My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
Hi Doc, nice work, how many days would you ideally like to have vegged for and how long do you plan to flower if these are girls?

Heres a photo of my one Snow White also from Nirvana at day 13 (today). When would be the ideal time to take clones from her before flowering? Will you take clones from yours?


Well-Known Member
WOW I HAVE BEEN TO FAR GONE FOR AWHILE your doing great!!!! I hope that your plants are growing I remember when I just started to 12/12 them and I was like shit man these things are growing like an inch a second! now its three weeks later and its gone already over 3x the hight that it was supposed to be. It is pretty close to being 4x and I am using cfls.... So theres a fact for ya CFLs can do just as good of a job!!!! anyway i cant wait to find out if you got females it took me about 14 days UGH and remember to check the lights every time they are about to turn off and turn back on I got a couple top fan leaves burnt on one of my females ugh!!!! 3 times keep up the good work they are beauties!


Well-Known Member
Ideally i would have vegged for another 7 days at least and im gunna flowere these for at least 7 or 8 weeks if they are girls. If not then im gunna start that feminized Pure Power Plant and veg for at least 4-5 weeks and then flower...


Well-Known Member
Heres a photo of my one Snow White also from Nirvana at day 13 (today). When would be the ideal time to take clones from her before flowering? Will you take clones from yours?
Looks good, i would take clones the week before you switch to 12/12. And no im not going to take clones from mine because i don't have the setup to do that. Im thinking about building a PC clone chamber.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice, also, could you let me know how often you watered and fed? I killed my first plant with neem oil by accident and want to be extra careful with this one. The other was at day 23 :( Thanks again, your grow is impressive. How many total lights do you use?

Also, I still have not fed mine nutes as I beleive my first grow began having signs of slight burn (very dark green for a few days then bottom leaves beginning to yellow from the tip inwards)

When did you begin administering nutrients and at what level?
Sorry for the questions but you've got a perfect example of how I think a cfl grow should go.

Also, is there a limit to the number of clones I should take? I will need to be putting them into stasis (refrigerator) until the space is free, like you, I only have one area at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice, also, could you let me know how often you watered and fed? I killed my first plant with neem oil by accident and want to be extra careful with this one. The other was at day 23 :( Thanks again, your grow is impressive. How many total lights do you use?

Also, I still have not fed mine nutes as I beleive my first grow began having signs of slight burn (very dark green for a few days then bottom leaves beginning to yellow from the tip inwards)

When did you begin administering nutrients and at what level?
Sorry for the questions but you've got a perfect example of how I think a cfl grow should go.

Also, is there a limit to the number of clones I should take? I will need to be putting them into stasis (refrigerator) until the space is free, like you, I only have one area at the moment.
Thank you dont worry ask whatever questions you need to. I water every day. And i started feeding it nutes the day it popped out of the soil. I use three lights right now. Two 42 Watt 2700K cfl's and One 105 Watt 5000K CFL.

There really is no set number of clones you can take, it all depends on how big the plant is...


Well-Known Member
But you water everyday and how often do you feed? Every other day? including water or instead of water?


Well-Known Member
But you water everyday and how often do you feed? Every other day? including water or instead of water?
I technically feed everytime because i use the Fox Farm big bloom + H20 every day and then every other day i use a combination of H20 + superthrive + Fox Farm tiger bloom.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Day 2 of 12/12

Kinda disapointed that it's not growing vertical as much your plant's toronto, but now that i can measure them im gunna keep track.


Active Member
Very nice doc. I'm impressed with how short yet bushy you've kept them. Don't be ashamed of the shortness, some growers (like myself) would rather have short plants instead of leggy ones. It's a good thing in so many ways! Can't wait to see some pussy hairs huh? If female, would you clone it? I think I read you weren't going to. Got plans for your next crop? How are your temps? Are you in a box or what? These questions may have been answered already, but I'm late to see your whole thread and I'm using my blackberry for internet so reading all of it might take a day or two. I caught the start and the last 3 pages. Please fill me in as to what I've missed.
By the way, thanks for all the feedback on my grow. I'll be waiting to see your girls (hopefully) shine.


