Who is threatening your life right now? A poll

Who offers the greatest terrorist threat?

  • Muslims

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Right-Wing Radicals

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Law enforcement officers

    Votes: 11 39.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
When you worry about terrorism, who do you worry about doing it the most?

It is tempting to try to limit this to America - I think we have a peculiar situation here that is not duplicated elsewhere.

It is even more tempting to add more choices, but I know "Law Enforcement" would win hands down and take me away from my point. So make your own poll.

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Well-Known Member
I come from the right wing. Not all are bad. I know a lot of "gun nuts" "right wing" that are not racist, pro choice, pro union.

We have to have a balance, yin yang what ever you want to call t.

We cant have too many people on the fringe of either side.

Muslims? Don't worry me a bit. I served with some and they were good people.

For the most part , people just want to live and do their thing. In every group there will be extremist.


Well-Known Member
I come from the right wing. Not all are bad. I know a lot of "gun nuts" "right wing" that are not racist, pro choice, pro union.

We have to have a balance, yin yang what ever you want to call t.

We cant have too many people on the fringe of either side.

Muslims? Don't worry me a bit. I served with some and they were good people.

For the most part , people just want to live and do their thing. In every group there will be extremist.
What the fuck is up with the increase in radicalism worldwide anyway?

Clearly it happens from time to time, usually when political forces need some realignment. When it does it often skips across borders and regions - but it used to take a while. Now we are all connected putting powerful communication tools into anybody's hands for minimum investment. Is that it? Or is there much more at work and it is only wallpaper?


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is up with the increase in radicalism worldwide anyway?

Clearly it happens from time to time, usually when political forces need some realignment. When it does it often skips across borders and regions - but it used to take a while. Now we are all connected putting powerful communication tools into anybody's hands for minimum investment. Is that it? Or is there much more at work and it is only wallpaper?
the same as always these threats are being held up to distract us from what is really going on. fear is good for business feed them war.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is up with the increase in radicalism worldwide anyway?

Clearly it happens from time to time, usually when political forces need some realignment. When it does it often skips across borders and regions - but it used to take a while. Now we are all connected putting powerful communication tools into anybody's hands for minimum investment. Is that it? Or is there much more at work and it is only wallpaper?
I'm not really a conspiracy type guy. I've quoted some stuff after watching Jesse Ventura's show.

I do think that our government is corrupt and will continue that way, only to get worse. There is power in social media. It allows for the fast travel of info.

I think that our rights will be slowly whittled away.


Well-Known Member
the same as always these threats are being held up to distract us from what is really going on. fear is good for business feed them war.
Yeah, except they have happened all through history. I fear you are too close to the problem to ask for a solution.


Well-Known Member
the US govt is the biggest terrorist threat to us here and the rest of the world.

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas==Stalin


Well-Known Member
Pardon me, I added a 3rd choice, and voted for it. I hope you don't mind.

I don't feel as threatened by extremists, either American or Muslim, as I am threatened by the pigs.

They have proven to be sadistic assholes with itchy trigger fingers.

Better that then calling me out in tags. ;)


Well-Known Member
Like Rollitup, I also find no threat in any of the above.

If I lived in USA I'd probably go pigs also from all I read.

I genuinely don't feel threatened by anyone.
(but our police aren't armed, I have been handcuffed and then beaten to a pulp by our police so if they had guns....)

So in the absence of an armed police force

"the only thing to fear is fear itself"

I like it that way


Well-Known Member
Pardon me, I added a 3rd choice, and voted for it. I hope you don't mind.

I don't feel as threatened by extremists, either American or Muslim, as I am threatened by the pigs.

They have proven to be sadistic assholes with itchy trigger fingers.

Funny you mention this........when i was growing up i knew the cops who patrolled my neighborhood by name and family. They were great folks honestly. Back then most situations were resolved up here in our community. Now its douchebags from gunlaw happy states that move here with visions of killing someone in the line of duty. Ive seen it live here almost everyyear. If your not disgusted
Your not paying attention.