Rooftop SE Asia

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I had a safety meeting at my soft pear tree on the farm right before I came to work, then one between customers about three hours ago. Everyone will be out of here in about three more hours, so I will have another one before I start my work work for the night. I always come in an hour before the customers are scheduled to get here. I needed that whole hour this morning. I've changed bowls at my pear tree pit stop area, and it's bigger than the old one. I need to remember that when filling.

Couple puffs on the hash pipe and I am in business for the day :).


Well-Known Member
They were actually slow starts but I attribute that to my fucked up weather. When you get 15mm rain one day followed by 1 day of dry then another 7-8mm it tends to fuck young plants


Well-Known Member
They were actually slow starts but I attribute that to my fucked up weather. When you get 15mm rain one day followed by 1 day of dry then another 7-8mm it tends to fuck young plants
Yeah too much rain can really mess with seedlings! Hope the rest grow well for you!!