Well-Known Member
Very nice doc. I'm impressed with how short yet bushy you've kept them. Don't be ashamed of the shortness, some growers (like myself) would rather have short plants instead of leggy ones. It's a good thing in so many ways! Can't wait to see some pussy hairs huh? If female, would you clone it? I think I read you weren't going to. Got plans for your next crop? How are your temps? Are you in a box or what? These questions may have been answered already, but I'm late to see your whole thread and I'm using my blackberry for internet so reading all of it might take a day or two. I caught the start and the last 3 pages. Please fill me in as to what I've missed.
By the way, thanks for all the feedback on my grow. I'll be waiting to see your girls (hopefully) shine.
Thanks samsosa. Some way's i like the short stockyness but sometimes i don't. I thought about cloning it but i have no where to veg clones right now. Im using a rubbermaid container lined with emergency blankets and temps are sitting around 77-80F. Im thinking about constructing a PC case for a clone veg chamber.

My next crop is gunna be some Feminized Pure Power Plant, i already got the seeds from nirvana. That is why i started these plants on 12/12 so i can get the ball rolling a little faster.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Chronic, cant believe ive just read 44 pages lol. I recently started a cfl grow for my first time too. Although i dont have nearly as many cfls as you do. I have one 23 watt per plant (3 Plants). But trust me, they are looking really good. The first week i had them on 24/0 for about two weeks. A week ago i switched them to 12/12. I wanted to try the dutch grow 12/12 from seed but didnt have a timer. There was no need to keep your lights 1 inch away lol. Although they look very nice and bushy, its just going to be a small bud. Dont get me wrong they will keep growing through flowering, but I would keep them no less than 2 inches and no more than 4 inches. GL bro they look pretty :).


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, man.. don't worry they'll take off.. I mean unless the specific genetics of your plant are keeping it that bushy.. but I highly doubt that.. it'll grow, trust me bud.. I have pictures as proof :) Just give it some time..

My Theory: The 24hrs of darkness I gave my plants kinda gave it a tiny kick start into flowering which is why it started to shoot up quicker than yours.. So in saying that if you give it say an extra day or two over mine it'll catch up and take off.. Just tossing that out there bud ! to either be agreed or debated dun matter.. final word is.. It will happen !!!



Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, man.. don't worry they'll take off.. I mean unless the specific genetics of your plant are keeping it that bushy.. but I highly doubt that.. it'll grow, trust me bud.. I have pictures as proof :) Just give it some time..

My Theory: The 24hrs of darkness I gave my plants kinda gave it a tiny kick start into flowering which is why it started to shoot up quicker than yours.. So in saying that if you give it say an extra day or two over mine it'll catch up and take off.. Just tossing that out there bud ! to either be agreed or debated dun matter.. final word is.. It will happen !!!

Thanks i know its just frustrating sometimes. But thing's could be alot worse i suppose. Im thinking my 105 W light is so strong it has no light to reach for... Im thinking about taking it out and replacing it with a 42 Watt 2700K CFL. Idk at this point im not sure, but im not gunna trip over some bagseed.


Well-Known Member
Exactly dude, your supposed to be relaxing and enjoying growing lol its teaches patience right ... patience my ass, lol.. And yeah, it could be worse you could have boys like me.. be in no rush.. enjoy your Pre-Pubesent plants while you can ... cause once they hit puberty its a mess.. lol

Another opinion take it or leave it but...In flowerin I PERSONALLY think the more light the better.. so don't take the 105W out.. if anything just move it up a few more inches.. but keep the light, it can only help !!



Well-Known Member
Yeah i only thought of that because if there is less light then the plant will have to reach more for it, but i will keep it in there for now...


Well-Known Member
LoL, its funny cause im getting frustrated bout how much water to give it, nutrients, and my lighting system. But everything is going perfectly fine. We just bugging lol. I cant wait to see yours bud dude. Also I cant wait for mines. Want me to post some pics of mine tomarow? They sleeping rite now =P.