Help!!! mites just stared in room. week 5 flower

Thanks for the info man. Gonna start this now

SNS 209 is essentially Rosemary oil. After about 5 waterings, the plant has rosemeric acid in it and the mites do not like the taste. They move on or die. One dude says you might detect it in the smoke.

As far as I know the CaliClean aka Pepper Spray is fine in flower.

I got this from two experienced long time growers. You can put the sprayer bottle in the frig with the pepper juice for later use.

I did the Canola oil / a little dawn on aphids and possible mites. It works but your tent might get a little oily and soapy. The BS with Neem oil in Canada may make the Canola oil and option. It suffocates them and coats the eggs with oily/soapy solution. I let it sit for 5 hours then spray with water to rinse plants.

Mites require that you engage in World War 3 and you keep hammering them. Invest in a cheap magnifying glass to also check under leaves on a regular basis looking for mites and eggs.

After harvest wipe down everything in your tent with bleach and water solution.
Another poster here loves Mighty Wash. The local MMJ grow store likes Green Cleaner. I looked at the label because I bought some and it has soybean oil.
Cali is made. Do I spray the whole plant? Or just the under side of leaves,?

Making the Calicleaner

1.) Get a sauce pan - fill with one pint of water - put on lowest flame possible (do not boil !!!).
2.) Chop 4 -5 Habanera peppers fine. Chop open seeds and central membranes, as the power lies there.
3.) Simmer chopped peppers for 20 minutes - making sure not to boil (you will destroy the active proteins).
4.) When you put your head over the pan and the wispy-steam stings your eyes, the Calicleaner is ready.
5.) Pour the Calicleaner through a fine mesh strainer - a little fine grit is OK - let cool in a clean bowl.
6.) Pour room temperature contents in a mister spray bottle. Your are ready to apply.

HOW TO APPLY Calicleaner
1.) Put on gloves, and wear a mask, or at least put a bandana around your nose and mouth.
2.) Turn off all fans - you do not want this spray in your eyes!!!
3.) Spray the bottom of EVERY leaf - starting with the bottom leaves first, work up to the top.
4.) After the bottoms are done, hit the tops and the stems.
5.) Squirt liberally in new leaf pods - tightly wound new leaf growth (the small mites hide there).
6.) Get the heck out of the room till it clears.
7.) Repeat procedure with each plant.
8.) Spray the soil, the pots, and the floor or earth around the area to kill dropping mites and stop migration.
9.) Wash hands with soap and water when complete - the stuff will heat-up skin for 4 hours.
10.) DO NOT WORRY. Though the stuff is lethal to mites, the plants love it.


Congratulations! You have successfully killed the mites that you sprayed - on contact!. Plus, the mites are thwarted in biting again as they get a lethal dose of hot mouth. Your plants should be turning green again with in half a day. Though the leaves are scarred, they will recover and work again - producing vital sugars for growth.

However, you are not done. Some mites will escape the spray, though you have killed 95% of them. Thus, you will have to do the spray again tomorrow. As a matter of fact you will have to spray every 2-3 days till you see no more mites - usually up to two weeks. SOME EGGS WILL HATCH!!! Thus a week after the first spray, do a super job again, the baby mites are likely out and about. Kill 'em right away.

Use your magnifying glass to inspect each plant carefully, when nothing moves and you see no more webs, your plants are clear. YEAH!!

Additional precautions: make sure your containers and pots do not touch, mites migrate. Clean your floors and equipment so live mites do not return (spray them down with Caliclean). Since no person can kill every living mite in their situation, eternal diligence is now part of the equation. One mite may turn into a million in a month.

Other helpful hints: wash your plants with clean water spray between sprayings, this cleans off dead mites and eggs, and refreshes the plant leaf compromised by the vampire sucking mites. Keep the room cool, 78 degrees to 68 degrees if possible during treatment. Mites hate the cold - thus weakened mites will drop dead. If lower leaves are infested with eggs and mites - cut them off! DO NOT LEAVE CUTTINGS NEARBY! Burn or bury your cuttings far away.

Spraying notes: Mites tend to collect where the leaves join at the nexus and overlap. If you can, lay your plants on-end or position upsidedown (be real careful) to make sure all undersides are sprayed. Cut off curled leaves where they collect. If you're a rich person you may make a full pound to ten gallons of water and dunk them - even better!!

The best part of using Calicleaner is you may use it always - even during flowering. As the solution is all natural, no one is harmed but the mites: "Nature to deal with Nature." Your money goes to a farmer not a chemical corporation.

Caliclean works,
I did not realize he had some many plants in his tent.
Big job. He could probably big bomb with Beethoeven or Pyrethian too. Not sure if it is that great during flower.

