A contradiction in thought


Well-Known Member
Some conservatives claim democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because minority voters tend to vote democratic;

"Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) may have let the cat out of the bag when he confirmed the true reason behind his party’s push toward amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Elections. Specifically, amnesty would bring in 4-5 million new Democrats." - "Rusty" - The Political Insider

Some of these same people also claim democrats support abortion because they want to eliminate black people;

"It's stunning how Democratic Party operatives and other pundits and politicians who are expressing outrage over Trump’s words seem unconcerned about the devastating impact that the reality of abortion has on Black Americans." - Frances Rice - The National Black Republican Association

Except black Americans vote democratic by wide margins

So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?


Well-Known Member
Some conservatives claim democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because minority voters tend to vote democratic;

"Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) may have let the cat out of the bag when he confirmed the true reason behind his party’s push toward amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Elections. Specifically, amnesty would bring in 4-5 million new Democrats." - "Rusty" - The Political Insider

Some of these same people also claim democrats support abortion because they want to eliminate black people;

"It's stunning how Democratic Party operatives and other pundits and politicians who are expressing outrage over Trump’s words seem unconcerned about the devastating impact that the reality of abortion has on Black Americans." - Frances Rice - The National Black Republican Association

Except black Americans vote democratic by wide margins

So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?


Well-Known Member
Some conservatives claim democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because minority voters tend to vote democratic;

"Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) may have let the cat out of the bag when he confirmed the true reason behind his party’s push toward amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Elections. Specifically, amnesty would bring in 4-5 million new Democrats." - "Rusty" - The Political Insider

Some of these same people also claim democrats support abortion because they want to eliminate black people;

"It's stunning how Democratic Party operatives and other pundits and politicians who are expressing outrage over Trump’s words seem unconcerned about the devastating impact that the reality of abortion has on Black Americans." - Frances Rice - The National Black Republican Association

Except black Americans vote democratic by wide margins

So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?
The smarter blacks take birth control or have abortions if they are not married and vote almost 50 50 while the dumber ones have kids and live on welfare and can be somewhat controlled but vote almost 100% demorat.


Well-Known Member
"So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?"

If you think backasswards maybe.......bongsmilie

Ya know trying to even explain anything to someone who comes up with that kind of Logic...

Is Futile!:wall:


Well-Known Member
"So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?"

If you think backasswards maybe.......bongsmilie

Ya know trying to even explain anything to someone who comes up with that kind of Logic...

Is Futile!:wall:
The logic republicans who believe both of these positions doesn't follow because democrats don't support amnesty for the votes, they support it because deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants is wrong. Democrats don't oppose a woman's right to choose for the votes, they support it because it's the right thing to do

Republicans seem to hold many contradicting beliefs..


Well-Known Member
"So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?"

If you think backasswards maybe.......bongsmilie

Ya know trying to even explain anything to someone who comes up with that kind of Logic...

Is Futile!:wall:
As futile as your sock puppet life.


Well-Known Member
Some conservatives claim democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because minority voters tend to vote democratic;

"Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) may have let the cat out of the bag when he confirmed the true reason behind his party’s push toward amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Elections. Specifically, amnesty would bring in 4-5 million new Democrats." - "Rusty" - The Political Insider

Some of these same people also claim democrats support abortion because they want to eliminate black people;

"It's stunning how Democratic Party operatives and other pundits and politicians who are expressing outrage over Trump’s words seem unconcerned about the devastating impact that the reality of abortion has on Black Americans." - Frances Rice - The National Black Republican Association

Except black Americans vote democratic by wide margins

So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?
Good points all.

This has been going on forever with gerrymandering, felon for life can't vote in the south etc.

1/3 of the male black populace in Florida are ineligible to vote.

The paradox in question however is easily solved: money

It doesn't matter if (for this example) black populace can deliver more Dems through birth because the one thing near and dear to a conservative heart is his money. This would equal (in their mind) more government; more taxes therefore more social services for those lazy and 'on the dole'.

What did I win?:mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
The logic republicans who believe both of these positions doesn't follow because democrats don't support amnesty for the votes, they support it because deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants is wrong. Democrats don't oppose a woman's right to choose for the votes, they support it because it's the right thing to do

Republicans seem to hold many contradicting beliefs..
Personally I like it when they do that. It exposes their real intentions. Not long ago I was driving through some worthless state listening to am radio. It was right after those Texas laws about abortion clinics were struck down. You know, the ones that required admitting privileges to a hospital and corridors 80" wide. The host and his callers were spitting bullets that the courts wouldn't allow them to "make it safer" for women. It seems that they found it upsetting that OSHA should be allowed to make safety rules for employees when it was clear to them that OSHA's real goal was to bankrupt private businesses. And they they never did make the logical jump that the intent of the Texas laws was to ban abortions contrary to the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
Personally I like it when they do that. It exposes their real intentions. Not long ago I was driving through some worthless state listening to am radio. It was right after those Texas laws about abortion clinics were struck down. You know, the ones that required admitting privileges to a hospital and corridors 80" wide. The host and his callers were spitting bullets that the courts wouldn't allow them to "make it safer" for women. It seems that they found it upsetting that OSHA should be allowed to make safety rules for employees when it was clear to them that OSHA's real goal was to bankrupt private businesses. And they they never did make the logical jump that the intent of the Texas laws was to ban abortions contrary to the Constitution.
When was it put in the constitution?