make a plan to get away for short time i need a suit

reread my post...
do it, then make a coherent post here

shit ill give you my number and we can chat. ask sf, i aint bullshittin

complete that task
then and only then will you have earned druggie respect

literally my profession is in drugs. ive done em all

i will be in oregon .....happy me is coming out ......what to play come out and play
the test is chess ......always has been always will be ...when u are to fucked up to play a game of that your out

we both take the same thing and the bong/joint or bowl keeps going .........5 min breaks every 20 mins for drink (u may smoke a cig between passes) ...bathroom breaks any time but no longer then 5 mins .....this is a live able challenge depending on what is taken the drinking of alch in the game of drunk chess( u pack one then i pack one ......u are trying to knock that person out with your but still keep your own head to win the game ....the different thc lvls and cbds is like a side card game )

while what we took effecting us as we move to the later game ........we go untill one is out keeping track of who wins the most games plus last man standing

winner takes bragging rights plus 100 bucks and best drug in stash for own head stash

any time in oregon ......once i live there i will have better stuff but i can hit the shops and get 1000 of the best they have to offer
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Here's a jacket that I think would best suit the op...

Here's a jacket that I think would best suit the op...

dislocate the shoulder by using the door frame....slip out then use the wall to get shoulder back in socket

then use your fist to break the mirror in the corner and play tic tac toe untill they see u are out and rush in for 4 point restraints and a shot in your ass to knock u out for next 12 hours
last time they put in one of those and left me in a room
told u if i learn something i rem it
Harry Houdini
lock picking rope slipping and escaping

and the water trick ........that is just skill with extending breath by hyper oxygenating the blood before goes under ...same trick swimmer use to get those long underwater kick offs
opps i forgot bio rythim feed back to slow his heart that is the real key
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you remind of my homie right now i had to hogtie a while back

pretty funny.
imsure someone in this thread remembers
dislocate the shoulder by using the door frame....slip out then use the wall to get shoulder back in socket

then use your fist to break the mirror in the corner and play tic tac toe untill they see u are out and rush in for 4 point restraints and a shot in your ass to knock u out for next 12 hours
last time they put in one of those and left me in a room

I remember that movie -

Irl, you do know the difference between fantasy and reality, right?
dislocate the shoulder by using the door frame....slip out then use the wall to get shoulder back in socket

then use your fist to break the mirror in the corner and play tic tac toe untill they see u are out and rush in for 4 point restraints and a shot in your ass to knock u out for next 12 hours
last time they put in one of those and left me in a room
You really need to stay under the radar, showing off to stranger's was a dumb move. of course they can't hold you, they're not qualified to detain a killing machine. If the government knew what you were capable of they'd have you sent to a maximum security prison, Probably have large group's of heavily armed soldier's guarding you day and night. People fear what they dont understand, you're ability to eliminate the opposition is a real fucking problem for those that oppose you. Needless to say, stay ready.
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I also want to apologize on tylers behalf, I know you two dont see eye to eye and im really worried for his life. Im going to be honest with you, at first I didn't really believe you, at all. after talking to you for a bit I sensed that you were different, not bad different just a more evolved version of us. Its obviously obvious that you're obviously higher up in the food chain, obviously. I guess what im trying to say is please dont kill Tyler with your bare hands, if you must, hit some pressure points instead. I know that you know where all of them are at.
I also want to apologize on tylers behalf, I know you two dont see eye to eye and im really worried for his life. Im going to be honest with you, at first I didn't really believe you, at all. after talking to you for a bit I sensed that you were different, not bad different just a more evolved version of us. Its obviously obvious that you're obviously higher up in the food chain, obviously. I guess what im trying to say is please dont kill Tyler with your bare hands, if you must, hit some pressure points instead. I know that you know where all of them are at.

yes cool game

so you decline the challenge?

its only partly a trick, ill consider these posts coherent
anything with spelling it grammar sober lets u win
yes u win ......100%

the test is chess ......always has been that way here ( yes bunch of drugged out teens sitting around getting fucked up playing a game of chess)
u want to test the mind and the lvl of ppls skills

writing is crap as ppl like me can not do it anyway ........chess is the hardest game i know easy as hell to learn but impossible to master .....i have not played a game since 2001

get pulled over the cop tells me do the alphabet .....i laugh and go dyslexic why not ask me to recite pie to the final digit (then i see how smart they are )

