Lots of thc leads to impotence....

I sometimes wish my dick would stop working. I would be able to think about many more important things, and fulfill much more of my potential. It's always fucking raring to go, regardless of my mood or how I feel. It's like being a teenager, such a waste of time. The only time it didn't work was when I was coked out of my mind. But even then a couple of drinks would bring it back to life. Fucking stupid dick. Where's the off button???
I've been in there frequently ....the flat earth thread is full of paid Russian pedophiles trolls if you do go watch out for reddong81 I think that's his name .......he's definately a Russian troll and will want to PM you playing naked twister or close ups of your bunghole .....he already took advantage of a poor nine year old named kul who's handicap and wears a oopsy helmet .....also watch out for mellowman.........your better off staying away like Tyler said
I sometimes wish my dick would stop working. I would be able to think about many more important things, and fulfill much more of my potential. It's always fucking raring to go, regardless of my mood or how I feel. It's like being a teenager, such a waste of time. The only time it didn't work was when I was coked out of my mind. But even then a couple of drinks would bring it back to life. Fucking stupid dick. Where's the off button???

My wife is good for maybe one pound ing a day.

My dick wants to squirt an average of 3 times a day.

The fuck?
Dude, one time I fucked a fat chick from work.. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. I mean fat chicks, you know the saying.. Just like a moped it's fun to ride but you don't tell your friends about it.

Well it wasn't happening for me, and even though I was unattracted to her, I let that bog me down mentally that I couldn't perform. I was looking for an excuse to back out.. But, it fucked me up for awhile. Made the next time really awkward and uncomfortable with the next chick, eventually wore off and subsided though. But my depression has gotten worse and I generally avoid people at all costs, so my dick works great but I'm too afraid to socialize and don't get to use it anymore!
Honestly man. I know we're dicks in here(no pun intended). But I wouldn't feel uncomfortable being brutally honest in TNT. I really don't think you'd be ridiculed/exiled or anything. I'd expect a few funny jabs but also possibly some solid advice (i'd do the full physical if I were you)

Are you on any other medications? I agree you sound depressed which can have a huge effect on the way the dangus dangles. It also sounds like you're totally in your head about it now. Having a mental thing about it could totally fuck things up. E.g. one time this superhot girl was trying very hard to slurp my slimjim but i was like a marshmallow. I knew she had fucked one of my more subhuman caveman type friends and that's all i could think about. Not happening.

Also, why the fuck is your aunt talkin bout your dick? Fuck dat hoe.
Yeah I know it seems tnt is usually a bunch of bored stoners cracking up all day, but I've always liked it here even though I usually don't post stuff. And that's exactly what I was thinking before making this thread, that there would be jabs here an there but hopefully some good advice, that's usually how it goes lol.
I'm not on any other medications. It's totally in my head, that's all I've been thinking about all month. And when I masterbate I'm more aware it's just not what it use to be( it feels good to be brutally honest).
And my aunts concerns are a whole other story lmao!! Well hell I guess I can share that real quick. When I was 20 I was living with her and my two cousins. Long story short, she found a bunch of dick pics I sent my now recent ex lol.
So that's the fucking boat I'm in right now.
I must be a big fat pussy. I've tried to quit for atleast a couple years now. Most days I just say fuck it and stay pretty stoned. Other days I'll go all day without smoking. But I always give in before its time for bed. I've lost contact with all my old friends and a lot of my family because I rather get high and be in my own world. I've been trying to quit the past couple years for those reasons, but have not been successful. Well fuck me. Long story short, I'm fucking impotent. I'm 33, far too young to start taking viagra or whatever people take to get their dick hard. So now I have to choose between continuing on with my shitty life, or sobering up so hopefully my dick will start working again one day.
Dude it's the depression that is killing your boners, not the weed. That kind of isolation can wreck your self confidence, I would suggest getting out there and finding some people you're actually excited to see, who make you feel good about yourself, get your self confidence back up and see if something else doesn't start getting back up. Also start taking long walks, cardio helps improve blood flow everywhere (but my money is still on this being a psychological, rather than physical, problem).
Do you exercise? Your metabolism may be part of what's going on.
I try man. Usually how it goes is I'll be super motivated and work out for a week, maybe a month tops, and laziness eventually takes over. I just started doing push ups and sit ups again two days ago lol. I'm planning on getting a bunch of multi vitamins next time I go into town as well. Hopefully that might do something.
I try man. Usually how it goes is I'll be super motivated and work out for a week, maybe a month tops, and laziness eventually takes over. I just started doing push ups and sit ups again two days ago lol. I'm planning on getting a bunch of multi vitamins next time I go into town as well. Hopefully that might do something.

How often do you masturbate? Maybe too much? Try a break from all the fun stuff in your life (weed, jackin it) and maybe your Willy will come back to life.
Dude it's the depression that is killing your boners, not the weed. That kind of isolation can wreck your self confidence, I would suggest getting out there and finding some people you're actually excited to see, who make you feel good about yourself, get your self confidence back up and see if something else doesn't start getting back up. Also start taking long walks, cardio helps improve blood flow everywhere (but my money is still on this being a psychological, rather than physical, problem).
I hope that's the culprit here. I'm also thinking maybe my aunt really did jinx me cause ever since she told me all this, it's been on my mind.
I really wish I could be more open because there's kind of a lot more to the story, but unfortunately there's some people in my life who know that this is my account, so I can't be totally anonymous, and apparently these dam mods don't play around.
I'm trying to get myself back out there. But it sucks getting back out there when my dick don't work. Working out and cardio are going to be my main thing for the next few weeks. I'll let y'all know if it helps.
I hope that's the culprit here. I'm also thinking maybe my aunt really did jinx me cause ever since she told me all this, it's been on my mind.
I really wish I could be more open because there's kind of a lot more to the story, but unfortunately there's some people in my life who know that this is my account, so I can't be totally anonymous, and apparently these dam mods don't play around.
I'm trying to get myself back out there. But it sucks getting back out there when my dick don't work. Working out and cardio are going to be my main thing for the next few weeks. I'll let y'all know if it helps.

Maybe you just need more attractive companions?
It's difficult to be disciplined with cardio. Something that increases your heart rate man, that's what pumps your blood in case you haven't heard.
Yea I guess I'm also kind of a dum fuck. Your logic makes sense. Now I'm taking a hike tomorrow with my dog if the weather permits it. Ive been wanting to try to get more healthy, seems like junk food is cheaper and more convenient, and soooo good when ur high late at night.
I'd recc jerking off at least 3x's/day. Much easer than jogging, but do both.
When I googled weed and impotence the other night, another thing it said was abusive masterbation. I think that's what it said. And that got me thinking maybe I'm jerkin it too much? It's an every morning ritual, rarely twice in the same day. So last night I told myself I gotta quit weed and I gotta quit jerkin it for awhile, I wasn't able to not jerk it this morning, I guess I'm addicted to that too..