BENGHAZI. They lost my confidence by parading a constant stream of nuts forward to talk shit about everything to the point where it became clear that they have lost any moral compass they ever had. The Republican party must now die. It is not my fault. The only reasonable vote is for Hillary. I do not like her personally but she will do a reasonable job of running the country compared to the alternative.

FBI director said she lied under oath.
I could of said I think, i believe, and so on. Would it have made a difference to you?

The information I have discovered has led me to believe/feel/think that hillary is the worst candidate for president.

Have you looked into the argument against hillary at all? Or do you immediately block out all dissenting opinions as false?

I read the articles everyone posts. I check for citations and then come to a decision on my own without having a site such as politifact telling me what to believe.

If you can't see that CNN is corrupted then you did not look into the DNC emails.

If you cannot see that hillary lies repeatably, then you have not really looked into it.

Do you think it is ok that her foundation recieved millions from foreign governments that she was in negotiations with as secretary of state?

Do you think it is ok that she lies and misleads the public at every opportunity?

Do you think it is ok that CNN does not give her the same scrutiny as they give trump and other candidates?

Do you think it is ok to ban all semiautomatic guns?

Do you think it is ok to push for the removal of foreign government leaders?

Do you think we should have completely open borders and let people into our country that do not have proof of identity?

The FBI said her private server as Secretary of State was less secure than a Gmail account. What if she decides to do that again?

So please tell me why you think she is trustworthy. Noone here has actually posted why THEY think she is trustworthy.

I have explained my position. Now it's your turn.
What you posted is laughably beyond truthy in content.

Remember please that facts are verifiable. I'll list my reply. Everything I call a fact in my response below can be backed up by main stream press such as the Washington Post, New York Times or other major news outlet, including CNN. I'm not quoting left leaning sources such as Huffpo and Politico. Politifacts and Factcheck are also reputable sources get over it. The reason you don't like them is because Trump can't go five minutes without telling a lie or at best, something that is not true and they factually report it. The "lies every five minutes" statistic came out of his speech at the convention.

I don't think any politician should be completely trusted. Hillary doesn't get a free pass from me. Trump on the other hand can be trusted to be the authoritarian bigoted lawless person that he very honestly represents himself to be. Which is why my vote will go to Hillary.

  • She's the most experienced person running for office in this election and compared to previous presidents, you'd have to go back to Truman to find one with equivalent years of experience
  • She shows the ability to listen to public opinion and learn and alter her policies with the times.
  • She will protect and extend the affordable care act.
  • She will not back down from the gun lobby and will push forward legislation that ends loopholes that mass murderers have used to obtain guns.
  • Her economic policy does not include tax cuts for the wealthy and wild spending increases. She identifies tax increases on the wealthy as one way to increase tax revenues.
  • Her foreign policy is supportive of national defense treaties like NATO
  • She supports providing legal status to illegal immigrants who are already here and contributing to its prosperity.
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Start at 5:50. The end bit from about 20 min is very strong finish.

because there was no outrage when 22 millions of emails were deleted from a private server.
but now there is?
you don't see how that's kinda a conflict of interests?
Outrage by me or the public?

Hey.. my dad still thinks bush was a good guy. Sometimes people dont want to believe the truth. The truth was that bush was just another puppet for pushing government expansion and military expansion.

I've tried pointing out some of the legislation he signed or the fact that Iraq was not a necessary war. Doesnt matter.

He is slowly waking up. He has started to say the things are bad but bush didn't know they were bad at the time. So progress.. lol
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The reason she wasn't prosecuted was because Comey did not feel that any prosecuter would be comfortable with using "negligence" as a reason for prosecution.

I believe he said that law was not used to prosecute for 100 years. Early 1900s.
You are continually claiming your feelings create a fact. What Comey said was there is no evidence that Hillary lied to the FBI and he said that the e-mails were deleted as part of a normal process and not part of a cover up or to get rid of incriminating evidence.
You mindless TRUMPoholics need to wake up and remove the dark glasses!
HE is the most dangerous person to ever run for president!
His tax/economic plan are nothing more then plans to increase the wealth of the 1%! YOU are the one's that will be screwed by his policy!
He lies at every turn!
WHO in their RIGHT MIND would allow this MORON access to the nuclear weapons of ANY country!

I want to KNOW what ties this dimwit has TO Putin! You good'le boy's don't LIKE "commie's" right?
Then why back one who suggested they INVADE American private domain of a citizen of the US?

Lastly; TRUMP is the "law and order" candidate right? DID you KNOW he's ANTI marijuana - even medical!

All you folks can kiss that shit good by if he takes office - especially "legal" rec.!

All the Feds have to do is to block any Fed funds to states with any "legal" form on Marijuana......Now how long do you think the state would keep weed and loose money in far more larger sums then any legal taxed weed?

It's still illegal FEDERALLY! THEY have the power - unless YOU stand up and fight it, by voting pro MM! That gives us the "foot in the door" for real change!
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