For flavor, a quality vaporizer will give you the best flavor profile, combustion will not compare. This is a fact.
It's also a fact that you'll get more thc out of the same gram thru vaporization versus combustion, obviously. Does that need explaining, C'mon!
Yeah, it's a clearer head buzz in general, but loading up a crushing kush will fix that. Fill two volcano bags (or similar) and tell me you're not trashed, just try it!! I like the more functional buzz instead of feeling like i just slow roasted my body from the inside out. But old habits-die-hard for most ppl.
We're programmed to gratify ourselves with thick clouds from smoking J's, bongs and ciggies. Well I'm over that bullshit. Some people aren't patient enough with a vape (or use a cheap ass one to begin with) and don't want to take the time.
If ya gotta have the frying pan upside the head experience, then yeah smoke a bowl and have your big stinky cloud of biproducts along with your thc vapor. Or just teach yourself new habits and opt for the healthier alternative. There is an adjustment period. Part of the combustion buzz, is lack of fkn oxygen.
I prefer vaping because it's sustainable.
Smoking is for amateurs, sorry. Combustion is a habit, one that is not forgiving over the long haul. Optimal lung function is far more important than holding onto my shitty old comfort food. 4-6 joints a day = my lungs pay. Vape all day, no problems.
The choice isn't even a question. It's more about common sense, if you're a daily longterm user.