Humidity 40% while drying


Well-Known Member
Just make sure your nugs don't get too dry check on them once or twice a day and squeeze them a little


Well-Known Member
They'll dry in 5-6 days at 40% humidity in the room. I do same thing 50% is 7 days 30% 4 days. 40% is what I purposely run mine at
Humidity in the dry area should be the same as curing jars between 55~65% the temp should be high enough to avoid mold

The longer it takes to dry, the better the weed 8)

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
Humidity in the dry area should be the same as curing jars between 55~65% the temp should be high enough to avoid mold

The longer it takes to dry, the better the weed 8)
Lol you know me the cash cropper lol I like it dried quick and jarred long but drying it so quick allows for me to move it faster lol if I was personal growing I agree with ya buddy the 7 -8 day dry at 55%
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