Need help drying in humid eniviroment

I live ass-deep in the South and it's very humid here. I lost my entire last harvest to mold during drying. And so this time I put in an 8,000 BTU window AC unit and bought a hanging drying rack. But still I just harvested a small bud for testing and after about 5 days it went grey (mold). The temperature is 64-70F and the humidity is 66-75%. Right now I'm testing another bud by trimming all the leaves and aiming a powerful oscillating fan on it. The previous bud that went grey I left the sugar leaves and had the fan on low and pointed away. Any advice? Thanks.

Btw when I try to raise temperature the humidity actually goes up. I think this is due to evaporation since I have the plants in one of the closets of this same room.

PS. If I turn off the AC for even 10 minutes the humidity jumps into the 80's.
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As long as your constantly removing and replacing the air around all your buds you take down the possibility of mold. You should always have fresh airflow going into the dry area and passing through the buds out of the dry area. Air exhange is very important IMO. The bigger your harvest the more air you have to move. Stale air circulated or stagnant air has given me issues in the past. However, i dont know your set up. Its just my two cents.
I just dried a QP of buds in an average of 60% humidity. One of the first times I got worried early this past month in July. We started to go through a two week period of intermittent, but heavy rain. Right when I harvested. RH was around 80 at the high and 55 low throughout the first weeks of drying. I just got the buds in my tent hanging upside down untrimmed, i trim dry. Had one fan at the top of the tent in the outtake hole, sucking the air out of the tent. Also a fan on the intake pulling air in through the bottom of the tent. One fan 6 inches above the buds passively sucking air through the buds to the outtake fan. Finally, a fourth fan setting on the floor aimed up toward the buds with an air filter between the fan and buds. You have to get a more direct air flow through the buds witour directly hitting the buds with air. You want air to constantly and passively flow directly through the harvest. I did this in a 2 by 2 by 4 foot tent, four inch fans on what has turned out to be a QP of dried buds. In your case add a humidifier somewhere. With that air flow you should be able to dry properly. Good luck.