doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

Just a mini 4 ton press :p doing 3X3 plates.. only squishing for myself so it should do.
that's how it

& then:
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i tried squishing flowers in the missus hair straightener the other day..massive fail lol..but I think the buds were to dry to start with

Oh man you should see how many buds I've squished and got nothing lol.. I learned the hard way the buds need a but of moisture to get good returns

Thought I'd throw this out there. I just tried my first stab at it couple weeks ago with the wife's straightener. Got pretty shitty returns for the effort. So I took my small press that I use for keif pucks and pressed the buds before using the iron, worked way better, I took some BBK that's been jarred for 3 years, pressed and squished it...fukin amazing. I'm hooked for sure.