growing with a conscience


New Member
My wife has stage 4 ovarian cancer and we were given 6 months, as of June 2013. In March 2014, she went into remission with Cannabis Oil. My son, who wrote his MCAT this year, completed his honors degree with a research project in Trichomes and the correlation between their color and cannabinoid levels. As a relatively new grower (3 years now), I had a thought that has stuck with me since the beginning.
Is there anything that I'm feeding the plant that could possibly exacerbate her condition?
The tobacco companies sell to people, knowing full well that the garbage that they put in causes serious harm to people.
If we are growing for a patient and aren't placing emphasis on this, we are WORSE than the tobacco industry. At least there not providing a product to be used specifically by patients....
I checked all over and Washington state has the most rigerous testing for any nutrients or fertilizers and they post it on their government site.
Plant Life Products by Future Harvest Developments, which makes Holland's secret and others, has the lowest possible heavy metals and as there are no sediments in their product, my emitters don't get clogged ever. They are also eurea free. which means the nitrogen doesn't take 3 weeks to break down and my res doesn't smell like cat piss.
I looked at organics but it is such a buzz word that people don't even consider that lots of that is animal & bio products which means that your products can be exposed to ecoli and other wonderful things.
I used Holland Secret and my cannabinoid lab results and overall yield were better than with GH or advanced.
For me, the residuals are a huge deal and even without the yield figures, I'd be using whats best for my wife. The fact that I didn't compromise overall weight to get the purity, was a bonus.
My wife has stage 4 ovarian cancer and we were given 6 months, as of June 2013. In March 2014, she went into remission with Cannabis Oil. My son, who wrote his MCAT this year, completed his honors degree with a research project in Trichomes and the correlation between their color and cannabinoid levels. As a relatively new grower (3 years now), I had a thought that has stuck with me since the beginning.
Is there anything that I'm feeding the plant that could possibly exacerbate her condition?
The tobacco companies sell to people, knowing full well that the garbage that they put in causes serious harm to people.
If we are growing for a patient and aren't placing emphasis on this, we are WORSE than the tobacco industry. At least there not providing a product to be used specifically by patients....
I checked all over and Washington state has the most rigerous testing for any nutrients or fertilizers and they post it on their government site.
Plant Life Products by Future Harvest Developments, which makes Holland's secret and others, has the lowest possible heavy metals and as there are no sediments in their product, my emitters don't get clogged ever. They are also eurea free. which means the nitrogen doesn't take 3 weeks to break down and my res doesn't smell like cat piss.
I looked at organics but it is such a buzz word that people don't even consider that lots of that is animal & bio products which means that your products can be exposed to ecoli and other wonderful things.
I used Holland Secret and my cannabinoid lab results and overall yield were better than with GH or advanced.
For me, the residuals are a huge deal and even without the yield figures, I'd be using whats best for my wife. The fact that I didn't compromise overall weight to get the purity, was a bonus.
I'm happy for your wife and family. Btw composted manure if left for 6 months to a yr (which I use for my organic grow is aged 4 yrs) is all the time it takes for pathogens such as e coli to die.

May your wife continue to get stronger.
I'm happy for your wife and family. Btw composted manure if left for 6 months to a yr (which I use for my organic grow is aged 4 yrs) is all the time it takes for pathogens such as e coli to die.

May your wife continue to get stronger.
Can you use composted mushroom manure and is it avalable already composted? That sounds like an interesting idea.
This stuff is derived from Sodium molybdate a corrosion inhibitor that's why your system is clean but it is in you plants too, calcium nitrate more nitrogen, ammonium nitrate is an explosive , boric acid is a poison, potassium nitrate is used to make gun powder, iron EDTA. To much nitrogen forms nitrates and nitrites in the plants When nitrates access our body, some of them can change into nitrites. The combination of nitrite with certain organic amine can produce substances with great carcinogenic potential, known as nitrosamines. Check out OMRI certified organic fertilizers they won't blow up on ya.
Can you use composted mushroom manure and is it avalable already composted? That sounds like an interesting idea.
You can follow natures lead. This shit was MASTERED by nature thousands of yrs ago. Some folks just cant see the woods for the trees. Sorta speak
You can follow natures lead. This shit was MASTERED by nature thousands of yrs ago. Some folks just cant see the woods for the trees. Sorta speak
It depends truly on the source you get it from. It has tons of benefits yes.... but due to the fact that marijuana is salt sensitive and knowing that some pre bagged mushroom compost can be high enough in salts to even kill seed germination I refuse to take the risk. Better to find out what brand is lowest in salts or compost it yourself.

*copied and pasted*
Often sold at landscape supply houses, mushroom compost can help amend garden soil, but should be used with caution, according to John Hart, soil scientist with the Oregon State University Extension Service. Mushroom compost is rich in soluble salts and other nutrients and can kill germinating seeds and harm salt-sensitive plants including rhododendrons and azaleas.