I also want to apologize on tylers behalf, I know you two dont see eye to eye and im really worried for his life. Im going to be honest with you, at first I didn't really believe you, at all. after talking to you for a bit I sensed that you were different, not bad different just a more evolved version of us. Its obviously obvious that you're obviously higher up in the food chain, obviously. I guess what im trying to say is please dont kill Tyler with your bare hands, if you must, hit some pressure points instead. I know that you know where all of them are at.
no i want them to kill me bullet in the head body rotting in the wood .....kill me
so far no one has done it no balls on any of these fuckers ... the military did not want me ...when i worked for a few different groups they keep me protected as they need the skills for something

ppl say life is a gift and means something means nothing it is just crap ppl say to make themself feel better about themself ....the value of life is less then buck ...i seen a bum smash anouther in the head to get his crappy ass sandwitch ....i seen a guy crippled for life over 500 bucks ....i seen ppl rob from there own parnets put them in a home and let them die slowlly and crapply (anut marsha was adopted and she did to my grandma merleane....we did not know she was dead untill after she was buried ..........she is the only female on the planet i am allowing to full on deck i mean a full punch upper cut take her off the ground then smash head into the ground untill iq is under 60)

i tried caring tried helping tried be the good guy ......does do anything but make u a mark and broke
i treid being the dick and only think about the money .......does not let me sleep well as i think someone is coming to take what i got
i tred not caring about anything............gets u locked up or called crazy a monster
i tred cutting off all contact..............then the family just bugs u and bugs u forcing u to deal with new ppl becuase worried about u

it really does not matter .....your life is never your own and u can never do what u want u always have to stay with in sets of acceptable actions ( well poor ppl do rich whole other set of rules)
change my name to clinton get away with treason and still allowed to run for the highest office in the land after her having the 4 biggest job and messing up so baddly anyoneperson would call it treason if they actally looked at it instead of need to keep eye on own life to keep it all going
anything with spelling it grammar sober lets u win
yes u win ......100%

the test is chess ......always has been that way here ( yes bunch of drugged out teens sitting around getting fucked up playing a game of chess)
u want to test the mind and the lvl of ppls skills

writing is crap as ppl like me can not do it anyway ........chess is the hardest game i know easy as hell to learn but impossible to master .....i have not played a game since 2001

get pulled over the cop tells me do the alphabet .....i laugh and go dyslexic why not ask me to recite pie to the final digit (then i see how smart they are )

no i want them to kill me bullet in the head body rotting in the wood .....kill me
so far no one has done it no balls on any of these fuckers ... the military did not want me ...when i worked for a few different groups they keep me protected as they need the skills for something

ppl say life is a gift and means something means nothing it is just crap ppl say to make themself feel better about themself ....the value of life is less then buck ...i seen a bum smash anouther in the head to get his crappy ass sandwitch ....i seen a guy crippled for life over 500 bucks ....i seen ppl rob from there own parnets put them in a home and let them die slowlly and crapply (anut marsha was adopted and she did to my grandma merleane....we did not know she was dead untill after she was buried ..........she is the only female on the planet i am allowing to full on deck i mean a full punch upper cut take her off the ground then smash head into the ground untill iq is under 60)

i tried caring tried helping tried be the good guy ......does do anything but make u a mark and broke
i treid being the dick and only think about the money .......does not let me sleep well as i think someone is coming to take what i got
i tred not caring about anything............gets u locked up or called crazy a monster
i tred cutting off all contact..............then the family just bugs u and bugs u forcing u to deal with new ppl becuase worried about u

it really does not matter .....your life is never your own and u can never do what u want u always have to stay with in sets of acceptable actions ( well poor ppl do rich whole other set of rules)
change my name to clinton get away with treason and still allowed to run for the highest office in the land after her having the 4 biggest job and messing up so baddly anyoneperson would call it treason if they actally looked at it instead of need to keep eye on own life to keep it all going
Protecting the most dangerous weapon one has should always be top priority.The military rejected you because they know how much easier it would be for you to take them out if you were on the inside. Honestly a smart choice by them, If they're going to survive they need you to stay away.

