Gun Control

Stricter Gun Control In US

  • Yes, stricter control.

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • No, we love our guns!

    Votes: 106 82.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
if i could, i would grow fields of it. and sit and smoke it all day, everyday. but anyways...

is mylar the only reflective material that can be used? is there anything else that would be good? i have this old bar lamp and wanted to put something reflective on the inside to help increase the amount of heat being reflected on the plants.
Light is good, heat is bad.


Active Member
LOL. how many neighbours you got? Even just the one, i imagine, would be pretty uncomfortable.
well i live in a back alley, so i have like 8 of them, but i am in the corner, so no one can really see into my yard, regardless, i dont want them seeing or smelling anything, so i am going inside with them


New Member
well i live in a back alley, so i have like 8 of them, but i am in the corner, so no one can really see into my yard, regardless, i dont want them seeing or smelling anything, so i am going inside with them
You have 8 sets of neighbours that go right up your ass? All in one go?


Active Member
So you take 3 at once, and you have high fences so nobody can see what's going on?
yeah, no one can see, an im not really paranoid, i got the plants im growing from my neighbor 4 doors down, and he grows his outdoors constantly. i am bringing them in from now on though, i just have not had the money. they are babies anyways and unnoticable, and they are so small you cant tell what they are plant wise.


New Member
Ha, you thought I would take the time to set up a new account just to fuck with you skunk, no way jose', You and I agree on most everything except gun control, and I can't even hold that against you as your country has emasculated your people long ago. Without a firearm to protect your family from marauding Muslims, what are you to do? Did you know that in Singapore it is the death sentence for even having a live cartridge, let alone a gun, Maybe that is coming to your neighborhood. They'll have a hard time taking all our guns. If they stomp my door in and I don't kill them all, I guess they'll get them but I'll take a few with me and I'll be dead so I won't really care. But really, If they said to turn them in or face years in prison, I'd turn in the ones they know about (Registered) and bury the rest in my back yard. But I'd still keep one handy, like a 357 mag, you know a one shot stop weapon.


New Member
If you want the truth med', i really don't care about gun control. I was merely putting forward a point of view. I'm like that.

I just know that when chaos comes nobody is going to stand in my way of doing what I need to do to survive. My first point of call will be this guy I know, my next point of call is to get a bunch of friends together and take us over a supermarket.


New Member
How anyone can be so pro-gun, and at the same time, so pro-socialism is beyond me.

It's called pragmatism. If something works then I'm all for it. My guns work just fine. As for socialism, That is your moniker not mine. I'll not hail to that name.


New Member
If you want the truth med', i really don't care about gun control. I was merely putting forward a point of view. I'm like that.

I just know that when chaos comes nobody is going to stand in my way of doing what I need to do to survive. My first point of call will be this guy I know, my next point of call is to get a bunch of friends together and take us over a supermarket.
Let me guess, that guy you know has a few guns, no? and I say good call on the supermarket, but you'll need guns to hold it, and my point has just been made!


New Member
I've never been one for doomsaying, but this global warming thing frightens me.

i just feel something inside, feel like I need to be prepared.


New Member
I've never been one for doomsaying, but this global warming thing frightens me.

i just feel something inside, feel like I need to be prepared.
So you're saying then, owning a gun in times of crises may be a good thing? Well welcome to my world my friend, In my view, the world is a hairs breath from some major crises, whether it be religeous wars, famine from pestilence, disease carrying hoards, Did you know in the last 3 years there have been 7,000 new cases of leprosy reported in our country, a disease we had eradicated years ago, with the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants coming accross our borders who knows whats coming in. Also Tuberculosis is on the rise, who knows whats next? Bird flue, the Human to Human kind? I've been collecting firearms since the '70's, I have a few, the great thing about firearms, they never go down in value. I could sell most of my collection for more than I paid for them in a heart beat. I knew if we showed you the merits of owning a firearm you'd see the light. Although I have a carry permit, I seldom ever carry a firearm. I sometimes carry one in my vehicle, but not on my person. I try and avoid high crime areas.


New Member
if it's available then it may come in handy should society collapse. i don't know what she (nature) has in store for us but I'm guessing she wants her world back.


Active Member
Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People.
Take Away The Guns And They Will Stab, Bludgeon, Run Over With A Car Any One They Want To.
I Think It Would Be Better The Other Way Require Every One To Own A Gun. The Crime Rate Would Drop Drasticly


Well-Known Member
Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People.
Take Away The Guns And They Will Stab, Bludgeon, Run Over With A Car Any One They Want To.
I Think It Would Be Better The Other Way Require Every One To Own A Gun. The Crime Rate Would Drop Drasticly

the human animal has always killed each other.:evil: