I was facing 25 years in prison, and why I havn't been active on RIU


Well-Known Member
Last summer I sent a email to my doctor asking if he would want someone to rip his nuts off and telling him to respect me more. He then called the cops and lied to them and told them that I threatened to shoot him in the head. The sheriffs showed up and searched for guns which I had for hunting but I wasn't supposed to have them because of a prior 5150, I still had another 6 months to go on a 5 year firearms ban. They took my guns and they took me to the state hospital for a 72 hour evaluation where it was dictated to me that I threatened to shoot my doctor in the head. I was there for 6 days before they let me out. When they took my guns and did a search they also confiscated my bubble bags. They also collected items from around my house and left them in one spot like as if they tried to prove I was cooking meth or something. Anything powder they put on one table azomite, calcium powder for my reptiles, Coleman fuel, a 1 gallon jug, various other items. I was only out of the state hospital for about two weeks and the sheriffs came back again. This time they had an arrest warrant. My family let them in the house. When I opened my bedroom door and saw them I asked, Why are you here? The one serving the warrant said We are here for a $150,000 warrant for your arrest. So I asked what is the warrant for, and he yelled back at me FOR YOUR ARREST! So I said go fuck yourself and slammed the door in his face. I wasn't thinking about it at the time but there was a screw in the door and the head of the screw had a sharp bur on it. When I slammed the door he brought his forearm up and blocked the door and started shoving the door open. Then his partner kicked the door and it flew open. When the door flew open the bur on the screw cut the cop from his wrist to his elbow. When they came in the room I turned around and dropped to the floor as they got on me. My arm was pinned under me and the first officer was telling me to stop resisting and demanding that I give him my right arm, which was pinned. His partner had a boot in my back and was pushing down. He was leaning on a plastic rack and grabbed one of the shelves and used it for leverage to push down on me harder further pinning my arm. I was still lifting the both of them up but couldn't get my arm out. At some point as the second officer was using the plastic rack for more leverage it cracked and the broken plastic cut him too. The first officer said he was going to taz me if I didn't give him my arm. "You feel that! You feel that in your back!" I was also wearing a wearable defibrillator at the time because I was in congestive hearth failure since back in April of last year. So my sister stands a few feet away from the door and tells the officer not to taz me and explains that I have a defibrillator on. I told them several times to get off so I could get my arm out but every time I said get off they pushed harder. Finally I fought them off enough to get my arm out and they cuffed me and set me on the edge of my bed. At this point they were all hopped up and mouthing off. So I stood up and started mouthing off right back to them with my chest puffed out throwing my shoulders around a bit because I had my hands cuffed behind me. This is when the first officer punched me in the heart launching me backwards onto my bed. When he launched me my feet came up and I accidentally kicked him in the nuts. He got really pissed so he put on a pair of gloves and got on my bed of of sight from anyone else seeing and jumped and landed with an open hand in my jaw really hard to the point that it twisted my head to the right and popped my neck and hurt my jaw, my teeth didn't line up right for two days after. Then he jumped on me again like a body slam landing on me which hurt my wrist because the cuffs where still on behind my back, this made my thumbs numb for a couple weeks. As he landed on me I kicked him off of me and he landed next to my bed in a pile of junk from my grow. He got cut again on a 6" 90* piece of vent. They were not figuring out that it was an eye for an eye and if they do something to me I was going to do something back. They told me to sit up and I had trouble doing it but made it back to the edge of my bed and was sitting there. At this point they were noticing that each other were bleeding. "Hey your bleeding. No you are." They were mouthing off more and talking shit about all the marijuana. I started mouthing off saying I had paperwork for it. The first officer said he didn't give a fuck. So I called him grandpa and said I can see that. This mouthing off went back and forth between me and them for about 10 minutes or so like they were just being dicks to keep it going. Telling me that I must be a real tough guy and this and that. I finally spoke up and asked what they wanted to do, If they just wanted to keep this going or if I should walk to the squad car. I was wearing flip flops when the one launched me backward and one of them flew off. The first officer asked me if I wanted it back and I said yes. He tossed it in my room and stated that he was just asking. I was arrested with one show and had to wear shower shoes when I was released. It wasn't till the next day in court when I heard that both officers needed medical attention in the ER. In court is also when I finally got to hear what the charges were. They got me on three felony strikes, which is why I was facing 25 years in prison. Felony criminal threats, felony illegal possession of a firearm. That's what the arrest warrant was for, I don't see why they couldn't have just told me that when they came to arrest me. Then they also got me for felony resisting arrest with force and violence which added another $50,000 to my bail. They also came back the following day at like 7am and did another search this time also taking my rechargeable batteries and other things. They were harassing my family saying that they are all going down for felonies. They continued to drive by out house and follow my family around town any time they would go anywhere. The public defender I got was a joke and did nothing to help. Family ended up paying $10,000 for an attorney. The attorney got the felony criminal threats thrown out, which they didn't want to allow because they linked my gun possession to the criminal threats. It was dictated several more times in court that it was a threat to do great bodily injury which would result in death. But the criminal threat got thrown out. The felony resisting arrest with force and violence got reduced to misdemeanor interfering with arrest. They tried to charge my sister with interfering with arrest too because she told the officer not to taz me. The only felony that stuck was illegal possession of a firearm. I did 6 months in jail and took a plea bargain for three years probation instead of going to prison. There is also a restraining order against me for the doctor and a social worker at the clinic I was going to. They wanted me to get a full time job as part of my probation, but I'm on disabilities so my attorney fought that. Then they wanted me to volunteer, but that wasn't going to work for me either. So they changed it to community activity, basically I just have to get out of the house every day and go do something so I can get my paperwork signed for probation saying I did something.
I still want to go hunting so I intend to get the one felony reduced to misdemeanor or get it expunged. I also want to try and get a early termination of probation once I have paid all my fees, I have about $900 more to pay off. I hear I also need to complete at least half of my probation before I can file for early termination of probation, and I'm only 6 months into probation now.

My problems are that I think my charge is still linked to criminal threats even though it was dropped, they still dictate that it was a threat to cause great bodily injury that would result in death. I need to know if there is something I need to do do have that criminal threat fully removed from my charge.

I also have a problem with that doctor not being prosecuted for his crime. He lied to the police. I'm not the only one who made mistakes but they want to only focus on me and point the finger at me and say that I'm the bad guy. I have a screen shot of what was actually said. It was absolutely not a threat to shoot anyone.
There is a back story to why i said what I did. When I was a child a woman pulled and twisted my left nut, and it has hurt ever since. The doctor knew this story and he knew about my injury but he refuses to help with my low testosterone range Or the pain I have. I have also had a few ultra sounds done of my testicle and it shows calcium in my testicle and he still refuses to help me with the pain. I probably would have never even said anything to him, but I was upset with this doctor one day so I went to the mental health office and talked to someone about it. The guy I talked to at mental health said I needed to be strong with my doctor and make sure to let him know how I feel. That's exactly what I did, I was just being a bit rude and sarcastic about it when I finally stood up to him. The part that bugs me the most is that I only had 6 months to go and I would have legally been allowed to own a gun again but this fuck head had to lie to the police and screw everything up. So this is what I get for begging for better health care. All I wanted was a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy, Or at least pain meds. Ideally I want the left testicle removed but they won't help with any of it. I'm usually not such a bad guy but I'm fed up with this poor health care they offer. I'm glad I got banned from that clinic and have a better doctor now.

Here is a link to the screen shot of what was actually said.
I did not threaten to shoot anyone.
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I should sue that doctor for lying to the police if I could afford it.
None of that would have happened if he didn't lie about what was said.
I had 6 months to go and I could have legally gone hunting.

I think now that I'm a felon this messes up my section 8 housing too.
I've been on the section 8 housing list for over 5 years already.
I was number 3500 something when I first signed up, I'm number 486 now.
I'm not sure that I am still eligible for a section 8 housing voucher as a felon.
And if I am I'm not so sure I'll find an apartment willing to rent to a felon.
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"There is a back story to why i said what I did. When I was a child a woman pulled and twisted my left nut, and it has hurt ever since. The doctor knew this story and he knew about my injury but he refuses to help with my low testosterone range Or the pain I have. I have also had a few ultra sounds done of my testicle and it shows calcium in my testicle and he still refuses to help me with the pain. I probably would have never even said anything to him, but I was upset with this doctor one day so I went to the mental health office and talked to someone about it. The guy I talked to at mental health said I needed to be strong with my doctor and make sure to let him know how I feel. That's exactly what I did, I was just being a bit rude and sarcastic about it when I finally stood up to him. The part that bugs me the most is that I only had 6 months to go and I would have legally been allowed to own a gun again but this fuck head had to lie to the police and screw everything up. So this is what I get for begging for better health care. All I wanted was a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy, Or at least pain meds. Ideally I want the left testicle removed but they won't help with any of it. I'm usually not such a bad guy but I'm fed up with this poor health care they offer. I'm glad I got banned from that clinic and have a better doctor now."

Just the 2nd last paragraph had me in tears.
If anyone cares to hear it i have updates on how everything is going.
I was told I had to do community activity instead of community service so one of the things I did for about 6 months or so was going to a mental health drop in center.
But that place got taken over by another company. This other company who took over the contract basically ran everyone off in the first two weeks they were open.
No one likes it there now. They refuse to sign my paperwork saying that I was going to the new place too. So I had to find something else to do. I started going to the local senior center and doing meals on wheels. Everyone is really nice there and they have no problem signing my paper work. It became stressful though because I have to ride the bus to and from the senior center and there has been multiple times I was waiting for the bus to pick me up on the way home and the bus driver just drives right by me leaving me at the bus stop to wait another half hour plus for the next bus or walk across town to get home.

I complained to my probation officer about this and she actually listened to me. So far my probation officer has been really easy to get along with. She wants me to go two more months and then she says we can change my probation so that I don't have to check in in the office anymore, which I believe means I'll be done turning in my sign in sheet. She says once my probation changes I will just have to call in once a month instead of going into the probation office once every two months. I've been on probation 9 months already and they have not drug tested me yet. I even asked if she wanted to test me the last time I was there and she said she's not worried about that. I think it's because my crime wasn't drug related.

Also working at the senior center has just turned into work and further stressing me out. I recently signed up for some classes at my local college and they have been signing my paperwork. So at least a couple days a week I Don't have to go to the senior center.

What I'm most happy about is that I read about early termination of probation. I read you generally have to serve at least half your probation time and pay all court and probation fee's. I talked to my probation officer about this and she said I will be eligible for early termination of probation. All my fee's should be paid off by next month too which my PO said is good because anything positive I can do looks good when she has to report to her supervisor.

So for the most part I should be off probation in the next 9 months or so and I only have to keep the stressful part of getting my paper work signed for the next couple months, and after that I just have to call in once a month.

Another thing I'm happy about is that if I get early termination of probation then I can instantly file for a felony expungement. And after that I just need a governors pardon to get my gun rights back. I've been on the section 8 housing waiting list for over 5 years already and if I don't get that felony expunged soon enough I don't know that anyone will rent to a felon. Without early termination of probation I might not get the felony expunged in time.

I've really been feeling the itch to smoke again.
I can't wait to get off probation so I can smoke and get drunk and do all the other naughty things I want to do.
Things are looking up. I finally got blood work done with my new doctor on Friday.
I got the results today, and it came back low this time.
I might have to submit to more tests/labs and test low again to get approved for testosterone replacement therapy.
But for now this is a step in the right direction. This is the very reason I got into it with that last doctor and now I'm feeling like
I was right the whole time and it was worth standing up to him. When I asked him if I could be tested again, he said we would talk about it later.
Three months later and he still couldn't bother to even talk about it with me.

For some reason I'm not able to post a pic of my lab results.
I'll try to just post the link to the pic.



Update! I am down to 62 days left of probation.
So far after 6 months in jail and almost finishing 3 years of probation.
The authorities have still not drug or alcohol tested me once, Or ever come to the house for an inspection.
I hope to be up and growing again soon, after I'm done with probation. I've already started saving money so I can party when I get off.
It makes me really sad that before I got arrested the cops were snooping around. So I deleted most of my pic's and video's
of my previous grows. The video I miss the most was of my outdoor plants that were about 6 feet wide and ten foot tall.
I don't plan to grow trees like that again. Lucky for me there was a recent article in the local paper that said city planners
have okayed out door grow in certain parts of the city and county, and my area is listed as allowed, for next year.
I always did 6 OD in the past but now I will actually have the legal go ahead. I don't know what month this starts but I
should have enough money for a decent OD grow by then. I can't wait to drink and smoke again soon. It's going to be so nice.
I'm sure I will get properly blazed seeing how it will have been over 3 1/2 years since I last smoked by the time I get to again.
Also I'm using a law firm to do felony expunge and I also paid them to do early termination of probation.
But they wouldn't let me off early because they still claim there is a victim, which there never way any victim.
I paid $1000 for the early termination and never got it. But the law firm also confirmed that my charge is a wobbler.
Meaning it can be a felony or a misdemeanor, and they said they are going to try to get it reduced to a misdemeanor.
Which if they do then I can get my gun rights back, so I'm hoping for that. It was another $500 for the felony expunge
and I'm at least getting that for sure.
Also I'm using a law firm to do felony expunge and I also paid them to do early termination of probation.
But they wouldn't let me off early because they still claim there is a victim, which there never way any victim.
I paid $1000 for the early termination and never got it. But the law firm also confirmed that my charge is a wobbler.
Meaning it can be a felony or a misdemeanor, and they said they are going to try to get it reduced to a misdemeanor.
Which if they do then I can get my gun rights back, so I'm hoping for that. It was another $500 for the felony expunge
and I'm at least getting that for sure.

There is a victim here...you.
you can't go threatening other people with bodily harm and expect them to take it as a joke. this is not in high school anymore. good for the doctor for reporting you, I'm tired of the whole 'I'm going to fuck you up' response to every little thing people don't agree with. Americans are quick to jump on the violence bandwagon because most are so brain dead they don't know anything else. seem to think real life is like the movies and TV where a normal reaction is to have a shootout, a fistfight, a standoff... dumbasses jesus christ......learn how to control your emotions and don't threaten people. there's millions of doctors in the world. If you don't like what your doctor is saying you get a second opinion and a third. that's what normal people do. threatening to rip somebodys balls off just because you don't like one thing or another is fucking STUPID.

you can't go threatening other people with bodily harm and expect them to take it as a joke. this is not in high school anymore. good for the doctor for reporting you, I'm tired of the whole 'I'm going to fuck you up' response to every little thing people don't agree with. Americans are quick to jump on the violence bandwagon because most are so brain dead they don't know anything else. seem to think real life is like the movies and TV where a normal reaction is to have a shootout, a fistfight, a standoff... dumbasses jesus christ......learn how to control your emotions and don't threaten people. there's millions of doctors in the world. If you don't like what your doctor is saying you get a second opinion and a third. that's what normal people do. threatening to rip somebodys balls off just because you don't like one thing or another is fucking STUPID.


But really I did nothing more than you just did to me. All I did was give him a piece of my mind like you did to me.
And I never threatened anyone to rip their balls off or otherwise. It was just a rude and sarcastic question.
Basically asking how would you like it if it happened to you.
But really I did nothing more than you just did to me. All I did was give him a piece of my mind like you did to me.
And I never threatened anyone to rip their balls off or otherwise. It was just a rude and sarcastic question.
Basically asking how would you like it if it happened to you.

You're not going to have much success for the remainder of your life if you attribute all of your poor decisions to the actions of others. You shouldn't of done what you did under any circumstances if you wanted to act logically and avoid the unfavorable outcomes you have faced. By accepting that you did something stupid, you may reduce the probability of doing a similar thing again and having more painful results.

To me it looks like you're destined to something stupid again, until you learn how to control your emotions.
But really I did nothing more than you just did to me. All I did was give him a piece of my mind like you did to me.
And I never threatened anyone to rip their balls off or otherwise. It was just a rude and sarcastic question.
Basically asking how would you like it if it happened to you.
The only thing I’ll call you on is, when the boys in blue have a physical warrant, no amount of violence is going to make shit easier on you. I’d invoke the fifth, ask for a lawyer, and wait. As much as I’d love to give some of these assholes a smack sometimes, people die over this shit. Be careful with your reactions.