Epilepsy treatment strains


New Member
Hello everyone I was curious if there are any patients out there medicating for epilepsy treatment. I was looking for specific strains that people r using for this purpose or have had good results with. I know that a lot of seed banks have cbd strains but have heard that strains higher in THCa are working better for epilepsy treatment. I have ordered through Herbie's before or would consider driving to Michigan if need b. Please any information or testimonials would b greatly appreciated my daughter has been on several medications with no results including one that may make her partial blind. I can not consciously keep giving her these, knowing there may b a safer alternative.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone I was curious if there are any patients out there medicating for epilepsy treatment. I was looking for specific strains that people r using for this purpose or have had good results with. I know that a lot of seed banks have cbd strains but have heard that strains higher in THCa are working better for epilepsy treatment. I have ordered through Herbie's before or would consider driving to Michigan if need b. Please any information or testimonials would b greatly appreciated my daughter has been on several medications with no results including one that may make her partial blind. I can not consciously keep giving her these, knowing there may b a safer alternative.
@budolskie may have some insight in this area


Well-Known Member
Extrema, Harlequin, Juanita La Langrimosa, Dance Hall, Franks Gift
tries they can all work depends on the patient.
Good luck.

Quoted from both a scholar and a gentleman, hope this helps


Well-Known Member
cannatonic,Friend of mine uses it for it

But saying that just look for a high cbd strain,there are a load out there now,but he said a ultra low thc one does not work has good has one with a 1/1 ratio,also try using hemp oil


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone I was curious if there are any patients out there medicating for epilepsy treatment. I was looking for specific strains that people r using for this purpose or have had good results with. I know that a lot of seed banks have cbd strains but have heard that strains higher in THCa are working better for epilepsy treatment. I have ordered through Herbie's before or would consider driving to Michigan if need b. Please any information or testimonials would b greatly appreciated my daughter has been on several medications with no results including one that may make her partial blind. I can not consciously keep giving her these, knowing there may b a safer alternative.
Vision seeds ( Blue power) 16% thc
High CBD cross between Blueberry white widow and skunk #1.


New Member
My younger brother has epilepsy (recurrent grand mal seizures) they had him on ridiculous doses of Keppra without good results and then several other medications with similar side effects. About nine months ago he began taking high doses of cbd's under his tongue and has had a significant drop in the frequency of seizures. We have tried several brands (living in Colorado) and they all seem to work equally. Now we just get one of the cheaper ones. We haven't tried thc, my 18 year old brother is actually opposed to getting high, but any high concentration of CBD has shown significant benefits and improved quality of life. He still takes depakote, but has gone from multiple seizures a week to one approximately every three to four months.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
I spend a few hundred hours actually reading every bit of material on this subject and how thc and cbd and cbn work and how it affects your body . actually your brain . not going to bore the fuck out of you . suggest looking into the brand . (CBD CREW ) best I have seen for what your looking for . .


New Member
My younger brother has epilepsy (recurrent grand mal seizures) they had him on ridiculous doses of Keppra without good results and then several other medications with similar side effects. About nine months ago he began taking high doses of cbd's under his tongue and has had a significant drop in the frequency of seizures. We have tried several brands (living in Colorado) and they all seem to work equally. Now we just get one of the cheaper ones. We haven't tried thc, my 18 year old brother is actually opposed to getting high, but any high concentration of CBD has shown significant benefits and improved quality of life. He still takes depakote, but has gone from multiple seizures a week to one approximately every three to four months.
Thanks keppra is also not working for us. keep me posted expecally if you guys do star with a the tch too wich I am most Leary about.


New Member
I most definitely will. One thing I forgot to mention in my first post was how much smoking it helped with his nausea. After my brothers seizures, he would immediately get extremely sick, throwing up everywhere. The nausea medication never worked. One day after a particularly long saizure, he started to throw up. My mom has a vape pen with thc in it and gave my brother a hit. He immediately stopped throwing up.

We have only tried this twice because my brother is opposed to "getting high" and now with his seizures being 3-4 months apart, he hasn't had to. But I've gotta say, I've never seen something work so strongly and immediately like that. He went from vomiting constantly to just laying there relaxed in a matter of seconds. Seeing that makes me think there could be other benefits of the thc as well.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
works for my vertical as well . i have a lot of meds for it from the ear nose throat doc . from a sea sick med makes you feel grounded and a some very powerful meds that are very hard on the liver and kidneys made only for severe cases . ill get so dizzy i will throw up every thing even dry heave and be spinning with no end in site laying next to the toilet holding on for life . . these meds do work take only when needed . puts you to sleep if you will or zombie . but i get dizzy a lot . cbd used weekly and lightly not like my woman lol . keeps the dizzy away for months at a time . some thing about it works idk but if it makes yo feel better its a good thing .