Club 315w lec

Run screaming.

If it doesn't say 'low frequency square wave' for CDM/CMH/LEC, do not buy the ballast. Period.

Ouch, thnx.

Can't seem to find a uk option with only ballast/bulb. Any ideas?. Theirs an omega ballast but it does not specify frequency. The Phillips ballast ? is connected to a fixed hood, really not good for a stadium approach or possible vert.
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Ouch, thnx.

Can't seem to find a uk option with only ballast/bulb. Any ideas?. Theirs an omega ballast but it does not specify frequency. The Phillips ballast ? is connected to a fixed hood, really not good for a stadium approach or possible vert.

It may not be easy to find, but Philips does sell the ballast alone.
Well chopped the first unknown auto tonight. She is one of two I brought indoors on week 5. She had 4 weeks of the 315. Not to please with her, let her go to long I think, but ok with it since basically experimenting with the 315. Will finish rest of auto by first of month and start the photo flower. I think this girl will yield close to a zip. Nugs feel pretty dense and she's a stinky girl. I know she is ugly lol.! One down 8 to go


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Whoa that's pricey,, ask sonny if there is a distributor near you. that is unless you don't like plug and play with all the bells and whistles.

Just want the ballast ;[. Have access to a bulb, converter and standard reflector. Those fixed hood reflectors are limiting
Btw, I don't doubt it but why is it so important to be low-f square wave?. On a basic level I assume it runs the light at a greater intensity. So well, worse case, would a ballast that could run the bulb but is not lowF sqrW still run a Phillips bulb that would surpass a 400w mh enough to consider?.
Btw, I don't doubt it but why is it so important to be low-f square wave?. On a basic level I assume it runs the light at a greater intensity. So well, worse case, would a ballast that could run the bulb but is not lowF sqrW still run a Phillips bulb that would surpass a 400w mh enough to consider?.

In no particular order;
  1. CDM/CMH/LEC lamps are all the same thing.
  2. They all MUST run at frequencies of about 174Hz or less, or they either don't strike or destroy themselves.
  3. A magnetic ballast will drive one, but not well; see the dark bars in pics taken under lights driven by mags? That's an interference pattern, evidence that the lamp is actually OFF 30% of the time! It's just flickering so fast you don't see it.
  4. A square wave ballast eliminates the dark bars and thus drives this type of lamp much more efficiently. Spectrum output also improves.
Therefore, the only ballast worth running a CMH lamp on is a LFSW type.

To be very clear, even this is a distant second in performance to COB LED. COB LED is fast becoming the new industry standard because of its performance, efficiency, reliability and durability. Costs are rapidly falling, as well.
Just want the ballast ;[. Have access to a bulb, converter and standard reflector. Those fixed hood reflectors are limiting
They'll reluctantly sell you only the ballast but to get a decent price you'll need a local distributor, Sonny will sell to you direct if there is no local distro but he'll charge you msrp which you'll probably refuse to pay.
They'll reluctantly sell you only the ballast but to get a decent price you'll need a local distributor, Sonny will sell to you direct if there is no local distro but he'll charge you msrp which you'll probably refuse to pay.

Their strategy seems kinda stupid if you ask me. After all, COB LED is better technology and it's breathing down their necks already. The only advantage left to light bulbs is low initial cost of acquisition and if they price themselves too high, they blow even that edge.
Their strategy seems kinda stupid if you ask me. After all, COB LED is better technology and it's breathing down their necks already. The only advantage left to light bulbs is low initial cost of acquisition and if they price themselves too high, they blow even that edge.
Well, as you know you stated before that to manufacture a LFSW ballast does cost more but the msrp on the sunplix 860 cmh I was quoted was 649, they can keep it at that price.
Also I was talking with one of the local distributors and he seemed put off by sunplix and was actually talking a bit of shit on them. He's also a philips dealer. But he told me he was looking into a much better lighting solution than the sunplix 860 cmh. I'm still waiting to hear back.