so you gave to the clinton foundation then?
or are you just a naked partisan hack and serial lying hypocrite?
listen buddy, i know it's difficult, but try to read and comprehend.
i'm concerned with the charities i contribute to, but not those ass hats.
which means i worry about charities that i participate in, i don't feel the need to pick apart someone else for what they may or may not have contributed, either how much, or whom too.
i don't care that the clinton's made 15+million dollars that they claimed for the 2015 tax season
seriously, i could not care less. it's their money, not mine, and has absolutely zero affect on my life. good for them that they are successful outside of politcs.
my point is there is other income, outside of political position. i would like to know where the clinton's money came from and when and i would like to know where trump's money came from and when. just curious.
i'll leave it to you hotheads to figure out if it's good, bad, right, wrong, etc, i'll form my own opinion.
read buddy, comprehend. take some ritalin or something...