Question: Why does everyone try to kill their plants before harvesting?


Well-Known Member
Seriously.....I keep seeing these posts stop feeding, don't water, kill roots, etc, etc...a few weeks before chopping them down.

Is this to speed up the drying process or the curing process?

Just trying to understand why and if it's really making that big of a difference?
Seriously.....I keep seeing these posts stop feeding, don't water, kill roots, etc, etc...a few weeks before chopping them down.

Is this to speed up the drying process or the curing process?

Just trying to understand why and if it's really making that big of a difference?
Don't make to much of it. Those posts basically give the newbs something to argue about until school starts up again and that's right around the corner, thank goodness !!
The whole point in Killing your plant (stressing it) is to get better product - there are two schools of thought stress them and not stress them _ in all reality we stress plants out when we grow them,
I remember asking my guru before he passed away how he did so well in our fucken joke kids
He'd find a goodsize white pine fill a garbage bag with amended soil and put it 20-30 feet up in the tree(were both arborists so climbing with ropes is easy) I dont know how in the hell youd water em but i could see it working......most nosy folks aint looking in trees for trees
The last two weeks before the cut is where the plant can add up to 25% of its final mass and weight. So with that in mind...... you should do way more reading and come up with your own answer. And when I say reading I do not mean on here.
there's an old saying, Dogs women and Walnut trees the more you beat them the better they be.
don't know if it applies to ganja tho
The last two weeks before the cut is where the plant can add up to 25% of its final mass and weight. So with that in mind...... you should do way more reading and come up with your own answer. And when I say reading I do not mean on here.
Or you can embrace the Loads of good info here and learn to discern good info from some west coast pollen chucker who got lucky and has a merry band or morons who come here to misinform and lick these types of flakes egos like a tootsie pop. Kinda like groupies waiting to "meet" the band
Or you can embrace the Loads of good info here and learn to discern good info from some west coast pollen chucker who got lucky and has a merry band or morons who come here to misinform and lick these types of flakes egos like a tootsie pop. Kinda like groupies waiting to "meet" the band
Not all people know enough about growing (pot being the first thing they have ever tried to grow) and so most do not have the wisdom to know good advice from bad. I see it all the time. Yes there is good advice on here but you should have a solid foundation of knowledge of growing from start to finish before just reading advice on here.
Fair enough......maybe its self control while online? Your right though...hypothetically speaking if someone is lazy and not wanting to seek out good info sources it could get ugly