Just be careful and Remember, with great power's comes great responsibility.
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anything with spelling it grammar sober lets u win
yes u win ......100%

the test is chess ......always has been that way here ( yes bunch of drugged out teens sitting around getting fucked up playing a game of chess)
u want to test the mind and the lvl of ppls skills

writing is crap as ppl like me can not do it anyway ........chess is the hardest game i know easy as hell to learn but impossible to master .....i have not played a game since 2001

get pulled over the cop tells me do the alphabet .....i laugh and go dyslexic why not ask me to recite pie to the final digit (then i see how smart they are )

no i want them to kill me bullet in the head body rotting in the wood .....kill me
so far no one has done it no balls on any of these fuckers ... the military did not want me ...when i worked for a few different groups they keep me protected as they need the skills for something

ppl say life is a gift and means something means nothing it is just crap ppl say to make themself feel better about themself ....the value of life is less then buck ...i seen a bum smash anouther in the head to get his crappy ass sandwitch ....i seen a guy crippled for life over 500 bucks ....i seen ppl rob from there own parnets put them in a home and let them die slowlly and crapply (anut marsha was adopted and she did to my grandma merleane....we did not know she was dead untill after she was buried ..........she is the only female on the planet i am allowing to full on deck i mean a full punch upper cut take her off the ground then smash head into the ground untill iq is under 60)

i tried caring tried helping tried be the good guy ......does do anything but make u a mark and broke
i treid being the dick and only think about the money .......does not let me sleep well as i think someone is coming to take what i got
i tred not caring about anything............gets u locked up or called crazy a monster
i tred cutting off all contact..............then the family just bugs u and bugs u forcing u to deal with new ppl becuase worried about u

it really does not matter .....your life is never your own and u can never do what u want u always have to stay with in sets of acceptable actions ( well poor ppl do rich whole other set of rules)
change my name to clinton get away with treason and still allowed to run for the highest office in the land after her having the 4 biggest job and messing up so baddly anyoneperson would call it treason if they actally looked at it instead of need to keep eye on own life to keep it all going

Damn bro I wanted to kick it with you when you came to Oregon.. but truth be told I'm scared.
Damn bro I wanted to kick it with you when you came to Oregon.. but truth be told I'm scared.

happy max is coming out
the only thing happy max is worried about is everyone is as fucked up as he is and having a good time
the rest of it just falls in place as happy max has karma out the ass keeping everyone safe

the only thing happy max needs to worry about is cops taken him to jail for offering to give ppl free shit oregon it is legal happy max has no worries
just need to ask are u 18 they say yes they can have what i am offering they say no i tell them go away

i never lost anyone ........warner was not mine it was not my party i tripped for 3 days and passed out on his sofa woke up to a cop waking me up telling me warner was found dead in his car he had OD on heroin

i have already taken steps to limit my access to spending cash .......half of what i get from all this is getting locked away where the only way i can get access to it is with the signature of mine and cindy's and wades ....leaving all my cards here but 1 with 1000 buck limit on bringing out 1500 in cash

so happy max can only buy 3 rounds at the bar under the dead name 1 for father 1 for mother 1 for brother .....and pass out joints like a cigars and having a baby

edit just so u know yes i am that guy that will throw u in the car haul ass to hospital and check u in if needs too .....i done it more then 10 times i have no fear when it comes to stuff like that ....worst they can do is put me in drunk tank (as they did not see me driving ) 8 10 hours they let u out ror with a 500 buck ticket
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Protecting the most dangerous weapon one has should always be top priority.The military rejected you because they know how much easier it would be for you to take them out if you were on the inside. Honestly a smart choice by them, If they're going to survive they need you to stay away.

Just be careful and Remember, with great power's comes great responsibility.

i keep my word at all cost is what makes me

i can not ppl know me and they made me actually swear not to do several things and they thought about it worded where i could not find a loop hole

cindy told me with in 30 mins of my father dying u must promise me u will not disappear ....she made me swear it go on this trip i had to pick a place where someone knew me .....the nice lady i went to work for has already contacted the family and they have talked ( she is making sure i get back on the plane and come home plus smacking me around if i get to out of hand)

sorry she did it 2 times once outside the hospital and once when they came over to house here
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just general update

cindy came over took me to kolhs we spent 20 mines and got everything i need ........keeping the shoes i picked got a nice white dress shirt and pair of pants that should not be baggy(shopping with her is easy 20 mins in out and that is in line to wait to check out too )

so this is all done now .......only thing left to shoot the shit about is

who wants to meet happy max in oregon