its a bitch post . bitch about your electric bill here

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
start off with saying in Michigan its the hottest I ever remember in my life . every single day its 90 or 95 today 97 f the ac runs almost 24/7 killing the electricity in my clone room the flower room the living quarters . and the humidity is average 70 % so the dehumidifiers in flower killing the electricity to . check my 10 day bill with only yes only 3000 watts going currently and a few more in veg flower not much . fucking 275 fucking dollars ! in 10 fucking days BULL SHIT . keeping flower at 83f my home at 85 hot clone room under 70 hydro . what is a guy to do ? I cant turn any thing off . fucking .16 per kilo watt . . like I said this thread is a bitching post bitch about what ever you like woman cars work . we need a few new posts on roolitup its been slow .bullshit[1].jpg bullshit[1].jpg growland-security-2[1].jpg


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Yup, michigan is hot. Its even hotter in these fucking factories even with two fans going. Makes you want to blow your bosses head off when you watch him sit in his air conditioned office all day being a douche bag while your working 60 hours a week in a sweat box. How about getting your guys something cold to drink you fucking cock sucker.
You can always run the 12/1 light cycle for veg. If you have 1000w hps or equivalent in light it'll work fine. Old horticulture trick break up the light cycle just did it and had great growth and know a lot of big name people who use it and swear by it. I'm never going back 12hrs on 5 hours 30 min off, 1 hour on, 5 and half hiurs off. You'll get same growth rate but better root growth rate.
This summer has me looking at solar.
Wish I could line the grow area's walls with solar panels.

Yup, michigan is hot. Its even hotter in these fucking factories even with two fans going. Makes you want to blow your bosses head off when you watch him sit in his air conditioned office all day being a douche bag while your working 60 hours a week in a sweat box. How about getting your guys something cold to drink you fucking cock sucker.
put a fish in his ac.
I understand bitching about a power bill like that. But the real offender is not the electric is our elected officials doing what they feel is in their best interest and ignoring the needs of the constituency that elected them to begin with. Free mother ganja!!!!
Oh and as a side is likely only a matter of minutes until some mod moves this thread to TNT. But, keep it going...I love bitch sessions!
Yup, michigan is hot. Its even hotter in these fucking factories even with two fans going. Makes you want to blow your bosses head off when you watch him sit in his air conditioned office all day being a douche bag while your working 60 hours a week in a sweat box. How about getting your guys something cold to drink you fucking cock sucker. bitterness there...I think you should organize a public tar and feathering.