Supposedly mites hate humidity, lots of CO2 and cold.

I would also spray the perimeter away from the tent with maybe non organic bug spray.

Weird how they can get into tents

He could also put diatemcious earth on the top of his soil.
Iv had success with neem oil EXTRACT but it burned the plants pretty badly even after allow the stuff to dry before lights on. maybe you can raise the lights for the next several days after application. It doesnt kill on contact, it kills by preventing them from being able to reproduce. Youll have to coat the whole plant as they need to ingest it. Next you can use contact killers to wipe down your grow area inside and out otherwise they will just come back from where ever they came from. Dont do yard work and then go into grow area with the same clothes. Dont bring plants into the grow area that have been out to where they have been exposed to unsterilized dirt.
NO! Neem that late in flower will ruin the bud. the oil can be tasted when burned. Its horrible.

Azamax and mighty wash contain permythrins. Neuro toxin! As in smoking something that can kill you.

Take them outside and spray with water to remove a lot of them.

I used Spinosad to kill mine. It is a safe product. Captain Jacks brand is good. Use as foliar and with your watering as a systemic.
just notice the bastards. what can i do dudes? never delt with them before. they havent made it far yet
I did not realize he had some many plants in his tent.
Big job. He could probably big bomb with Beethoeven or Pyrethian too. Not sure if it is that great during flower.

Supposedly mites hate humidity, lots of CO2 and cold.

I would also spray the perimeter away from the tent with maybe non organic bug spray.

Weird how they can get into tents

He could also put diatemcious earth on the top of his soil.
Got my gear on. Rubber gloves ,mask, bandanna Im gonna spray each one individually. That Caliclean spray is intense. Here we go
Anyone ever use yellow sticky traps? Thirps and other bugs supposedly love yellow. You can make bright yellow with plastic or metal and spray paint it. Smear it with Vaseline or something and they stick to it.

More stuff on spider mites:

• Thrips can be controlled with cucumeris and sticky traps that have been treated with vanilla or almond extract.

Variation of CaliClean - LOL! Muerte Caliente. (means hot death).

‘Muerte Caliente’
2-3 Garlic Cloves

6 large or 12 Small Hot Chili Peppers (or 1-2 Tbs hot chili powder)

1 Tbs Vegetable Oil
1 Tsp Natural Liquid Detergent or Soap
4 cups Water

3-4 cups for Dilution
Final product should be diluted 1:1 with water. Experiment to see what ratio works for your plants

She has pictures but does not say how she simmers it. This one is a little easier because you can just buy hot chili powder.
Note the oil and soap to gum up those little bastards real good.

Veg oil like my Canola oil.
NO! Neem that late in flower will ruin the bud. the oil can be tasted when burned. Its horrible.

Azamax and mighty wash contain permythrins. Neuro toxin! As in smoking something that can kill you.

Take them outside and spray with water to remove a lot of them.

I used Spinosad to kill mine. It is a safe product. Captain Jacks brand is good. Use as foliar and with your watering as a systemic.
+100 Al Bundy guy rocks.
A lot of stores have summer clearance on Captain Jack's spinosad. Places that have winter are clearing out stock like Wal Mart, Home Depot and Lowes. WMT had Capt Jacks on closeout.
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+100 Al Bundy guy rocks.
A lot of stores have summer clearance on Captain Jack's spinosad. Places that have winter are clearing out stock like Wal Mart, Home Depot and Lowes. WMT had Capt Jacks on closeout.
I documented it in my thread. Two foliar treatments and mixed some in my water for two watering's and wiped them out.

I trust using something like spinosad rather than a neurotoxin.

The neem works but I wouldn't us it after the first week of flowering.
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Laid an ass whooping on those bastards last night. Tonight I cut out all curled or shitty leaves an lollipop em to get some air flow down at the bases

Let us know how it is going. You may need to spray again in 2 days
water curing should
I documented it in my thread. Two foliar treatments and mixed some in my water for two watering's and wiped them out.

I trust using something like spinosad rather than a neurotoxin.

The neem works but I wouldn't us it after the first week of flowering.

what about water curing after harvest to help wash off the neem after harvest ? i think the buds can be fixed up later but right now keeping the plant healthy is pretty important.
water curing should

what about water curing after harvest to help wash off the neem after harvest ? i think the buds can be fixed up later but right now keeping the plant healthy is pretty important.
Nope. Neem is an oil. Water simply doesn't take it off. The outdoor plant I used it on about halfway through flower and it got plenty of rain after and I rinsed the buds and could still taste it.
water curing should

what about water curing after harvest to help wash off the neem after harvest ? i think the buds can be fixed up later but right now keeping the plant healthy is pretty important.
I have wondered about water curing. I have Never tried it before.